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  1. For comparison MS allow you to use your Windows key on either 32/64bit versions, so I guess it's not unusual for a vendor to allow one license to be used for either version.
  2. I have a question for you guys, in October last year you said: http://www.avsim.com/topic/476102-07oct15-some-bits-and-pieces-of-what-is-cooking/ Will there be any P3D specific features that the 747 v2 takes advantage of?
  3. So it's been about 2 years since I've posted on these forums, I still browse from time to time to see what good stuff PMDG has cooking. Anyway, here is an interview from 2013 in which Robert Randazzo is asked this question: https://youtu.be/BRmjmP4Q8GY?t=2630 For those who can't view the video here is the transcript: FroogleSim: "Are you considering a 787?" Robert: "Right now surprisingly we are not. We haven't gotten the data package yet these things cost money. There's a couple of other things we want to do first but I'm sure we will get there some day". FroogleSim: "Isn't a 787 just a very big 777 but you turn it on and it catches fire?" Robert: "[]....the 787 is a marvel of technology, from a developers stand point it just makes me break out in a very prickly rash because it's just so software driven my fear is there is just some whole stuff in there which we would have to invent just to support the data drive side of the aeroplane. But we will get there some day I'm sure". So there you have it, there will probably be a PMDG 787 one day but it would be so hard to develop I'm not sure if it will happen any time soon.
  4. Get well soon rsrandazzo.
  5. I've been out of the loop for the past year or so had no idea you could do that in the T7. I'm really interested to hear what the datalink can do.
  6. Mate is there any chance you could explain the datalink feature too? There was mention of it in the sticky but nothing else. My assumption is it grabs winds aloft data or something like that?
  7. Not to get too political and go too off topic, but maybe you slept through all of this: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/06/us-tech-giants-nsa-data I don't think people have an issue handing over information to Facebook and other social media. But it's other parties getting involved I believe @ was referring to.
  8. Jackal.


    Would quite like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55tikmcxMzE
  9. That video is quite interesting, NLS seemed to have the cameras for the aircraft up in the cockpit displays, never seen 3d pilots before looks pretty good cool. Shame it got canceled.
  10. I'm pretty sure too, they're a company after all lol
  11. I would hold off on fsbuild if I was you and wait for PFPX....
  12. The LVLD is still pretty good with the new VC textures.
  13. My money is on May 22nd...
  14. You can't really compare buying the NGX/T7 to buying an iPhone/Ipad. Just because someone says it's expensive doesn't mean it in a negative way to the PMDG team. I think I could buy the NGX many times over from this last term :lol: . Also @@EGLL77W I have a funny feeling we might be getting a preview tomorrow...I think it's mothers day in the USA someone on the PMDG team joked if it would be ready to buy it then.
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