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Stiller Water

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Everything posted by Stiller Water

  1. Cool plane, story - and shots, Bernd. I thought your final parking was a mistake, but is seems it fits perfectly.
  2. Good shots PMP. Now go for a city tour!
  3. Great shots Will, indeed. Even with a slight sandstorm during takeoff in Alice! What are your weather settings?
  4. Indeed the headline jumps too short: There are, after a long time, quite a number of Orbx & Partner add-ons discounted in OrbxDirect. Whatever the reason behind may be...
  5. Absolutely. What efis is getting out of the good old FS9 is just incredible.
  6. Fantastic what this 20-years old sim can do.
  7. BTW using this symbol in Germany is officially forbidden. For good reason. So even on an international homepage like this, we Germans will not feel good to use such a livery.
  8. Wunderbar, Bernd, now you have earned a good Bratwurst and Bier. But: The rock looks so much more unrealistic than in FSX or P3D before. What might have happened there?
  9. Supported. And, see the link that Dominique has posted above: There are many more with this interest.
  10. That is exactly my problem: I want to re-fly a trip to Oceania I made in Feb/March, or anticipate a flight I may make in another February. I can not use live weather for that.
  11. I see I am not the first to ask this. And not the first to fly my way. And, moreover, the issue has not been solved after 2 years of discussion!
  12. Thank you all for the short comments. What a drawback only live weather is, for example when it is June and you fly in New Zealand (all that snow...).
  13. Interesting accomodation. The planes are much better equipped... I look forward to your next leg!
  14. I often fly at past dates to re-fly my real travels - or to prepare for upcoming (in that case I just go 1 year back). In P3D I used Active Sky to mimic the real weather of that particular day (and, more important, season). But as far as it appears to me, MSFS by default only offers live weather for today, or artificial situations. It could be I miss some function in MSFS - in that case please help me. But it could be some add-on needs to be used - in that case please give me your experience. Thanks in advance, in either case.
  15. Man, this is a sim nearly 20 years old. And weather and plane look top notch!
  16. I had nearly forgotten what St. Exupery means... thought you took a Bleriot plane 😜. Now I got it again, thanks for flying in my backyard, Jack!
  17. Good and interesting work with this comparison, Ikbenik!
  18. Great tour and shots Jack, thanks for posting them! In fact I have just been at Franz & Fox by myself, here is a first picture I took down there, Mt. Cook hiding in the clouds to the top right:
  19. Fantastic flight, showing us some areas we did not see often in MSFS before. The world is big enough... And now have some fun exploring Namibia, and on to the Okavango. PS: Have you seen the new Condor liveries in real already? Fantastic. I do not know if they already made their way to the sim.
  20. A classical Orbx-style flight - with an uncommon plane, well done Bernd. The scenery shows that we do not need all these add-ons as desperately as we did with the older sims. And that the market for these providers has changed significantly.
  21. Fantastic shots, PMP. And your flight time was really short, i flew that route (in real, in an A380) in 13:25 h earlier this year...
  22. Great flight & shots, Jack. On most days I am with you, Bernd... ... and on some days I am with you!
  23. Agreed. It would be such a loss NOT to have you here, Jack.
  24. Great looking scenery, and a solid landing, Bernd!
  25. Amazing tour and shots, Bernd, besides your interesting narration. I am far away from porting or driving these vehicles into the sim, but I know who to ask!
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