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About HansRoaming

  • Birthday 02/07/1968

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    Alpha Geek!

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    Also fly DCS + Aerofly

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  1. Just something that is a rough approximation to help, but if you don't use it fair enough and thanks for the review, bought it after reading it and like it. After getting MSFS I'm trying hard to break the habit of wanting to own every plane the ever gets released but you got to have the good ones 😀
  2. Just got this, what does anyone use for Simbrief?
  3. Incidentally I'm using an Asus Mobo, P6T (i7 920 @ 3.8Ghz) with an ASUS STRIX 970. Since am looking to build a new rig within a couple of weeks and will be migrating my PMDG fleet into P3D (fresh installs into fresh OS) then there is no point submitting a ticket at this time for me.
  4. Fantastic, especially as this already looks to be better fps wise than the 777 when it will come to release. My next rig will be running P3 V3 and the first installs will be the PMDG line of aircraft. Will be good to see your first modern airliner on x-plane as well but that's a discussion for another time, not of course that I won't be flying the DC-6.
  5. No worries Kyle, I've PM'd Schmo as well in case he remembers.
  6. That's a lot of spend and planning to down the line now that memory management is a lot better but in the meantime I just wondered if someone had found a fix for Schmo before submitting a ticket.
  7. Sorry to necro this thread but apart from finding a repaint that works (and haven't installed a new one in a long time) I have exactly the same symptoms. In the 777 everything works fine and I've looked at SimConnect settings as well as shifted the viewpoint around. What was the solution to this issue please?
  8. Hopefully you'll get this far but here is what I would like: 64bit Platform level thinking in its design so things like versioned APIs, script engines and so on the reason being this gives it legs A base free or low subscription cost model DLC with auto update encompassing both payware and freeware Low cost add ons To give some back ground with FSX I have probably spent £2000 on its ecosystem, MS got FSX Delux and Acceleration. If by building an ecosystem that could thrive and focused on volume ala Steam sales model (where they make more money for the developer) then to me this would be a platform that I'd happily invest in. Think if aircraft and airports sold for a £1 how many people would buy them on speculation and if developers paid 10p of that pound to distribute how much DTG would make. In terms of content then for me: configuration for controllers ala FSUIPC / DCS With X-Plane the killer troika for scenery is G2XPL, World2Xplane and the HD Meshes. At least the latter two can be stunning so leverage OSM and so on as it can give a VFR experience. Some good base scenery and planes but I never fly them when I buy a sim I buy the high end stuff, maybe not a typical user but then I spend more than 50 typical users on my sims.
  9. Custom PAJN, please share detail.... Liking this improvement and agree the X-Plane ecosystem seems to have leaped ahead in terms of visuals, like AeroFly but with complexity!
  10. Yeah I saw that, I guess what I'm saying is that apart from developers who have done their own sound engines it can be pretty poor compared to FSX and its sound cones. Maybe its the planes but that is my impression, could be wrong.
  11. Having recently built up an X-plane ecosystem installation alongside FSX I would concur with others that having FSX, DCS and X-Plane is a great match, especially as X-Plane seems to offer more general quality scenery with HD Mesh, World2XP and G2XP which for me in the UK means photo scenery without looking at flat wall paper when down low. PFPX, Navigraph and Plan-G work with it and there is a collection of high end aircraft that complement the high end aircraft in FSX and I seem to get high FPS with more complex scenery than FSX. What I really like is 64 bit means that I don't have to use Scenery manager to choose in advance which scenery I want in FSX. What I would like is Aivlasoft EFB, Opus (FSRealWX is not bad) and Vox ATC or equivalents to work with X-Plane as well as some improvements such as seasons and a better default sound engine as it lags far behind FSX and DCS in immersion. However with all its deficiencies X-Plane and its ecosystem can have some unbeatable moments and with that in mind I would well worth recommending it as a must purchase to another simmer.
  12. Very nice, thanks very much Ryan.
  13. As someone who is enjoying X-Plane 10 on a modern computer am looking forward to this especially the automation as in the good old days a single person trying to fly a plane like this on their own would be considered madness,
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