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  1. Switch on the Battery RSCF PWR SUPPLY 1.- Right System Card Files Power Supply 1 LSCF PWR SUPPLY 1.- Left System Card Files Power Supply 1
  2. Affirmative I think is a B777 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fw37UbRlP7g
  3. It works perfectly with XDisplay on iPad. You can use the App as a trial for 10 min.
  4. check this image for the flight I made yesterday
  5. I use the APP for iPad called XDISPLAY. You can use it for free during 10 min
  6. "B" is the correct one, and OF COURSE it is simulated on the B777NGX
  7. Don't worry gents... it will be released when ready
  8. I tried it and it has a lot of delay since you push a key and it appears on the MCDU. I use XDISPLAY on my iPad and it works perfect, no delay.
  9. Hello roberts, first of all thanks a lot for the update. We cannot wait to fly the amazing b777 you are working on. On the other hand I sent to you a PM long time ago, but now I saw the message about "recruiting B777 pilots and Mechanics". I sent a ticket applying for it due to I am B1/B1 B777 Mechanical qualified working in BA I hope I can help you Thanks a merry Xmas
  10. It's OK gweilo8888, in that case I recomend you try XDISPLAY, you can use it 10 min for free Good Luck
  11. If you check my prvius post I use XDISPLAY not AIRDISPLAY, I tested AIRDISPLAY and it doesnt work properly, XDISPLAY is MUCH BETTER So, in that case there is nothing to do. If you want you can check my hand speed, and compare it with the CDU LAG. Dont worry I am not going waste the time trying to convice you, I tried to explain an alternative to use with FSx or P3D, if you consider it is not good or profitable to use OK, dont use it. I'll do it because I consider is a good tool see you
  12. May be all of you were wrong or I had too much luck, I will see you another fast video I did today to see the GREAT LAG when using the PMDG B737NGX FMC. My PC is 2 years old (Asus P6X58D-E, 6Gb Mushkin DDR3-1333, ASUS GFORCE 480, OCZ Agility 4 256Gb, Intel Core i7 930 2.80 GHz...) Let me know if you consider there is LAG Yes you are right this kind of programs force us to use Windows mode. I check the FPS difference between Window and full screen mode and last one give me 2 o 3 FPS more than Windows Mode, So I not agree again with you (at leats with my setup) I just only install xdisplay on mi iPad and Splashtop Streamer on my PC, no more configs, no more tweaks....and running smoothly
  13. Iuse XDISPLAY soI will reply you according XDIPLAY performace: AirDisplay is simply not a solution. As I said in another thread, the issues are twofold: you have to have the CDU screen slightly overlapped from the AirDisplay monitor to the main monitor, or it stops updating. You're also forced to use windowed mode, which kills your frame rate - Do you think that? I dont see anyhing of the CDU on my main monitor and it updates normally without problems. Frame rates? I dont see any diference between using or nor XDISPLAY. The AirDisplay route is anything but instantaneous, with significant lag even on a powerful PC and tablet. If you saw the modet video I uploaded, there is no LAG between I push a key and it appears on the CDU That is your opinion, but I not agree with you sorry, I am using Xdisplay since I bought it an I am enjoing a lot with it, no problems at all, working smooth with my PC and iPAD On the other hand I explained you can use XDISPLAY during 10 min for FREE, enough time to check if it works properly or not
  14. No, all runs as usual, no frame lock
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