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Shaun Slade

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About Shaun Slade

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    SX Airport Design

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  1. A lot use v4.5 still, so I'll always support that. For scenery it isn't too hard. P3D should have just kept one version and incrementally updated that like DCS SMH.
  2. Yes sorry, I I just realized! Yes hopefully not long for our next P3D release!
  3. Hi Guys, KSAT is now available for X-Plane 11 and 12. It includes X-Plane Native PBR on ground work and textures. The developer Tear Wear Designs did the WED and ground work. Pick it up from the X-Plane Store: KSAT- San Antonio International Airport-SXAD-KSAT (x-plane.org) Thank you!
  4. I didn't notice that I calculated on the product price I saw with VAT. Sorry for the EUR1.75! A 43% discount. 🙄 If anyone has anything positive to say, don't all speak up at once! 🤣
  5. Our KELP has been released for MSFS if anyone is interested. 50% off for P3D customers! simMarket: EL PASO KELP MSFS
  6. Sorry I do not have any faults, where did you purchase it from? It's likely it has been updated with a previous fix that the seller hasn't uploaded perhaps?
  7. Really sorry for the late reply. Ok thanks for letting me know. I'll check the ADE and clear any faults for a fix. Please email SXAD (at) outlook .com for support, I get notifications.
  8. Sorry, I didn't put any parking at KBIF as seems to be a helicopter base now and there seems to be no P3D AI. The product is KELP and KBIF was placed there for aesthetic reasons. It didn't really occur that people might want to fly into KBIF or spot AI there, as it would just hinder the FPS flying in and out of ELP. If anyone has a better AFCAD I'd be happy to link to that in the product description and any AI flight plans that and the Freeware military AI traffic for Flight Simulator and Prepar3d - Military AI Works .
  9. Hi sorry for the delay, it's been rather hectic of late. I don't understand why airlines aren't preferentially parking at gates. I can remove the parking spots, but is this P3Dv4 or v5 as they use a different ADE file. Thanks.
  10. Sorry about this, I literally did see these and fixed the ADE gates, exported and checked them, saving the ADE file as a new iteration. Then somehow I opened up the previous ADE iteration without realising it and exported over the fixed version. I'll definitely make sure this doesn't happen again. Sorry which gates are a problem with KBNA? I think there was a fix uploaded?
  11. Hi, Sorry for the delay. The issue I've worked out is with the newer higher resolution photoscenery for default landlass, if you use the tool to change to the daker landclass photoscenery and I'll make a fix tomorrow! I'm surprised that one has not been noticed for so long! Sorry for the inconvenience. Kind regards, Shaun.
  12. Hi, Are we talking P3D or MSFS? Unfortunately P3D has so few users left now I have to switch to MSFS development to survive. I may continue to support P3D IF I can port into XPlane and MSFS easily, but I don't have the time to develop for 3 platforms at once. Also, to make KTUS look nice in P3D/XP, the photosceney around the airport like the mountains etc, the Airbase to the NE and the industrial parks surrounding the airport would have to be included, and doing all of that is redundant with MSFS having that as standard and LM now seeming having abandoned P3D.
  13. Hi, Really sorry for the obscenely late reply! I keep forgetting to check AVSIM. I could delete the two parking spots for you, what airlines are using the gates? Kind regards, Shaun.
  14. Has this been mentioned? blackshark.ai launches ‘Globe Plugin’ for Unreal Engine, making the whole world available in 3D to anyone | Blackshark.ai
  15. Hi, So I figured out what the issue was, there was a duplicate GUID with the VASI set at KSAT, which I had inactive and hence didn't see. I only saw it after reactivating KSAT earlier, and the library became active. If you download these files: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vdtfT_ogPMT_LIYAiT2RAMYjtaqTcqv0/view?usp=sharing and put them into your KAMA\Scenery folder it should fix the issue. I do sincerely apologize, I has literally taken me many hours today to figure out what the problem was. Kind regards, Shaun.
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