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Everything posted by Tuskin38

  1. Because they’re focusing on 2024. It will have FSR3
  2. The WASM changes are meant to help as well, but apparently it broke WASM planes on X-Box.
  3. They never promised FSR3 for this update. It might come next year.
  4. Uh I have no idea. I never modified FSLTL's settings via the config file only via the window. but here are my settings as they appear in the CMD window.
  5. These are not the notes for the entire SU15 update. Good lord.
  6. FSR3 will be in 2024, and they'll back port it to 2020 after 2024 releases. So it's not difficulty, it's just time.
  7. They just want to make sure people have the most up to date information.
  8. Also inibuilds is apparently a big team now. Those airbuses aren't the only aircraft they've made. The last few local/famous flyers for Asobo have also been inibuilds. Also ini isn't making the A220, they're just supporting the devs that are.
  9. I just never put any thought into it. also I’m pretty sure the first several were just links, not entire copy and pasting
  10. That’s not censorship I don’t understand why we were copying and pasting the entire weekly updates here anyways. What was wrong with just linking to the page? Isnt that plagiarism?
  11. That’s not what censorship is. Wow. Censorship would be not letting us post the link at all.
  12. It’s perfectly acceptable. They’re busy working on another project. And yes, they said they’re going to try and add FSR3 to 2020 after 2024 releases
  13. They have added info to weekly updates before after they were posted.
  14. That’s Conspiracy Bull poop. The community managers just wants the most correct information out there so people don’t get the wrong information.
  15. On the SU15 beta at least my download speeds have improved a lot. I’m in eastern Canada with gigabit internet
  16. If you don't want to build one yourself, there might be a local computer place that will build it for you.
  17. It's most likely the Caravan as the scene is labelled as 'Air Ambulance', and well the Caravan livery is done up as an Air Ambulance. If that A330 is not a flyable model, might be AI. I remember several Dev Q&As ago Jorg said they have a bunch of licenced, AI quality aircraft built but they haven't added them because they want liveries for them, they don't want to just add them with blank liveries. The A320Neos in the scene are the Asobo Neo, you can tell because of the white rectangle where the registry number should be.
  18. Don't bother. They hate the new 787 and 747 for some reason.
  19. The number I gave came from the dev live stream, I didn't make it up. They said there were around 700 people working on the sim and that around 200 of those are at Asobo, They didn't define what they meant by partners, but I assume it's the third party groups like WorkingTitle, IniBuilds, Gaya etc that develop things that come with the sim updates, the handcrafted airports and landmarks that come with world updates city updates, plus the famous flyers and local legends aircraft.
  20. The 700 number includes their partners not just people working full time on the sim.
  21. I’m guessing they’re sharing coding between the A320N and the BelugaXL/A330 Since the Beluga would have started development first presumably because it was in the 2024 trailer.
  22. Life must be perfect if a silly load screen ruins your time
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