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Everything posted by markdf

  1. "concurrent with Lockheed Martin updating Prepar3D v4" was them referring to the hotfix. They discovered the issue with the taxi cam well before they updated their timeline to specify this week, with the plan (as stated) to release either with or shortly after that hotfix. Unless you have secret information from PMDG, that timeline is still the most current plan
  2. Speak for yourself. A huge amount of development and fixes would never happen if nobody bothered to share their experiences and performance data with each other Comments like this serve to do nothing but stifle progress and sense of community, which unless I'm mistaken, is why we have forums and not just support tickets. We can all stand to learn something from each other, no matter how long we've been posting or simming.
  3. Neither was the majority of the default scenery - most of it is still using models compiled for FSX. Perhaps if you go and read the most recent posts in the thread on that you'll understand the issue better. The FPS drop has much more to do with complexity of the scenery than what SDK was used (And the fact that dynamic lighting places a *huge* load on the graphics card when you're rendering areas of the scale that P3D needs)- the sceneries that cause problems mostly do so because they were already incorrectly built in older versions of the sim or use very old versions of model formats from pre-FS9 which are no longer compatible.
  4. I may be being a little slow (and that certainly has been known to happen), but when we download the 777 set up package, is the voice pack inside the same installer, or should I have a second exe to install it?
  5. Throwing in the voice pack is a nice move - definitely appreciated. Is the voice pack 64 bit specific, or does it also work in the original 32 bit version of FS2Crew if we also own that?
  6. The issue of 32 bit support only becomes a problem if it reaches the point where it's holding back development or forcing releases to cater to the lowest-common denominator to stay within an acceptable memory footprint. (Or of course for smaller development groups, when supporting the older platforms places an unacceptable burden on their time)
  7. Any chance of a bundle of FS2Crew + a nice haddock & chips on the side? I'd be totally up for that deal ;)
  8. I'm well aware of that - I was simply pointing out that it therefore makes a lousy example of a dev dropping 32bit support - given that the project is coming out first as a 32 bit product, and as far as I'm aware they've made no statement about future 32bit support beyond the 787. For the record, I'm in the 64 bit P3Dv4 camp - so I'd be perfectly happy if 32 bit died a quick death, but whether it will or not is still uncertain until more developers speak out on the matter
  9. Very true. Also very worthwhile to allow you to use LINDA for much better button binding of non-standard controls on payware aircraft (and to replace the terrible software for the VRInsight MCP panels) On the X-55, I use one of the rotating dials on the right hand throttle for the tiller on planes that need it (and it conveniently has a notch at the centre position to make re-centring easy)
  10. P3D v1, v2 and v3 are all still for sale on LM's website - they provide the most recent build from each respective major version. That's most likely a side effect of them catering to commercial customers rather than for our benefit though, but makes it no different from FSX in regards to availability. (Altough non-Steam versions of FSX aren't available new, so there is a finite number of copies of that in circulation - although that's only an issue for a small subset of addons like AES that are affected by the differences)
  11. I'm not getting into a EULA debate with you here, so I'm not touching that topic (and you shouldn't be either if you want to stay on the right side of the rules - the mods don't appreciate armchair lawyer-ing) The discussion was specifically about changes in a 64 bit platform vs 32 bit ones, maybe you should read the thread title: The answer to which is nothing until they stop supporting 32bit versions, since they're bound by the lowest common denominator (or annoy all customers of 32 bit platforms by only releasing a limited feature version on those platforms) Anyhow since you're obviously privy to internal information on QW's internal decisions and reasoning - and clearly seem to be a programming expert (or you're just repeating what you've read about maintaining and porting code between different CPU architectures - my day job incidentally) I'm going to leave you to it and not waste time arguing with you.
  12. But you didn't provide a case where it was not true, you provided a case where the initial release of the product was only for a 32 bit platform - pretty much the opposite of the statement you were trying to make. The point about making seperate versions really doesn't apply either - if they're only releasing for P3Dv4 and not v3, then the FSX version cannot eat into the market share of their P3D platform (FSX build won't work on v4 and vice versa) therefore there's no business case for blocking it unless they do plan a P3Dv3 version to be sold separately. In the cases of PMDG and FSLabs they were both trying to sell 32 bit versions on both platforms, so it made sense for them to block it so that they weren't competing with themselves. Not the same situation at all. No company turns away paying customers unless it would canabalize the market share of their own products, it's far more likely that they're not bothering with a specific v3 release is because they don't need to.
  13. Yes, in response to a post stating that developers wouldn't drop 32 bit in the near future. You're now selectively re-writing what you said to suit your argument And aside from that, it's highly likely that the FSX version will work in v3 unless they take explicit action to block it from doing so.
  14. Hardly, their most recent statement said that they were releasing for FSX first, which is most definitely not 64 bit,
  15. I voted no, I'd rather see a decent 727 for v4 (but I don't think either aircraft is really something PMDG would want to work on)
  16. Not however, on a 64-bit Windows 10, unless you also run a virtual machine on top of it with a 32bit version of Windows 10. Once the CPU is switched to 64bit execution, it loses the ability to run applications in real mode. (Thus no DOS or Win16 apps)
  17. Thanks, it's when things get tricky like my PayPal situation that you see which developers genuinely care - and I'm pleased to say Bryan definitely cares! :)
  18. I'd just like to say that the support I've received from Bryan in the last couple of hours with my billing issues has been top notch, and I can't speak highly enough of him. That level of support alone makes me feel very good about my purchase. Here's looking forward to the rest of lineup coming out :)
  19. The big negative to continuing to release addons for FSX, is that for every addon a user buys and can't take with them to 64bit, it's that much harder to get them to move on. Meanwhile, the whole industry is held back by a need to keep feature parity between platforms with vastly different limits.
  20. You kind of summed up my own thoughts in that post - although I'd add that not only is the MD-11 old code for FSX, even then it was a port to FSX from FS2004, and never saw an update for 32 bit P3D, making it an even tougher job to bring forward.
  21. Nope, sadly it's not - and once you're blacklisted, you're really bloomin blacklisted. They make it literally impossible to ever touch their services or any site handled by them again. They're a very dirty company when it suits them. I mean, possibly if I move house, change my name, and get a new passport, I *might* get away with it, but other than that I've got no chance
  22. As I'm getting tired of repeating - The credit/debit card processing is still handled via PayPal, and if you read the whole post you quoted, you'll see that I stated that they will not process any of my cards even through that system. See screenshot here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hhes6a03v203a1v/Screenshot 2017-06-18 05.53.36.png?dl=0 Who does it say is handling the payment?
  23. Guessing you've never been on the wrong side of PayPal. I wasted months fighting with them over this. Once they've decided they don't want you, nobody will talk to you, there's no official reason ever given in writing (I got the ID thing out of them after three hours on the phone, but they clammed up immediately afterwards.) There's no appeals process or any way to put a case forwards, the entire process happens behind closed doors with no end user interaction. The only good thing is that I had zero funds in my PayPal account when they locked it down, or I wouldn't have seen that for a minimum of six months. Once they blacklist you, they use your identity documents/account information to make sure that any account you try and open with them in future will be automatically picked up and closed, and likewise if you attempt to make a card payment without being logged in - I got away with it 3 or so times, now it'll just decline. I'd love to have resolved the issue, but I've exhausted every avenue at my disposal, so now I'm forced to avoid PayPal only services/stores. For the most part, I've succeeded in working around it, or finding alternatives - sadly FS2Crew is one of the few places without a second option. If Brian has an alternative way to receive money from me then I'll be more than happy to continue being a loyal customer.
  24. I don't dispute any of your points - but I am of the opinion that when it does come to buying updated licenses, the pricing needs to be structured in a way that doesn't alienate existing customers either. In the case of RAAS I think part of the issue is that agreeing to bundle it with pretty much all of the most popular tubeliners has undermined the value of the full unlocked version for a lot of customers, which makes a full price rebuy hard to swallow. (I don't think there were any bundled "locked" copies when I first bought my copy of it.) In effect it now has to compete against the lighter version of itself for a place in people's budgets. I do however agree that for an addon which has spanned from FS9 to P3Dv3, it's completely reasonable for there to be a charge. As I posted above, with some products like the NGX however, more care needs to be applied to the pricing which takes into account that for some customers this will be the third version of FS2Crew they've purchased for the same base aircraft - and the price charged should reflect that purchase history. (Even though I don't dispute that a charge is reasonable, it needs to be a reasonable charge) I also feel that if a lower introductory price is made (like the 5EUR rebate) then it should be evenly applied across all customers, regardless of where and how they purchase. As it stands, as an existing customer I'll still end up paying more than those who are *not* blocked by PayPal.
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