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About doog79

  • Birthday 06/24/1979

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    Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Interests
    Flight Sim, Trecking, Holidays and my 2 boys

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  1. This is a little promo video I was asked to do for Action Stations (Flying with Legends.) I will be doing this flight with the Action Stations team in June, really can`t wait. Not many folks these days can say they flew in formation with a B17 Hope you like it Doogie
  2. Tom I`m sorry to hear your news. You have given so much to the flight sim community over the years. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family what ever the outcome. Doogie
  3. Stan, sounds to me like your not seeing the pop up window for that security warning to trust the new A2A dll file. Its probably behind the FSX window when FSX boots. Hover over the FSX with your mouse on the task bar when this happens you should see two small windows one is FSX the other is the warning, open the warning one, click on run on the security message. That should let FSX boot up normally. Sounds simple huh, been caught out before, sitting there waiting for 10mins forgettinb that window pops up under FSX`s window lol Really hope that is your issue. Doogie
  4. I have FSX SE duel installed beside my normal boxed FSX. Add ons used here UK2000 Edinburgh V3, Alabeo R66 Turbine, PMDG 777, REX Soft Clouds, REX Essentials Plus Overdrive WX and Textures, ### AI Traffic at 100%, FSDreamteam GSX I`ve noticed a slight improvement while capturing video in FSX Steam. Mind you its not as bloated with add ons as my boxed version. All these clips were filmed live with AI traffic set at 100%. FPS were 30 locked no matter what even in the PMDG777
  5. Thanks for the update, duel installed without a hitch Doogie
  6. Well FSdreamteam, A2A and others have just updated their installers to work with FSX SE. It seems to be an open platform to add on developers. I don`t know if PMDG even have to be involved with the Steam market download content. Seems like if they re program their dll hooks and installers the stuff will work. Could be a lot of work for PMDG given the complexity of the aircraft. But if others are doing it I`m sure given time they well be along for the ride also. Just thinking out loud though so don`t read to much into my comment. Doogie
  7. Totally agree, why would any add on company turn down new customers even if DTG take a small slice of the profits it just does`nt make sense. No disrespect PMDG, I would love to see my trip7 work in the steam version even although I have a very solid FSX install just now. Why because I like steam for convenience of purchases and install of software. I never touched PC Gaming until about a year ago, yet I`ve been a flightsimmer for over 15 years but was always a console gamer. Soon as I learned about Steam I never looked back, my PS3 lies redundant. I`d love to be able to fire up steam, look at a huge add on list for sale and purchase something every week or so instead of having multiple accounts over various flightsim stores. It does not make any business sense for an add on developer not to support the influx of customers that will be joining our large but often stuck in our ways community. Doogie
  8. Really an unfair burden...... More people coming to FSX through Steam means more customers for add on developers which equals more revenue for developers. That is a hell of burden lol Sorry Rich I just keep seeing these posts all over the place, it does not make business sense to turn down extra cash. Doogie
  9. Thanks guys. Downloaded and installed the SP and the 300ER latest. Look forward to trying her out over the weekend. Douglas
  10. First FSX video in a while. Here we have the PMDG777-300ERX expansion for the 777 base pack. Wonderful addition to my hanger and a true master class in add on design from PMDG. The 777 has become my go to jetliner in FSX this past year and with the latest service pack it got even better. Thanks for watching Doogie
  11. I am one of those experiencing an non commanded pitch up at AP soft disconnect and also right before landing. On the landing phase it feels like its trying to autoland but to early even although I`m flying manual and have been stable from FAF. It takes quite a push on the stick to counter this upward pitch of the aircraft and does not feel normal at all. I have about 15 landings in the 77W this week and experience it every time. The only controls I have mapped through FSUIPC and sent to FSX are the brake axis. I came on looking to see if anyone else had the issue and it seems I`m not alone. Also looks like you guys have a fix in the works Robert so I`ll see what happens with that. Douglas Reid
  12. When I built this SB rig it was my first build. I was very new to overclocking and had no clue what I was doing. I stuck it on an auto overclock and TBH the results were the same as what can get doing it manually. I have pushed it to 4.6 but I was not happy with the volts I was feeding through the chip. The Auto tuning ASUS suite hit 4.5 so I just copied the numbers from there and added them manually to the BIOS. Apart from having to re do them after a BIOS upgrade it has never missed a beat. I will probably upgrade at the end of the year, keep the 770 and stick the ASUS board and SB chip into a home server at stock clock. It should be good for a few years yet
  13. Rock solid 4.5ghz for 2.5 years. Simming constantly and a lot of gaming as well. Thats on the 2600K with Asus P8P67pro Rev 3.1 board. I`ve upgraded to a GTX770 and an SSD for the OS. Never felt the need to upgrade yet Doogie
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