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  • Birthday 04/19/1995

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  1. I've noticed no difference at all - positive or negative. But for compatibility's sake, if you have no other reason to get Windows 8 - stick with Windows 7.
  2. Just run the Nvidia installer, if you want to delete settings then tick the clean install option. I don't think there's any advantage to running some kind of sweeper, in fact it might do more harm than good.
  3. It looks pretty good, yes. You could certainly do a lot worse for FSX at that price! I'm not too sure on the graphics card, you might want to search something like "GT630M FSX" and see what results other people have had. But certainly, you won't do much better for the CPU unless you spend a decent amount more. Yeah, this is the main thing. If you want to run FSX with GEX, UTX, REX, the NGX (lots of Xs ), addon scenery etc. with everything turned up high then you will definitely need a rather powerful computer which will end up being expensive. If you're not bothered about having everything on high settings and using loads of addons, you don't so much.
  4. I noticed on the GeForce announcement page here this paragraph: I am using Word Not Allowed's Nvidia Inspector configuration with SGSS AA, so I wonder if this might improve my performance with that. I don't tend to go for beta drivers, though, so I will probably wait for the 310 WHQL release.
  5. All I will say on this is that for $2700 you will probably get a desktop that runs FSX better than your laptop, or alternatively for less than $2700 you will probably get a desktop that runs FSX as well as your laptop. In short, desktops are cheaper when you only consider the specifications and performance gained from them. Portability is mostly subjective - I doubt I would ever move a gaming laptop from my desk if I owned one, so I see little point personally. For someone who travels a lot with their computer, the portability could be invaluable. As for how much the clock speed of a processor matters - with FSX, due to its older coding, it matters a great deal - you want to get as high as is possible really. Basically: the higher, the better! Try to get something that runs at 3GHz or higher, I would say. Might be harder for a laptop though.
  6. That's not bad, you make me want to upgrade from my Logitech as well. Also, for anyone who loads up the 737NGX after installing Ezdok and wonders where on Earth to begin setting up their views, I found a good set here that it might be worth using as a starting point: http://www.flyaoamedia.com/737/737ngx-ez-camera-setup/
  7. I just thought I'd say that I had this issue too with the same joystick under the Windows 8 OS. I have now gone back to Windows 7 anyway, where my joystick has worked perfectly. For what it's worth, I tried doing some circuits (i.e. AP would not get enabled at any point) and the joystick still cut out when I was mid-way through making a turn. So it's not an issue with the aircraft at all, but it seems rather an issue with Windows 8.
  8. What ATC do you use? Because I tried the UT2 demo and even with that, the default ATC was really struggling which caused a fair few issues. Plus, I can't use the default ATC for myself because I use SIDs and STARs and flight plans which I can't load into FSX.
  9. I don't have the licensed version of FSUIPC so I'm not sure what exactly it features - can you assign a joystick button to a key on your keyboard? If so, head into the PMDG setup section on the FMC and assign TOGA to an unused keyboard button, then assign the joystick button to that in FSUIPC. Also, my joystick (Logitech X3D Pro) has a piece of software available which lets you assign the keys yourself, so depending on which stick you have you might be able to download something like that.
  10. Yep, this is right for Ezdok. If you're not using it, hold space and use the mouse wheel.
  11. Ooh, this sounds promising and I'll be sure to try it out and report back. I had noticed that (seemingly randomly) sometimes I would change views and it would be perfect without any flickering - it may well be that this was because I'd waited for the red text to disappear. I don't really like the red text anyway, apart from for working out which zoom level you're at.
  12. What I find odd is that we all have exactly the same issue, but then some people don't seem to have it at all. Maybe they only fly in windowed mode? To be honest I mostly fly windowed at the moment since I have things like AS2012, Vatspy, and others running on the same PC with one monitor and I need to switch to these easily. But once I uncover an issue like this I feel like I MUST fix it even if it's quite minor
  13. I also have this issue (I'll say right now that I haven't found a fix, to save you getting your hopes up ) and these are my findings: Only exists with the 737NGX Only exists with FSX in fullscreen mode Exists whether using EZCA or not Exists to a much greater extent when using "1/2 refresh rate" Vsync mode in Nvidia Inspector, though turning this off and not using any other Vsync modes or Vsync lines in FSX.cfg does NOT entirely solve the problem i.e. I still get flickering with no Vsync, but it's not as bad When using the 1/2 refresh rate Vsync mode with the windowed fix from here I don't notice the problem at all I am currently using the latest WHQL drivers (306.97) with a 1GB GTX 460, which is overclocked and overvolted significantly. Reverting to stock, however, has no effect on the flickering. My CPU (Core i5-2500K) is also overclocked but I highly doubt it is the cause and it should be very stable. Note that I have recently performed a clean install of Windows 7 (64-bit), FSX + Acceleration, and the only add-on I currently have installed is the NGX. I've tweaked my FSX.cfg file according to the previously linked guide.
  14. It might be worth noting that I had to download and install the English (US) language pack after upgrading to Windows 8 here in the UK. In Windows 7 the US option was available by default in speech recognition, with Windows 8 it wasn't until I installed the language pack.
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