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Everything posted by Aamir

  1. Yessir! It's a really stunning scenery. Very well done
  2. Picked up EGLLv3 from UK2000, so I decided to do QTR7 from OTHH to EGLL. Was a really nice flight, and upon hitting Europe I had most of the region covered with ATC, which was great! I'd taken an extra 1000kgs of fuel expecting quite a bit of weather devs. for storm activity over Eastern Europe, however, luckily for me, the storm had moved by the time I got to the area, and was just off my flightpath. Anyway, enjoy the pictures! Pushback and Engine start while admiring the lovely scenery by Taxi2Gate. A really splendid job. PAX saying goodbye to to Concourse B. Rocketing out of OTHH with a lovely sunset on the horizon! Awesome find during the flight, I had NO idea that you could toggle the floor lights from the center pedestal. I spent about 5 minutes toggling the lights and giggling after I found out. Good stuff! Here are the thunderstorms I was talking about. Lucky for me I barely had to duck and weave. Deviating for crossing traffic, thanks VATSIM! On the ILS for RW27L, if you look carefully you can see QFA9 (a very friendly A380) arriving on 27R. I picked 27L because of it's proximity to Terminal 4, where QR docks. Docked at the gate, and shutdown.. 6h44m on the clock, nice medium haul flight. Quick shot before we leave the aircraft. -- I hope you enjoyed the shots! Lookout for QTR707 (OTHH-KIAD) coming soon(-ish)..
  3. It's super worth it. No idea what kind of juju magic T2G have been up to, but the performance is insanely great! You can also do this in the "Aircraft Specific Settings" in the OC. Works great!
  4. Caved and picked up OTHH from Taxi2Gate. I absolutely adore it! Did a long-ish flight down to Singapore, departed around the same time as the real QTR940, and beat it by 30 minutes. Enjoy the shots! No en-route pictures I'm afraid, was busy working while she cruised along... 7H40M on the clock! An SIA2 popped up next to me as I was running the shutdowns, I remember doing this flight a while ago.. Anyway, VATSIM was great, had Singapore Center on for the arrival.. -- Hope you lot enjoyed these shots. Tomorrow I'll be doing Mumbai - Doha - London, look out for the shots
  5. Quick shots from a recent trip as EK12, from Gatwick back to the Sandpit.
  6. Aamir


    Flew the tutorial, but I'm constantly seeing people using them for various things enroute (during cruise, etc..), just wanted to find out what and why it's being done.
  7. Aamir


    Could we, pretty please, have an SYSK for the "fix" page and drawing those pretty green fix circles? e.g What they're used for IRL, in what cases using them would be appropriate, etc. Of course, not including ETOPs and airport approach speed restrictions..
  8. Excellent! Thanks for the super quick response time, you fellas are doing a great job!
  9. If you are able to repeat this, make sure to send in a support ticket to PMDG.
  10. Eh, I've left the NGX just where it is. It's great for short hops on VATSIM.
  11. Some quick shots of Steve's FedEx 77F, what an absolute beaut. Preparing at a very busy EGKK bound for OMDB. Controllers were great!
  12. My WXR works, but something I've noticed is that whenever I get close to a magenta area, the return slowly becomes smaller until it completely disappears, or turns into a tiny green speck. Has anyone else experienced this?
  13. It sounds like your aircraft is using LBS whilst you're trying to input the weight in KGS.
  14. Quick tip, WXR gets turned on after Push and Start, when you're just about ready to taxi. I believe the radiation affects the ground crew, or something like that..
  15. So here's my pilot's license: I can totally vouch for it's authenticity. It's 100% real. Also, Steve, had that email gone through, mate, you would have been public enemy #1 on these here forums xD
  16. That is super odd. I'm using the email from the repaints. Sent again!
  17. Took that shot a while ago.. A little later and it could've been yours! Which reminds me, I shot ya an email, just making sure you got it..
  18. Chaps, I'd like to precede this by stating that I am not a coder, or programmer. I am, however, extremely adept at thinking of ideas while in the shower, or on my royal throne, and as such, I've just thought of a way we could make ground ops a little more realistic. We know that an aircraft at idle thrust will perform a slow roll, however, this appears to not occur in FSX, due to whatever reason. I understand this, and know it's an engine limitation. My train of thought is as follows: If we can't directly make the engine do something, why not trick it into thinking that a certain action is occurring? Allow me to clarify. The general idea is to "tell" FSX that the aircraft is exerting the required thrust for a slow roll.. Sort of like forward creep in an automatic car. Think about it, perhaps PMDG could code a way for the T7 or NGX to automatically apply just enough thrust to start a slow roll, while at the same time, leaving the N1 engine indications (and others) at idle? This, of course, would only apply if the brakes were off, and the engines were at idle. Very similar to an automatic vehicle. The requisite sounds could also be tampered with so that the aircraft still sounds like it's idling, in this "creep" mode. It would be sort of an extremely low level auto-throttle maxed out at 1 or 2 knots.. This effect can then be cancelled out when the user manipulates the aircraft's throttles. So, essentially, according to the FSX engine, the aircraft is applying thrust, but to the user, there is no visible indication that the aircraft is doing anything but idling. I'm very unsure as to the possibilities with this idea, but hey, I figured it wouldn't hurt to throw it out there.. Let me know what y'all think!
  19. Steve, Just go ahead and rework them in PS so that they're .jpg in whatever your native resolution is (or 1080p, your choice), the upload them to an image sharing site like Flickr. From there it's all a case of just copy/pasting the correct hyperlink into the forum post, and boom! You have a picture, and in great quality too! Examples: FDX Sunset 2 Sunset descent You'll also notice that clicking on the link will send you over to Flickr for the full, (relatively) uncompressed picture!
  20. A PFPX-like freeware alternative is SimBrief.com To answer a couple of your questions: I learned to fly the 737 by reading the manuals twice over than going out and just.. Flying, I guess.. (Watching some frooglesim videos helped greatly too..) And, I use PFPX for my flight-planning needs.
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