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Everything posted by Joel

  1. That sounds amazing. I would be a happy happy man if we got all of that tomorrow.
  2. I'm also extremely curious. Great question.
  3. I agree that it's a great add-on but it's still incomparable to the NGX which in almost all aspects is one step ahead.
  4. Well the other company doesn't make their product nearly as realistic as PMDG does. Besides isn't PMDG Boeing certified and not the other company?
  5. I have the NH-D14 and if you have the space in your case, go for it! It's great!
  6. That was actually shown earlier this week.
  7. Hold your horses fellas and don't get too excited. I don't think it'll be released for another three weeks or so.
  8. Honestly, if you guys didn't like the post because you didn't want it to create arguments and "reopen" wounds, then why would you respond and irritate the situation? It's ironic because the you guys don't want to start an argument but in reality, you're creating one.
  9. I got a good laugh out of that. I don't see what was so wrong.
  10. I believe it's the mesh. Like that, if you have an add-on, it'll match with the NGX.If you're talking about the terrain display.
  11. There was one screenshot with 700s and 800s aligned and you can only see the tail. Another classic PMDG tease.
  12. Will the beta right away let testers post videos and pictures or will that come later?
  13. You guys need to check out the new KLAX pictures! The project is turning out GREAT!http://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php?topic=4151.0
  14. What's so bad about Sandy Bridge? I've got a 2600K and I have no problem. I payed the same price as the i7 920 originally was and I easily OCed my chip to 4.5 GHZ on air.
  15. FlightBeam just released KSFO! It looks absolutely fantastic. You can download the free trial just like and FSDreamTeam product. I highly recommend taking a look. It's a top dog scenery add-on. Very nice!
  16. May I ask what Fred is notorious for?
  17. After looking at older posts, I'm wondering, are you guys still going to do shared cockpit?
  18. I may be jumping ahead a little bit but I know that the 777 has the ability to display charts like Approach Plates. Will you guys be able to display these charts within FSX?
  19. Let me be the first to say that I don't really like the paint scheme. Great plane but they had the worst paint choice.
  20. I have a Noctua NH-D14 and it's a greatt air cooler. It outperforms the H70 according to many benchmarks. The only problem is that it's HUGE and it might have issues fitting.
  21. Once the NGX comes out, then peace will return. Until then, people are bound to argue irrationally.
  22. If you want your banner to work, you need to copy and paste the actual picture link instead of the website link.
  23. I absolutely cannot wait for the beta testers to be able to post videos and screenshots. It'll be like endless updates all the way 'till release!
  24. I regret what I posted. I didn't mean to start this again. Anyways, I thought I would keep myself busy by learning the MD-11 while I wait.
  25. I didn't mean to provoke, rather to remind.
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