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About ikarus71

  • Birthday 04/09/1971

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  1. Actually you are not there also ^_^
  2. GReat help thank you guys!
  3. Hi, today I was planning a flight from KLAX to PHNL. PFPX was not able provide a valid solution for ETOPS as There is no land between Los Angeles and Honolulu. I was wondering how real life airlines were finding a soul to to this, anyone has an idea? Cheers, Murat
  4. I had some problems with the external views also, but when I run the EZCA configurator, all problems solved. Seems like even if this is a service pack, EZCA sees 777 as a new airplane and expects the configurator to be run.
  5. Hello Paul, I switched to Warthog HOTAS+Combat Rudder Pedals from Saitek X52 recently. Both Warthog and rudder pedals are quite heavy, robust units which I suppose you will be very satisfied. Especially stiff and precise flight stick experience is second to none. I use them in my PMDG planes without problem, I set up mine with the help of the following link: http://forum.avsim.net/topic/359989-warthog-setup-tips-n-tricks/ which I hope you can benefit. If you are used to rotary dials and sliders from your previous setup, you have to give up these in Warthog as it has just one slider. Also most of the buttons are two or three position switches, so it might not be easy to map the push button requirements in PMDG (e.g. MCP buttons). These were not show stoppers for me, but wanted to share as it is not an cheap platform to switch. Cheers Murat
  6. If you don't have it yet, Track IR is a must for full immersion.
  7. Very sorry to hear that, my deepest condelences to his family and friends. I will always remember him when I press my TO/GA switch and hear his sounds. Rest in peace Steve...
  8. Hi, I am having an SDK error with the PMDG 600/700 expansion package. I am able to run FS2Crew in NGX 800 without a problem, however expansion package gives me hard time. My NGX expansion package is SP 1.c (1.00.3219). I did couple of times uninstall/installs with NGX and FS2Crew but no luck. I also deleted the livery .ini's in PMDG/Aircraft folder. But again it did not sort out, I am out of options and any help will be appreciated. Cheers,
  9. Actually I am quite happy with button control version up to now, and it suits my situation better as my computer is in the living room with other family members. Being too lazy upto now in trying voice, but I will try it.
  10. Hi Bryan, Any plans to have this excellent add-on for the button control users? Cheers Murat Ozgul
  11. Haha, I am in the same boat like you, I am trying to convince myself to pay this price for a monitor. I am changing my mind 100 times per day
  12. Hi Darkstar, I had the same missing textures problem, but I was able to solve by changing the installation directory. If you have upgraded to Rex Essential from REX 2.0 like me, you need to point your installation to "Real Environment Xtreme 2.0" directory. Hope it helps. Cheers, Murat
  13. NGX was my first payware Add-on, so although I was in to FS for many years, lots of stuff was new to me SID/STAR etc.So my learning curve was: - T: The first training document by Ryan. I did the training flight and repated it in different routes myself. Kept on autolanding. - T+50 hrs: Then started to do ILS landings as much as possible - T+100 hrs: Came across with Tom Risager's tutorial, which helped me a lot, since by that time second PMDG tutorial was not released yet - T+200 hrs: Then NGX Tutorial 2, especially good for learning FMC detailed functions. And I increased my manual flying and VFR skills. - T+400 hrs: AoA Trainings to learn nuts and bolts of the NGX. Flying class will be starting in the next months so I expect that I will be learning lots of new stuff in that. Now it is slightly more than a year that I bought NGX, and I am really delighted that it woke up my urge to flightsim again.
  14. It is easier to see if you switch to right seat FO position.
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