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Everything posted by HaraldG

  1. A beautiful mountain flight! Indeed, I'm particularly fascinated by the look of the mountains - the change between wood, rock and snow looks extremely well.
  2. Thanks HLJames for your comment. Who doesn't love this plane...
  3. Many thanks Bernd, Ed, ArchStanton and WingZ for your comments. I also think so. But no problem: I'm very satisfied with the freeware model by Anton Nikolaev (Xomer). Others do like Vladimir Shigulskiys model, but although it's visually better, I didn't get familiar with it. I'm very interested if you succeed. Should I ever change over to P3D (very unlikely though), a good and working Tu-134 would be an important precondition. In the case of Baku, inserting AI traffic of only AZAL and Silk Way had a massive effect. The Kazakh Tu-134, some An-12 and the MChS Be-200 are only the "dot on the i". As you know, I'm very interested in this part of the world, also AI traffic-wise. AI traffic of my sim is much less dense in other parts of the world. I have probably more Georgian, Azerbaijani and Armenian airlines as AI traffic than US American airlines (including those which are defunct in real world...). P.S. Regarding textures: FS9Evo.
  4. Here are some more pictures from a flight to Baku: http://www.avsim.com/topic/489861-from-the-pamir-to-the-caucasus/
  5. Hi, some impressions from a flight into the Pamir with a venerable An-2 as well as from the flight Dushanbe-Baku in the Tu-134. In the Vakhsh valley The first really high mountains Pik Ismoil Somoni (former Pik Kommunism) ahead! Over the glacier Heading to Altynmazar, a former meteorological station Part II: To Baku! Once again the Pamir: Pik Ismoil Somoni (right), Pik Korshenevskoi (left), both over 7,000 m high Farewell to Central Asian mountains Karakum Desert First view to Azerbaijan after crossing the Caspian Sea Finally Baku This is DDs Baku scenery "without" static planes: Interesting neighbourhood: I hope you like these shots... Have fun. Regards, Harald
  6. Afaik, flightplans define the departing time as GMT to be compatible worldwide. This said, the behaviour of your AI seems correct to me.
  7. Oh, I want to sit in this cockpit, too. I hope the sound is as well as gauges and interiour.
  8. And just in case, I'd download the installer once again before doing another try.
  9. Tambien no tengo Facebook... How are the facebook sceneries compared to those available at WingZ' link? (I have them almost all.)
  10. Hi Appliance, which options (static planes, Phototerrain) did you install? And can you reconstruct the text of the dialog box that showed up? The fact that your keyboard went kaputt at the same time lets me believe that there's either something not related to that scenery. Or, taking into account the very big download, the installer may have got corrupted while downloading.
  11. It's a strange method DD has chosen here; I don't know why. If you uncheck APh when installing, then there will be an active scenery area with dummy .bgl files, but without textures. Maybe it's a kind of landclass then. I saw no change between having the dummy files active and having the scenery area deactivated/deleted, so I did the latter.
  12. Correct, there is a local phototerrain (Apseron peninsula) as part of Baku scenery, while the AzerbaijanPhotoreal consists of the area beyond. Saw my holiday home in Georgian town Kvareli from the air! However, the big phototerrain has some less resolution that the local area, so that I decided to use the scenery without AzerbaijanPhotoreal.
  13. Hi, now that download and install are complete, I can only second Greg. This is quite a great scenery. I had no problems with installing the scenery. Of course I used the sandbox, so that I was able to control what the installer actually does. All went fine: Correct scenery.cfg entries (that I had to adapt of course to my system of scenery folders), no crashes at load, superb FPS. No problems with stock scenery files, as I had no custom files for this area. (Thanks WingZ for your warning!) I further posted already in DD's forum about some problems: - quite slow loading of phototerrain while in flight - some static vehicles at light airports (and only there) without textures, as "american looking" lorries as well as tanks at military airports - at some of the afcad only airports (and again, only there), I see problems with object shadows (rectangle shadows). I will have to consider what I do further with the light airports. Some are quite good, some other (the afcad only airports) are superseded by Andrey Antas freeware. Will probably have to produce a "merge" between them. Regards, Harald
  14. I downloaded the whole yesterday evening and still have to install... my sandbox will be armed.
  15. Thanks Ed, HLJames and Mark for your nice comments. Ed, I hope that the fix had a sufficient dose. And if you consider that UAAA and UTDD airports are freeware... Who knows... Honestly, I think that is an optical technique inside the reflector that allows lighting a quite big light with a very small bulb. By the way: Engineer's panel at the left.
  16. Thanks Bernd! It's admirable what aircraft you have flown. Il-96, L-410. I'm almost a little jealous.
  17. Still not available via my preferred store... will buy it definitely.
  18. The next leg is finished. http://www.avsim.com/topic/489340-almaty-to-dushanbe-via-kashgar/
  19. No problem. These discussions are the real joy.
  20. Hi, from a flight UAAA Almaty - UTDD Dushanbe with a landing at ZWSH Kashgar. Most impressive views at Tian-Shan and Pamir mountains. Checking the weather at night - not that good. And even worse at day - but however, weather at UTDD is said to be unusual good Above Tian-Shan Inylchek Glacier with Chan-Tengri and Victory Peak (landclass slightly incorrect as all these mountains are said to be covered by heavy snow) Early morning start at Kashgar. I bought this airport five years ago without having an idea why - now I know. The highest Pamir summits - Kongur and Mustagh-Ata Marx and Engels Peaks in southwestern Pamir. Those names are quite important for me as former GDR citizen! And here are Mt. Korshenevskoi and Mt. Ismoil Somoni (former Peak Kommunism) Approach to Dushanbe - a less or more complicated curving into a mountain valley (Kofarnihon). ... and indeed, there's extraordinary good weather this time at Dushanbe. When visiting the destination the last ... ten... times, I always experienced dense fog and no mountain sight there. Dushanbe airport. Very pittoresque - mountains in background and colourful planes. Sadly there's no newer scenery showing the new terminal. Obviously the last Tajik Tu-154 operative Now I will prepare an An-2 for a flight into the mountains! And then up to the new Baku! Have fun! Regards, Harald
  21. The UTT Mi-8 (T-Model) was one of my buys with the best price/value ratio. Not speaking of the MT model, which I also own, but it is applied much fewer. I have some threehundreds of repaints for the T-model, flying as nearly thousand AI helicopters in the CIS countries and Georgia.
  22. Thanks Ed for recommending the video. My greetings go out to all guys who work between poison-green panels 30 minutes to be able to taxi!
  23. There isn't so much traffic at USHH. UTAir and Yamal seem to be the two bigger airlines there (I rarely see something other than UTAir). Due to my slightly outdated AI traffic, more Tu-134 than 737. Flightplans and liveries are mostly from UTT's site in my case. What is, however, really important for AI traffic in Northern Russia: The Mi-8. I also recommend UTT's model, two versions, with all liveries/flightplans/heliports. This will bring these northern airports really to life.
  24. I can't recommend any AI payware. I used MyTraffic myself, but the models looked really awful, and so I began to replace them with AIA/DJC and later FAIB models. Then I also replaced the flightplans, needing more models... So my AI is is a kind of manufacture work that has grown over the years. I think no payware AI package can provide AI in equal amount and complexity. I'm glad I did this work three or four years ago, as nowadays I never would have the time for it.
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