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Everything posted by HaraldG

  1. Thanks HLJames for your comment! It's true, the plane needs very accurate procedures that are quite to learn. But after a while, you will follow these as if you had did it from the first day. There's only one aspect that I haven't mastered yet even after a lot of flights: navigation. I still do simple VOR to VOR navigation without using the special "socialist" navigation system.
  2. ... something for a cold winter evening... I hope you like them! Regards, Harald
  3. I don't ask which sim this is... Wonderful!
  4. Hi, just want to inform that a fix for ULLI was made by Oliver.
  5. Martin, after getting aware of the "Warsaw at night" problem I always placed my plane at Rwy 33 and set a certain date and time (May 4th, 23:33 PM). Then I just "slewed" around a little bit so that I had the terminal and the highrises of the city in one viewing axe. Mostly the crash occured after some minutes. I tried several measures (deactivating stub files for terminal interiour, deactivating static airplanes) but at least at the second attempt the crash always returned. My last attempt was to deactivate all files with "*trees" in their name, and after a first test the crash didn't re-occur. I haven't done a second test yet. I will fly to Warsaw in near future and will see what happens.
  6. Thanks Martin, I'm looking forward to your findings.
  7. Hi Martin, I had Warsaw city scenery before Warsaw airport and can only say that I never had crashes with Warsaw city only. Beside this, my "crash behaviour" is quite erratic. Several times I believed that I had found the problematic files because I had no crash, but the other day my sim crashed after a minute sitting at EPWA at the same simulated day and time and with the same configuration. As discussed in the DD forum, I tried deactivating all *tree* files and had no crash so far, but I tested only one time and decided then to wait for a solution by DD. After my impression, Stanislaw is quite helpless and by far not that arrogant as after his UUEE (landclass) disaster. I take it as a positive sign.
  8. Great to read about ongoing development, indeed. Good luck Chris for your work! Hopefully we can enjoy the lights soon together with spring textures...?
  9. Great athmospheric shots. One can almost smell the hot air.
  10. Yes, I begin to dream again of such wonderful things like a fuel truck actually drinving under my plane, too. But the most funny thing is that every development of AES is a contribution to two outdated flight simulators. I aks myself what thinks Oliver Pabst's boss about the case...
  11. EDIT: AES v 2.41 seems to have/make problems at ULLI. With AES activated, a part of the photoscenery is excluded together with a lot of buildings. Will research a little more tomorrow - to rule out conflicts with other scenery add ons I have installed - and then post at Aerosofts forum.
  12. ... with some new destinations. There's even a little bit of development in the functionality. Just as a heads-up! Harald
  13. Thanks Ed. Meanwhile my sim crashed without static planes, too. Over at DDs forum they discuss about trees files as culprits. I will now fly to Warsaw only at day and wait for the result of the discussion.
  14. Great pictures from a rarely seen destination. All the best for your further work! Just a question - could you imagine to make a version for FS9 later?
  15. Yes, an AI plane may be the culprit, although the crash should have happened also without EPWA scenery and with the freeware, as I tried to do my test at the same day and time. What about the static planes - Ed, did you install EPWA with or without static planes? Thanks, Harald
  16. Joseph, may I ask another question: After you installed the scenery with disabled terminal interiours, are there two "stub files" left (EPWA_TerminalInterior_LIB.bgl and EPWA_TerminalInterior_PLC.bgl) in the scenery folder of this scenery, each having 1 kByte of size? I deleted them as well as the comparable stub files for the static planes, that I also disabled for my latest installation, and now I sit at Rwy 33 for almost half an hour in the dark and no crash occurs...
  17. Seems so, Joseph... Have you got static planes enabled? I posted at DDs forums. Still the post is there...
  18. Joseph, I dont't have terminal interiours neither, but I have the Warsaw city scenery, and the combination of EPWA and city seems to be the problem. I also think of getting back to Stabryla's freeware; for me, the city is definitely more important than EPWA.
  19. Hm, somehow he reacts very "sensitive" when he is criticized, this is since his UUEE fiasco. However, after getting back to v1.1 the crash did also re-occur now, it just takes a little longer. "Fortunately", I didn't edit any files since getting a new job one year ago. Even the UKHH afcad modification and the TDS 727 customizations are still undone on my agenda... I'm glad to get some hours of flying these days.
  20. Today I got a message from SimMarket that v1.2 of EPWA is out. Installed it, tested it at night - crash. Went back to v1.1. What are your experiences? Thanks and regards Harald
  21. What plane you ever use, and which route you ever fly, an Atlantic crossing is always a great flight.
  22. ... with my old DC-6, in four legs from Rio de Janeiro to Algiers. In fact, some more than just the Atlantic. Leg 1: Good morning, Rio! Getting into the air at the last meters of the runway, and then some nice cruising (following our given route) over Rio. Yes, I'm trusting them. Crossing Recife Approaching Fernando de Noronha in deepest night. Next morning gives nice views - Leg 2: Actually the Atlantic Ocean And then water, just water, many hours, until the African coast comes in sight. And this is our destination: Banjul, showing one third of the Gambian Army's Air Force. Leg 3: Almost like flying into holidays - to Tenerife In fact, I paused my flight for spending some holidays at Tenerife in real world. Wish I really could fly there... instead I did some simulated GA flying afterwards. Leg 4: The last leg, from Tenerife to Algiers. A snow-capped Teide and a rare visitor at GCTS: The view onto my preferred beach Tenerife... ... and Gran Canaria Crossing Laayoune: from 1,001st night. And finally Algiers. The tower building may have seen DC-6s in active service. Thanks for watching! Best regards, Harald
  23. A paneuropean route with a classic plane... fantastic. If your EPWA now works with the city scenery, even more fantastic.
  24. As mentioned, I also have Warsaw city. I disabled EPWA airport and sat at night at Rwy 33 without the airport scenery, but with Warsaw city for almost half an hour. No crash! Now downloading the update... EDIT: after updating, I sat at Rwy 33 with EPWA and city enabled for 10 minutes now. No crash...
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