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The Dungeon
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Everything posted by Azone

  1. Yes, there is a copy in the main FSX folder. I got that error after I took someones advice and deleted the scenery cfg. and yes as I already posted ..my Addon Scenery folder has a "folder" named scenery in it. Copying the scenerycfg from C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX to the mainFSX Folder didn't work either.
  2. There is a "scenery folder" in the Addon Scenery folder.
  3. That's exactly what it looks like but the Addon scenery folder does not show up in the scenery library (in game). And no....using the add area button in the library will not add the folder. There is only the one copy of the scenery.cfg.
  4. No, unfortunately the add area won't bring back a folder.
  5. Thanks, I had a feeling I had to do something with the scenery cfg. This is just my laptop and I don't actually fly on it I just use it to test downloads. Does leave me to ask why I would need to have specific areas like Reno and Edwards checked if I wasn't flying there. EDIT..well so much for that idea now it says... "Scenery config is missing or damaged reload disk" which I no longer have !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Had to restore the scenery cfg from the recycle bin.
  6. No the Addon scenery folder is in the main FSX folder but it doesn't show up in the library.
  7. I must of deleted when I was trying to add scenery last week. No luck in that either. it was empty so it shouldn't affect anything.
  8. AI Smooth, it's in the library or Flightsim.com.
  9. For the life of me I can't stick one back in there, how do you do it? it's in my main FSX folder but doesn't show up in the library.
  10. Turn off the FPS counter. Problem solved.
  11. ????? I have no idea? This is a bare bones FSX on my laptop that I try things on before I use them on my desktop.
  12. I've never been able to get add-on scenery to work. What does this mean? Instructions say put in add-on scenery folder but it never shows up. I always get this error.
  13. hmmmmm http://library.avsim.net/search.php?SearchTerm=fsx_ilheus_eng_v10.zip&CatID=fsxscen&Go=Search...good find! Maybe Jorge works for them now and wants to get paid
  14. Has there been any improvements in AA? Any Nvidia support?
  15. Nope,nada,never. I will buy their new FS product if it runs like MS Flight..
  16. It's junk, save your money. It's not Orbx but Pilots.
  17. Without being connected to GFWL will you lose all your career info? If I remember correctly some of it is stored on line.
  18. 10 million in 5 months all DLC..nothing to sneeze at considering how many critics it had .
  19. Makes sense though. Why would somebody buy the whole FS series with all those third parties tied to it? Might as well start fresh and write the new terms for third parties.
  20. Does anyone know if Flight can be moved from the C drive to an SSD? I think the rebirth of Flight is around the corner!
  21. It would make sense that the new licensee only purchased Microsoft Flight as from the start of this conversation Microsoft wanted an arm and a leg to purchase the rights to the whole FS series.
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