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  1. Servus Günther you are right. This beauty looks a bit strange - even at night. It is because of a DXT1 texture without alphas in the texture "TDS_A359_WINDOW_TAILSPLASH.bmp". The solution to fix that bug is easy. Take the original texture from the base file (it's a 32bit one with alphas) and copy it into your installed "Edelweis" folder. And than have fun (also the daytime bug you mentioned will be gone) Dedl 😉
  2. No! Dedl
  3. Well please don't get me wrong. I am not putting out somebody's hard work that I have payed for. I have only made it useable for my private joy. And if I have done something to the public before, it was freeware and I had the permission of the author. The fact that I showed my work here in picures I did on some payware stuff for my own delight, is not piracy. That's all I have to say here. Dedl
  4. 😊 Yes, I did. Most Sierrasim P3D stuff is quite comfortible to convert... Never knew, why they did'nt do their great work for FS9 too (like MFSG). Dedl That's why I do not miss FS9...
  5. Well Luis, when you have moved over to newer simulators, there is no idea to put a lot of energy in learning how to convert. Otherwise you can contact me in a PN Greetings Dedl
  6. I don't know! As I convert into FS9 - as this is the FS2004 section. Yes, the plane is TDS, native FS9, that's right. But this was not the point. The scenery is P3D/FSX, converted with the help of the Model Converter X - into a version that works in my FS2004 (as you can see onthe picture). The trees are not ORBX, all is nice P3D/FSX stuff from Andes Simulation, a real amazing design company. Don't know, why they do not make their work for FS2004... Never mind for me, I enjoy their stuff in FS9 anyhow. Dedl
  7. Especially when I learned to use most of the nice newer stuff from P3D/FSX in my FS9. Here comes a picture of my latest private conversion taken directly out of my 21 year old one-and-only all-time-best simulator: Dedl
  8. Thanx a lot, John. The new search function at flightsim is a "daflja ydrfioganauydrgbs" 🥵 🤢 Dedl
  9. The other one is from "the Fruit Stand" (tfs388.zip) that I can't find either on the net any more... but this one is in my archive. If you are interested Jan, please contact me via PN Dedl
  10. Copy and paste is my friend... Ok, third time, now from another email account. So watch out - even in the spam folder regards Dedl
  11. I have sent it again Dedl
  12. Did you get the file? Dedl
  13. Sure I can - you have a PN
  14. Hi Lee take a look here: https://ai-aardvark.com/aiaircraft/aiaircraft.html Dedl
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