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  1. Lot's of trees and not much else :smile:
  2. I have been considering the GTX 960 4GB myself. So would you recommend it for X-Plane. What are your settings and what kind of fps do you get (without OSM if you know the figures)?
  3. click and drag How about adding a survey to the post (not that I know how to do it)?
  4. Since this is supposed to be a change log of Austin and the scenery stuff is done by Ben I guess these are only changes that Austin himself coded. No reason to worry.
  5. Well - it does indeed take up a lot of disk space - this was more of an experiment. In my opinion the biggest problem with photo scenery is that often the color is very pale or it has some sort of nasty color cast.
  6. 15-20 fps with a Radeon HD 7870 (close to maxed out settings). Thanks for the compliment and thanks for your great effort on those German airports. You obviously developed quite some skill doing this.
  7. I did - and in my humble opinion EDDF is now X-Planes best default airport by a mile For some more (very large) images go here.
  8. New Version of the default X-Plane EDDF airport from the latest beta. This is just a reference for another thread so I don't have to waste everyone's bandwidth without a warning.
  9. As a matter of fact the last two are photographs. But the rest of them look fantastic nevertheless.
  10. I just downloaded the beta and checked my home airport (EDDS). Janov created a new Version of this airport which is now in the sim and its so much better then the original Aerosoft version. This must have been a lot of work and shows what can be done with the lego brick system. A huge thanks to Janov for doing this .
  11. Just for fun I tried to match X-Plane with UHD Mesh enabled to a photo I had taken some years ago on vacation. Go ahead and guess which the real one is ... just kidding . I may not have nailed the exact same spot but I think it's pretty accurate. Camera NIKON D70 Focal Length 35mm Aperture f/8 Exposure 1/200s
  12. It's amazing how much perception of depth the UHD Mesh adds to X-Planes scenery. Especially Grand Canyon is a blast. But the European Alps are not too shabby either. I wish this could be the default scenery everywhere ... and I wish X-Plane wouldn't keep crashing in the alps ... but well ... its worth the fun.
  13. The first two are around Meiringen and the rest is around Grenoble.
  14. ... is posting screenshots of the new X-Plane 10 HD Mesh Scenery v3 I'll do the same.
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