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Everything posted by Boatinman

  1. This! If there ever was a project where sound would be nearly as important as the model itself it would be this one! Very excited for this! I can see myself now up in Alaska! Looks like it's coming along really nicely!
  2. OK enough of the Saturday/Sunday end of the week debate haha. I don't care what Wikipedia says or anything. PMDG is a United States based Company. In the United States the week ends on Saturday and begins on Sunday. Therefore, it doesn't matter where the heck you are. It matters where they are..in the US :Whew:That being said, I hope the announcement comes soon!!! Whatever it may be!!!
  3. Secret project! How's this for speculation: PMDG has been secretly been working with/taken over Level D's 757! BOOM! :(
  4. So what happens when the carriers start having troubles finding decent pilots over the next few decades, because nobody wants to work for so little? I hear there's already a shortage.
  5. You don't need those, however, to use the VC. You can hold down the space bar and move the mouse to look around the VC.
  6. I got mine working pretty well. It's not the greatest. I've found that Facetrack is a lot better for slower airplanes. I only use it for little VFR flights. Use low smoothing (I use 11), for EWMA I use 88 for min and max and 4 for curve. Then go options: keyboard shortcuts. Set a shortcut for axis inhibitor, and make sure the 3 rotation boxes are unchecked. You'll have to enter the combination every time you start flightsim but it's not a big problem. That's what I use I hope that helps!
  7. Ahhhh I can't wait for this plane! My old next door neighbor was a '9 captain for NWA, but took an offer to fly the T7 for the Emirates just before the DAL takeover.
  8. Looks to be a great year for addons!-ANYTHING PMDG-QW stuff-flightbeam KPHX-DA/Aerosoft CRJAbout the 757...lets think about it...relatively few announcements for years, dev team is friends with PMDG dev. (I read somewhere). I don't wanna start anything but could the Level D 757 be the secret project? Could that also be why it took so long for the ngx (working on 2 planes and all)? If so that would be the greatest thing ever (well close at least).
  9. I feel that all flight sim involves some element of imagination. Why is it so bad to imagine that there is severe turbulence etc.. inside those red cells?
  10. OK here we go...I would like to see a weather radar. I know this is well beaten dead horse, but my view is this: We are all flying on a simulator, and in our particular case, there is quite a bit of imagination that goes into it. Is it that bad to pretend that when you see the red in the radar you need to avoid it? Other developers do it, and people love it. I understand PMDG's view on this, but what is the harm in making it?
  11. Except the 717...just sayin (as that's glass cockpit). From what it looks like here there is a little bit more demand for it than a lot of people realize..and I'm pretty sure if PMDG made one people would buy it regardless. Hell, it would probably boost sales of the actual 717 lol! The guys at Delta would go...Sh** we gotta get some of those!
  12. OK my two pennies. Due to a partnership kinda thingy with Boeing I doubt it will be anything Airbus.Updated 747, 717 (which would be spectacular).I would like to see a PMDG Maddog but I know they don't like to do the older stuff.I doubt it will be a 787 yet because the plane is so new and there's not enough stuff out about it (pure speculation).I would also love to see a 757. Maybe a 757 AND a 767 due to the same type rating...although it would cost $1000...but again those are kinda old..**MAYBE** PMDG is designing the 797 for Boeing and it will be released on the day Boeing unveils it!!! hahahah
  13. I was just thinking about how there was virtually no 717 for FS. I think that would be awesome, but I understand that they're not a real popular aircraft. I'd love a 757/767 or even a 787. Maybe because the 757 and 767 have the same type rating and cockpit they could do both in a package? Maybe an MD-80/90 pack? I'm not a big fan of Airbus so personally I'd rather not see that. If anything Airbus I'd say the 330.
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