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About kenthom

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  • Birthday 01/13/1952

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    Montana, USA

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  1. ChasePlane seems to be freezing up several times per flight. I have to reduce Sim and then shut off CP and then start it again. I will then have to do it all over again later in the flight. Myself and others have posted in their forum but so far no assistance in how to correct this issue.
  2. Thanks to Ramon. Mod works perfectly. Thanks so much. Ken
  3. I cannot get APPR to work under any conditions. I can get VOR1 & 2 but I can never a get a Glideslope. Very frustrating. I cannot get APPR to work under any conditions. I can get VOR1 & 2 but I can never a get a Glideslope. Very frustrating.
  4. I have read every thread on this subject and tried every suggestion. The problem is, sometimes I get APPR lock and sometimes I don't following the same procedure each time. I have even done touch and goes and got flight path and glide slope. I have done so by putting the frequency into NAV2. Flying a good intercept course, hit my preset button at which time VOR2 appears in green. Then hit APPR. If it doesn't lock I shut off and restart AP until I get APPR in green at which time I get flight path and glide slope. Now here is the rub. I start and complete another flight and do the same procedure and cannot get APPR to lock. I will get the flight path and the plane will turn onto it accurately. However, the APPR does not show up so I don't get a glide slope no matter how many times I reactivate AP. I even hit the VS button as some have suggested. Nothing. So frustrating when the plane has a mind of it's own and it is a crap shoot if ILS will work. UGH!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Thanks for the reply. I will work on that and see if it was pilot error. Let me say, it made landing at KTEX in stormy weather a fun ride! I was sweating just trying to get on the ground!
  6. When flying a course with NAV the Hawker will drop several hundred feet when it makes a sharp turn to the next waypoint. After a lapse in time It will then attempt to rapidly climb to the designated altitude. This becomes a real problem when you are turning onto the final leg for approach. I have given up trying to understand why the LOC and ILS will work one time and then not work the next time following the same procedures. I am using P3D v3. Suggestions? Note; this plane could be very good if the ILS worked consistently and it was stable on these turns. I sure wish we could have a solid dependable business plane. Maybe someday.
  7. I have P3D v3. This is probably a very simple question but one I am curious about. Does ASN completley take over the weather or do you still have to use the sim weather to control cloud density and cloud draw distance. I have set the density to five layers in ASN but when I move the sim slider to the left most of the clouds disappear. So I think I have answered my own question but it seems that I may be doubling up on resources that do the same thing. Secondly, while flying yesterday in severe weather with lots of lightning I heard no thunder. The ASN startup has thunder so I am curious why I never heard thunder in that situation. Thanks,
  8. Thanks, that's what I have been doing but I thought I must be missing a something. I have tried to watch all the tutorials.
  9. Is there a way to arm the spoiler on this plane?
  10. Simply moved the button assignment slider all the way to the right. In my defense, I did a complete system reinstall and then installed P3D. So lots of reinstalling of scenery and planes. Forgot the little things.
  11. I have uninstalled and installed a couple of times. There is only one BGL file in the airport scenery. Nothing else is installing.
  12. I solved the problem. I did a complete system reinstall and moved to P3D v3. It now works perfectly. I was never able to solve the issue in FSX.
  13. No. I had it on FSX and I completely cleaned my computer and did a reinstall of the system. I updated to P3D v3. I then went back into my simmarket account and downloaded the v2and3 edition. Upon installation I selected v3. I had ORBX Southern Cal installed also. I have done everything I can think to do. As I stated, KSNA works fine. Things like this drive me nuts. I can find no reason for it not to work.
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