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Everything posted by CVO110

  1. I'm using the same mods but without the bloom. Doesn't appear to be too bad. There's just a little offset at angles but not like yours.
  2. Unselecting Improved Shadows is the only way to correct it all together. No dark shadows.
  3. Ok moving the bias large slider to 0.1 seems to have made it a little lighter but it's still dark.
  4. Thanks PJ and Steve. Steve, all of the above was tested. Alpha Bloom set to Always Off didn't fix it. Turning off HD Shadows didn't fix it. Uninstalling the libraries to native FSX fixed it.
  5. Before I run this further up the flag pole to ORBX, I thought I would run this by PJ and Steve, or anyone else for that matter, for their input first. All of this occurs with or without Steve's Fixer and only in ORBX Australia SP4. It does not occur in DX9. I set FSX back to verify that. I have an interesting situation that I have not seen before. I just purchased the ORBX Australian SP4, and while most aircraft are fine, the Opensky, Skyspirit and TDS(Tenkuu Developers Studio) aircraft all have an issue where a very dark shadow is on the aircraft using the outside view. See the link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ng1mrpedchpw8qq/2013-12-24_10-43-35-434.BMP I am assuming it is "supposed" to be the shadow on the opposite side of the sun because it does go away as you rotate the view and shows up on the other side, wings and engine nacelles. I think the three aircraft developers are a mix match of the same people. I don't know anything about textures or painting so I can't comment on that, but since all three have the same issue, I have to look at that aspect. This only occurs in the ORBX Australia SP4 area and nowhere else that I can find. I fly mainly in the US and don't have any problem with any of the mentioned aircraft. All patches and LIBS from ORBX have been applied and are all up to date. Any light you can shed on this would be appreciated.
  6. bk I just tried it like this, and while I was a little skeptical with a trust but verify attitude ^_^ , it did indeed increase my frame rates. I am using FSDreamteam KDFW and was receiving anywhere from 9 to 12 fps before the bloom settings. I am now receiving in the range . of 15 to 20 fps. I'm not a fan of bloom but hey, you do what you have to do. I'll run with it on for a while to make sure.
  7. BK just download it again from the Flight SIm Store. Unlimited downloads I believe.
  8. I'm running 5.4c 2012 schedules due to the ntdll issue. I leave my traffic slider at 20% until I learn how to overclock my i7. My frame rate drops to 10 sitting at the gate at FsDreamteam KDFW. I have seen it hit 7 once or twice. Disable 5.4c and it jumps to about 20 frames. Leaving the country for a while so overclocking will have to wait until next month. But, I'm not getting the ntdll error anymore on 2012 schedules. Jim there are some patches on the 5.4c support forum that they are asking people to try.
  9. Sounds like if you want to fly uninterrupted, you should hang around on 5.4b until they figure this out. :biggrin:
  10. Thanks Bob. I pretty much guessed it wouldn't do it on the 2012 schedules on your system either .I placed the questions about this on his forum. You can chime in on it too if you wish. I'll bet it's some coding accidentally left in. It shouldn't be modifying the original fsx.cfg but once if I am not mistaken. Not every time FSX starts. And that would only be on install. We shall see. :huh:
  11. I'm not seeing it on 2012. I deleted mine. If you're on 2012, move it out of the directory and see if it comes back. Strange. I'm going to go ahead and ask him about it.
  12. Bob, do me a favor and look in the directory where your fsx.cfg lives and tell me if you see a file fsx.cfg.txt . I've been seeing this since I installed 5.4c. It is a fresh file every time FSX is started. I don't see the file with the 2012 schedules. If you do, I'll bring it up in the forum to Burkhard.
  13. Hi Bob. Yeah, Lavon is a really big place for sure. :lol: But even way out here, Dallas and surrounding areas are slowly creeping their way out here. If I had a, b and c, I would reinstall and upgrade and once I got to c, go immediately to 2012 schedules and not even mess with the 2013 stuff. Or as Ted has done, stay on b until they can find out what's wrong. If I receive another error on 2012, I'll ask 4.5b.
  14. The 2012 Schedules seem to work for me.. So far.. I was about ready to ask Burkhard for 4.5b so I could at least fly a little. But so far, so good on the 2012 schedules.
  15. Thanks Ted. I don't have 4.5b. I came in after the release of 4.5c. I've uninstalled 4.5c several times. Re-installed with 4.5c and put the patch in. Still have issues with it. I'll try the 2012 schedules.
  16. You should tell Burkhard about it in the forum where the patches were. I flew Brian's KPHX and KDFW at 30% and 40% last night. No errors so far. Are you testing at KRND?
  17. I haven't tried the 2012 schedules but I will if I continue to get the crashes. I'm easing it up slowly. I get mine out of KDFW. I may take a spin around KPHX. I did a straight up install of 54c so no upgrade was involved. If I get another one, I'll go ahead and report it. Thanks for the info. The patch may not help me either.
  18. I have a phobia when someone tells me to "delete" something so I backed up the old files first. I think there were a total of six files. Hope it works out for you.
  19. Bob, I've had a few of these as well. It has been reported to Burkhard at http://forum.simflight.com/topic/75131-54c-ctd-problem-a-solution/?hl=ntdll Message 14 has a patch. Before I report my issue, I'm still playing around with it. There is a patch you might want to try. It's noted in the forum I just attached. I tried it and haven't had any issues "yet". If you do use it, follow the instructions closly. My sliders on airlines is at 30% right now. I'll increase it slowly and see if it gets nasty. If it still does it, I'll report it. Edit: I think you can also go back to the 2012 schedules and it doesn't happen.
  20. AA is for quitters. ^_^ I really didn't get into this until about a year ago so I missed all the fun. But I've been doing a "ton" of reading and watching who is and isn't moving to DX10 as well as DX9. I can see where it would help their cash flow supporting DX10 as well as DX9. It was a no brainier for me to buy Steve's fixer. There are still some light issues but in time, all will be well as it can be. He's doing the workaround on the AI lights so I'm a happy camper on that. Exactly. Every system is different with different results so I can see where it's going to take time. At any rate, I'm still learning and eavesdropping on all of the conversations. I like your interests. :lol:
  21. Ron, have you tried one of the (2)16x settings available in the Fixer? Just for testing purposes to see if they diminish or go away? I'm not a guru on configs but maybe someone that is, can figure it out for you. Maybe someone like, oh say, PJ!
  22. Hi Daniel. Steve is working on a fix for the dim MyTraffic AI lights.
  23. Thanks Paul. I was about to ask the same question.
  24. Thanks Hawk. I tried the ones you just posted with the same results. But, I managed to get it fixed. I was adding the new update to your "original" sound files. Then it dawned on me that this update may not coexist with the original. So I got the original Carenado sound folder and put this update in it. Works fine now. So don't go digging. Thanks for the quick response. I'm going to go check it out now.
  25. Hawk I tried your update today. Everything is great except in the cockpit. All I can hear is a really really low engine noise. I can get it cranked up via the FSX sound option but the gyros are super load and it also throws all the other aircraft way to loud at that setting. I removed it and tried the update again just to make sure I didn't miss anything but it's still occurring. Any ideas?
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