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Everything posted by HaraldG

  1. It's amazing how amidst of deadly deserts big cities arise. And it's amazing how a flight simulator can show this.
  2. Thanks Ed and HLJames! AI fits airports... I have to admit that my AI traffic wasn't renewed for some years now. But this proves to be rather positive: there are still many smaller airlines that ceased to exist since, because either they went bankrupt or - particularly in Russia - got absorbed by Aeroflot. In my sim, these small and colourful airlines are still there.
  3. I'm looking forward to your report, Sascha. Most fun is imho the after-flight-walk across the apron. Especially if your AI traffic is quite complete.
  4. News! http://www.avsim.com/topic/489131-novosibirsk-to-almaty/
  5. Hi, shots from a flight Novosibirsk - Almaty, with some impressions from Almaty International Airport. As you may remark, I have choosen a new paint for my plane, as the ex-Rusair stripes were fancy, but the old Aeroflot blue stripe - that is adopted by the new paint - looks still very classic and attractive. Curving north of the Trans-Ili-Ala-Too, a northern Tian-Shan range. As almost always, there are suddenly clouds and dusk (or smog?) around the plane... Have fun. Regards, Harald
  6. Many thanks guys for commenting. If this is the result of watching these shots, I'm very satisfied. Planes are all AI (with exception of the Il-86 at UNNT), cars at UNNT are a kind of AES light - I wish even the displays would change their billboard :smile:
  7. Thanks Ed and Mark! Now I'm preparing for flying to Central Asia...
  8. Hi, I'm well aware that many companies have stopped developing for FS9. And that they probably won't be convinced by this poll. However, I thought that it wouldn't be wrong to get a little more realistic picture, as 40% X-Plane and 50% P3D (how it was when I looked there first) seemed to be "slightly distorted".
  9. Hi, almost all of these CIS countries' sceneries are from the Russian avsim (avsim.su or avsimrus.com).
  10. News http://www.avsim.com/topic/488807-siberia-iii/
  11. A flight Irkutsk - Novosibirsk with stopover at Abakan. The parking row at Irkutsk Over Mongolia in the Ulaangom Area Behind the wall... Not much traffic at Abakan And now some AI planespotting at Novosibirsk-Tolmachevo Looks like heating a steam loco And the steam loco passes. Note the cute Mi-2 in the background Have fun! Regards,
  12. Viva Espana! At the second to last picture I can spot Palacio Real and Parque Rétiro... I'm sure you did a nice spring walk there after landing.
  13. X-Plane at the second place after P3D? Come on, guys, there is still potential!
  14. Hi FS2004ers, I want to bring this to your knowledge: http://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/topic/111957-what-simulator-do-you-use If you have an Aerosoft forum account, please consider voting... I did. Thanks and regards, Harald
  15. Thanks WingZ, have a good time. I'm preparing the next flight meanwhile... AA in FS9 is deactivated; within the "AMD Vision Engine Control Center" (for my AMD video card, the ex-Catalyst Control Center) I have set AA as follows: - Overwrite application settings - Sampling: 4x - Filtering: standard - AA method: Multi Sampling I have no Sweetfx because of an appaling flashing/flickering when changing views.
  16. Oh yes, this is a monster. Looking forward to some screenies from a flight Moscow - Khabarovsk! (This would be worth an AI setup for Aeroflot in the 70ies...) For me, the Tu-114 would be too big, while the 134 is quite o.k. Many thanks! P.S. Your sim also does look great (your textures seem sharper than mine), your FS9Evo+OSM setup is unbeatable. I was too laze to set up OSM; instead I use a GIS landclass that has been in the library recently.
  17. Thanks Bernd, that sounds exciting! Beside the Ilyushin, surely an approach to Almaty is a great scenic experience. Somehow it's a pity for these classic Soviet airliners - I came too late for fly with them. I only know two former CIS countries' airports from real world - Kiev and Tbilisi - and some Tupolevs slowly deteriorate at the apron at the latter one, but none will be flying again. Fortunately in Kiev one can see some Yak, Tu and An which obviously are still flown. More Russian flightsimming will follow, but now: Happy Holiday.
  18. Cool. May I ask: when and where? And with which plane?
  19. You should do exactly so. Your post brings nice rememberance of my Tenerife stay in February - regarding beer, a Dorada is a good choice.
  20. Mark, this is a good story, indeed.
  21. Sascha, if only I knew... What I know for sure is that I applied the contrail mod of Flusifix. And if you say me the filename, I can send you my file. Congratulations, Ed! I hope that wife and son are well! But I also think there will be better times again. My first son (7) has got his first simulator plane some time ago, a Piper Cherokee. And my little son (2) - this was a year ago: Nevertheless, all my flights take place between 9 PM and 2 AM. As Otto Lilienthals last words were: "Sacrfifices have to be brought." In our cases, it's not our life, but our sleep. All the best to you, Ed! Thanks cmpbellsjc. Regards, Harald
  22. http://www.ai-aardvark.com/aiaircraft/repaints/737-200/737_200.html I hope it works, as AIA is out if business for a while.
  23. Thanks HLJames and Ed. Ed, what happened to your sim meanwhile? Still technical issues?
  24. Hi, at least there is one repaint for the AIA model within this packages: http://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=sabold.zip&CatID=root&Go=Search http://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=sabnew.zip&CatID=root&Go=Search I know that most simmers have changed to FAIB (the UTT model was always lacking repaints, although there is a Sabena repaint for it in the library: http://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=UTT+Sabena&CatID=fs2004aia&Go=Search), but the venerable AIA 732 is better than nothing. At least you could use the AIA version to test your flightplans. Regards and good luck, Harald
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