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About BestPlane

  • Birthday 02/04/1995

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  1. We could set up a reward for the first who uploads a photo showing Robert with a todays newspaper
  2. I disagree on that one. Nobody should be (and in fact they arent) allowed to tell me what I do with files on my PC and what not, As long as I dont harm any REAL laws like making it available elsewhere or selling it. But to claim a copyright here and disable Youtube accounts is not quite legal in my opinion. I bet Matt gets his channel back soon, without any consequences
  3. This case shows how stubborn and selfish IVAO "CEOs" are. It is obvious that they are not aware of the situation of our community. Youtube/Twitch/ etc. are essential for communication, learning and more important: to catch attention to our hobby. Flightsim community gets smaller and smaller. Welcome to 2015! We`re not living in FS 2002 times anymore. We already have software that lags behind, community that is split (IVAO and VATSIM). So please bring your R&R to todays standards and stop weaken our community with small minded copyright claims!
  4. Thank you so much for your effort! Yes thats kinda strange indeed. Ok, I currently have FTX Global, Vector and OpenLC Europe in use. No other nonstandard airports nearby, and there wasnt any other scenery installed before. Version 1.01 is installed which is the latest version of EDNY. Just to make it sure: Lightfield.bgl needs to be copied to the aerosoft/friedrichshafen scenery folder? Maybe you can send me over your configuration file then I can check where our settings differ
  5. Ok I did that with all 3 options checked. Unfortunately with no success :(
  6. thank you for your reply. Yes I copied the EDNY Light field BGL into the airports scenery folder but had no succes with it :( If I delete the light field bgl i dont get flashing but the lights are missing completely. The problem occurs with every aircraft I use, even with sock aircrafts. Doesnt matter if I turn the lights on or off Man this airport is reeeally stubborn
  7. Hello guys, the problem I have is that the runway and apron lights at Friedrichshafen EDNY are flashing like hell. I know those very bad programed german airports are very difficult to handle, but I just want make sure that there is nothing I can do on this issue. I already tried every possible setting in the legacy option menu. (momentarily: regulator is set all the way to the left to scenery with v2.0 transparency and lightning rules ticked / in the lights,effects page "convert effects" and "exclude orbx" is ticked). I feel very comfortable with this settings except at EDNY :( Maybe someone here has proper setting that stops flashing at EDNY or any other solution because I cant image my FSX without Steves genius Fixer! Thanks in advance and always happy landings
  8. Sorry to push this thread up again after a long time, but maybe the answer that was given to me by the REX support is important for other uses which do experience the same problems: "As of right now you cannot change or modify the water textures within REX 4. We are working on an Add-on to address this and will be released soon. I can say that we handled the process in REX 4 differently to account for other water class issues that REX 3 didn't fix by splitting up the waters. We will be bring the best of both worlds to REX 4 Texture Direct soon." Source: http://www.realenvironmentxtreme.com/forums/index.php?/topic/30908-rex-4-just-creates-ocean-water-textures/ So as it seems there are massive problems in creating proper inland textures. It sounds good that they will keep up on that, but until no additional feature like the support mentioned is released, REX 4 is money down the drain for users of older REX products.
  9. Thank you all for your answers!! @ MartinRex007 Yes SSD is pretty heavy loaded at the moment 28GB free space. But I have this problem since I made a complete new installation :( @ Bert Pieke / frosty777 - tried FFTF on 0,2/ 0,3 and standard value 0.33 -> no success The textures don`t stay loaded, and if I am going to an another viewpoint and "coming back" it drops again - tryed XMP Profile number 2 (my standard is number 1) -> no success - mhhh I will see if I can get a better mains adapter to check that point - also tried a complete fresh fsx.cfg -> no success @DoubleJ well...you cant really ignore such a massive drop on 14 fps, even if you turn off the fps counter -_- Here is my fsx.cfg, maybe it helps a bit [AContain] LabelColor=FFFF0000 LabelDelay=1000 ShowLabelAirline=0 ShowLabelAirlineAndFlightNumber=0 ShowLabelAirspeed=0 ShowLabelAltitude=1 ShowLabelContainerId=0 ShowLabelDistance=1 ShowLabelFlightPlan=0 ShowLabelHeading=0 ShowLabelManufacturer=1 ShowLabelModel=1 ShowLabels=1 ShowLabelTailNumber=0 ShowUserLabel=0 [ATC] AutoOpenAirTrafficWindow=1 COMM_MSG_AI_ATC_COLOR=FFFF7840 COMM_MSG_ATC_AI_COLOR=FF00FF00 COMM_MSG_ATC_USER_COLOR=FFB6FFB6 COMM_MSG_NONE_COLOR=FFFFFFFF COMM_MSG_USER_ATC_COLOR=FFFFD21B PilotVoice=0 ShowATCText=1 UsePilotVoice=1 [CONTROLS] Controls_Current=Standard Controls_Default=Standard KBDAIL=64 KBDELEV=64 KBDRUD=64 [Display] ActiveWindowTitleBackGroundColor=0,28,140,64 ActiveWindowTitleTextColor=255,255,255 BLOOM_EFFECTS=0 ChangeTime=4.000000 InfoBrakesEnable=False InfoLowerLeftBackGroundColor=255,0,0,128 InfoLowerLeftTextColor=255,255,255 InfoLowerRightBackGroundColor=255,0,0,128 InfoLowerRightTextColor=255,255,255 InfoOverspeedEnable=False InfoParkingBrakesEnable=False InfoPauseEnable=True InfoSlewEnable=False InfoStallEnable=False InfoUpperRightBackGroundColor=0,0,0,0 InfoUpperRightTextColor=255,0,0 NonActiveWindowTitleBackGroundColor=24,33,87,64 NonActiveWindowTitleTextColor=255,255,255 SKINNED_ANIMATIONS=1 TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT=70 TransitionTime=4.000000 UPPER_FRAMERATE_LIMIT=34 WideViewAspect=False [DISPLAY.Device.NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770.0.0] Anisotropic=1 Mode=1920x1080x32 AntiAlias=1 [DynamicHeadMovement] HeadMoveTimeConstant=1.000000 LonAccelOnHeadLon=-0.020000 LonAccelOnHeadPitch=-0.010000 MaxHeadAngle=5.000000 MaxHeadOffset=0.300000 RollAccelOnHeadLat=0.010000 RollAccelOnHeadRoll=0.100000 YawAccelOnHeadLat=-0.100000 [FACILITIES] CITY= COUNTRY= GTL_BUTTON=1244 STATE= [GRAPHICS] AC_SELF_SHADOW=0 AIRCRAFT_REFLECTIONS=1 AIRCRAFT_SHADOWS=1 COCKPIT_HIGH_LOD=1 D3D10=1 EFFECTS_QUALITY=0 GROUND_SHADOWS=0 HIGHMEMFIX=1 IMAGE_QUALITY=0 LANDING_LIGHTS=1 MultiSampleQuality=24 MultiSamplesPerPixel=8 NUM_LIGHTS=8 See_Self=1 SHADER_CACHE_PRIMED=1693458432 SHADER_CACHE_PRIMED_10=1693458432 TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=1024 TEXTURE_QUALITY=3 Text_Scroll=1 [INTERNATIONAL] ASLAT=2 ASLON=0 MEASURE=0 [Main] FIBER_FRAME_TIME_FRACTION=0.2 HideMenuFullscreen=1 HideMenuNormal=0 Location=711,183,1751,961,\\.\DISPLAY1 Maximized=2 PerfBucket=7 ProcSpeed=19187 SimObjectPaths.0=SimObjects\Airplanes SimObjectPaths.1=SimObjects\Rotorcraft SimObjectPaths.2=SimObjects\GroundVehicles SimObjectPaths.3=SimObjects\Boats SimObjectPaths.4=SimObjects\Animals SimObjectPaths.5=SimObjects\Misc SimObjectPaths.6=SimObjects\IVAO_MTL User Objects=Airplane, Helicopter [Misc] Com_Rate=7 [PANELS] DEFAULT_VIEW=0 IMAGE_QUALITY=1 PANEL_MASKING=1 PANEL_OPACITY=100 PANEL_STRETCHING=1 QUICKTIPS=0 UNITS_OF_MEASURE=0 [PointOfInterestSystem] CycleSetting=0 [REALISM] AutoCoord=False AutoTrim=False CrashDetection=False CrashTolerance=0.000000 CrashWithDyn=False GEffect=False General=0.000000 GyroDrift=False GyroEffect=0.000000 ManualLights=False PFactor=0.000000 RealMixture=False StressDamage=False Torque=0.000000 TrueAirspeed=False UnlimitedFuel=True [SCENERY] DAWN_DUSK_SMOOTHING=1 IMAGE_COMPLEXITY=5 LENSFLARE=0 [SIM] SYSCLOCK=1 [SlewTextInfo.1] AirSpeed=1,5 Altitude=1,3 Heading=1,4 Latitude=1,1 Longitude=1,2 [SlewTextInfo.2] FrameRate=1,1 LockedFrameRate=1,2 [SlewTextInfo.3] AirSpeed=1,5 Altitude=1,3 FrameRate=2,1 Heading=1,4 Latitude=1,1 LockedFrameRate=2,2 Longitude=1,2 [SOUND] AmbientUI=0 AmbientUIMusic=FSX01 AmbientUIMusicVolume=-6.000000 PrimaryDevice={DEF00000-9C6D-47ED-AAF1-4DDA8F2B5C03} SOUND=1 SOUND_FADER1=0.500000 SOUND_FADER2=0.500000 SOUND_FADER3=0.500000 SOUND_FADER4=0.500000 SOUND_LOD=0 SOUND_QUALITY=2 UISound=0 VoiceDevice={DEF00002-9C6D-47ED-AAF1-4DDA8F2B5C03} [STARTUP] DEMO=0 LoadWindow=1 SHOW_OPENING_SCREEN=1 STARTUP_DEMO= [TERRAIN] AUTOGEN_DENSITY=2 DETAIL_TEXTURE=1 LOD_RADIUS=4.500000 MESH_COMPLEXITY=49 MESH_RESOLUTION=21 TEXTURE_RESOLUTION=27 WATER_EFFECTS=4 [TextInfo.1] AirSpeed=1,5 Altitude=1,3 Heading=1,4 Latitude=1,1 Longitude=1,2 WindDirectionAndSpeed=1,6 [TextInfo.2] FrameRate=1,1 FuelPercentage=1,4 GForce=1,3 LockedFrameRate=1,2 [TextInfo.3] AirSpeed=1,5 Altitude=1,3 FrameRate=2,1 FuelPercentage=2,4 GForce=2,3 Heading=1,4 Latitude=1,1 LockedFrameRate=2,2 Longitude=1,2 WindDirectionAndSpeed=1,6 [TrafficManager] AirlineDensity=0 AIRPORT_SCENERY_DENSITY=0 FreewayDensity=0 GADensity=0 IFROnly=0 LeisureBoatsDensity=0 ShipsAndFerriesDensity=0 [Trusted] C:\Program Files (x86)\EZCA\EZCA.exe.ttoaakknnzqqzqetornleokbqnicnqocukqbhwra=1 C:\Program Files (x86)\IVAO\IvAp v2\ivap_fsx_bootstrap.dll.qrathnlnnenhiolreqqnzbiilzezwlhqereziora=1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\as_srv\as_btstrp.dll.aclehtbzeboeeooziniauoebrcliuhbqezzkuczw=1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\PMDG_737NGX.DLL.iehohlblhcebznbrazllrkrtkhqlkuklkerqrlot=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\PMDG_737NGX_3.DLL.wuuzinioukunnnzikzuuhrcuqwuwkkatrikwzbbr=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\PMDG_777X.DLL.cbwtllabqrluzoeqorttiuoawrwkcthwoltocwwc=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\PMDG_777X.DLL.oruwaccizhzlwbhnezunzwahcnlzicnkbbnehuut=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\PMDG_777X_3.DLL.ouialniankkaralcalzazwqkktuaetatlerqrlec=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.dll.tnqohqokbbahabuckerwqqkeuihborbrknzotlru=1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_ORBXLIBS\Scenery\ObjectFlow.dll.aticizzunolzwttbuknbtoaateukrznllzoakkru=1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\PMDG\DLLs\PMDG_HUD_interface.dll.batrolaciiuwakrqawtwloneeoiukqbcrqktthia=1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\PMDG\DLLs\PMDG_Interface.dll.kbhzkahhbbthiwnaitlzawawohkroheuiehtqlqq=1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\RAASPRO\RAASPRO.dll.ibwqzenukqecelcnribhbahzerkwktneiwuwiclr=1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\VistaMare\ViMaCoreX.dll.ookllqqiaurhbtrreiheobribkcqatqheubazonb=1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\KingAir.DLL.borcualhiqowqokbrbcqlcarikoiuzeuonkehtwn=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\Cessna172.DLL.qnlkklolnzhitbunnkeuqunhiraetqchhwihaziw=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\KingAir_Radio.DLL.blnuqutluhuttihnqqoiuaizqlqutttiknrzckeu=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\Magnetic_Compass.DLL.oeztcnktwknuwaccbnbobraczitocibtoqoqiehh=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\PMDG\DLLs\PMDG_Interface.dll.eitnuocrnzznualcetewttzqqllllacizconwccc=1 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\PMDG_777X.DLL.iqizlniaehuzwbqnuzceibabcrqzkccioeklkhur=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\Bendix_King_Radio.DLL.icarlialkqbwcelirniquhczqzlahekczcttqulh=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\Mooney_Bravo.DLL.zqorbblqhubhborhbtbnaoibqqoiioebrcoaoawt=2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\GAUGES\737-400.DLL.kqchnuoekterriootanbqrzrzkcokbtezboutqri=2 [USERINTERFACE] Map_Orientation=2 OpenATCOnCreate=0 PageID=1 PAUSE_ON_LOST_FOCUS=0 PROMPT_ON_EXIT=1 SelectAircraftManufacturer=Alle SelectAircraftPublisher=Alle SelectAircraftType=Alle ShowAllACPaintSchemes=1 SHOW_MISSION_CAPTIONS=0 SITUATION=FLIGHTS\OTHER\FLTSIM [VirtualCopilot] VirtualCopilotActive=0 [Weather] AdjustForMagVarInDialog=1 CLOUD_COVERAGE_DENSITY=7 CLOUD_DRAW_DISTANCE=6 DETAILED_CLOUDS=1 DisableTurbulence=0 DownloadWindsAloft=0 DynamicWeather=0 MaxGustRampSpeed=200 MaxGustTime=500 MaxVarRampSpeed=75 MaxVarTime=50 MinGustRampSpeed=1 MinGustTime=10 MinVarRampSpeed=10 MinVarTime=5 THERMAL_VISUALS=0 TurbulenceScale=1.000000 WeatherGraphDataInDialog=0 WeatherServerAddress=fs2k.zone.com WeatherServerPort=80 WindshieldPrecipitationEffects=1 [MAPVIEW_MAP] SHOW_AIRPORTS=1 SHOW_VORS=1 SHOW_NDBS=1 SHOW_APPROACHES=1 SHOW_INTERSECTIONS=0 SHOW_VICTOR=0 SHOW_JET=0 SHOW_AIRSPACE=1 SHOW_FLIGHTPLAN=1 SHOW_WEATHERSTATIONS=1 SHOW_WEATHERSYSTEMS=1 SHOW_DATATAGS=1 SHOW_TERRAIN=1 show_flight_history=1 [MULTIPLAYER] condAccoutPassword=0
  10. Hello guys, since a long time now, I have a problem which I can’t solve: Massive frame drops! Those drops occurring when I am on some sceneries (like Fly Tampa OMDB or Skiathos from 29 Palms) and when I am turning my view. Then the frames droping down to 14 FPS and after a few seconds they are jumping back to the target of 34 FPS. This is independent of the aircraft I use. It occurs if I select a PMDG aircraft or a standard FSX aircraft. It seems like the scenery takes its time to reload or something. But I haven’t experienced this problem with my old sandy bridge cpu. I have a huge experience with FSX and I tried nearly EVERYTHING I found in the internet. But I couldn’t find a reason for these drops. It would be so nice if you could help me and give me a solution for this! Here is my system: Intel i7 4820k 4,3 GHz / Noctua NH-D14 Kingston KHX1866C9D3K2/8GX 8GB RAM DDR3 1866Mhz Gigabyte Nvidia GeForce GTX 770 4GB DDR5 ASUS X79 Deluxe bequiet! Pure Power CM L8 530W FSX auf 240GB Kingston SSD Windows 7 64Bit Home Premium Most important software: - FSX Standard Edition / SP 2 (running on DX10 with Steves Fixer but the problem exists also on DX9) - REX 4 - Active Sky Next - ORBX Global / OpenLC - PMDG 737 / 777 A selection of what I tried already: · Complete new fsx.cfg · FFTF to 0 (have it now on 0.1) · Highmemfix (always in my cfg) · Disabled Intel Speed Step · Tons of differtent TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH settings · Different LOD settings · Buffepools · Deactivated antivir · Tried a fsx.cfg from venetubo · RAM, CPU and Graphic Card are working correctly (and I have only problems in FSX) · WideViewAspect · Different graphic card drivers Every hint and every idea is much appreciated!! Thank you very much
  11. Yes posted it there It would be interesting if I am alone with this water textures "problem". Can someone give me a screenshot of the Lake Constance with REX 4?
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