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Stiller Water

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About Stiller Water

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  • Birthday 10/01/1965

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  1. What a collection of flights. Took you some time to do, me thinks.
  2. ... and potentially @Jack_Sawyer would be doing this in a 747 ... 😅
  3. Great shots PM. And now try to fly under the bridge - with a Caravan that would be quite a sensation...
  4. Quite the nasty weather down there, Bernd. Still nice views, of the Mainau for example. Do you know what these balck spots in #4 were? UFOs?
  5. Amazing collection of liveries, looking great. And the T7 won´t disappoint you, once you get all cockpit views set.
  6. A nice little plane, and fantastic light, Bernd!
  7. And not a good weather it was... The radar works fine with Hifi ActiveSky as well:
  8. Great shots @pmplayer! Do you use any external weather program od MSFS-internal?
  9. Indeed: Not the optical level of P3D or MSFS, but still very attractive!
  10. You are not flying by the book, Jack: You should have retracted gear after reaching a positive climb rate!
  11. That is great. Hope you manage the change from full-working-in-job to free-working-and-enjoying!
  12. Good that you have survived it. So you could try this lovely camouflage.
  13. Aaaah, the usual Jack-style test flight. I missed you!
  14. Nice flight @bernd1151. Have you served on this plane or just heard them practicing in the 1970s and 80s?
  15. What a lovely plane. And,... ... with this versality, may I call you "Mr. Porter" from today?
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