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Everything posted by Philly1234

  1. Attention forum members! This Saturday, the 21st, SkyConnection will be hosting a Pro ATC Session @ Boston Logan Intl. Airport which includes Tower’s at Boston Logan Intl. Airport, Boston Center, and Providence’s T.F. Green Airport, located just , 40nm, to the West. Whether you are a professional flight-simmer and looking for ATC that meet’s professional standards or looking to have some fun on a Saturday night with your buds. SkyConnection offers a professional ATC service to all ages and or skillset. Check-out more information on our future Pro Sessions Here: http://sky-connection.wix.com/flightsim Just click on the ATC Schedule Tab! Airport Navaids and Chart’s here: Boston: http://www.airnav.com/airport/KBOS Providence: http://www.airnav.com/airport/KPVD
  2. Sky Connection is looking for new members. We are a friendly community that offers a 24/7 FSX Multiplayer server. We do numerous events including PRO ATC Sessions. We also offer ATC training by our qualified air traffic controllers. Check out our website: http://sky-connection.wix.com/flightsim for Details! We also offer a 24/7 Teamspeak Server: ts41.gameservers.com:9118 We hope to see you there! :lol: Sky Connection - Your World Connected ^_^
  3. **************************************************** REAL-WORLD AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SESSION **************************************************** WHEN: 27 JULY 2013 STARTING: 10:00PM EST CONTROLLED AIRFIELDS: [DEFAULT] Richmond International (ICAO: KRIC) Langley AFB (ICAO: KLFI) [52nm SSE of Richmond] BRIEFING: ALL PILOTS FLYING WITHIN CONTROLLED AIRSPACE ARE REQUIRED TO HAVE A WORKING MICROPHONE AND BE TUNED TO THE APPROPRIATE ATC FREQUENCY. NO EXCEPTIONS. At controlled airfields pilots WILL contact ground prior to engine start to obtain IFR airways (if required), engine start and taxi instructions. Aircraft wishing to remain in an airports local control zone are not required to file flight plan BUT MUST advise GROUND of their intentions on INITIAL CONTACT. All other aircraft, file flight plan in chat-box using standard FSOpen !F syntax. PILOTS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK THE CHAT-BOX UPON ENTERING THE SESSION FOR ACTIVE ATC FREQUENCIES AND OTHER IMPORTANT SESSION INFORMATION. IFR PROCEDURES: For Radar identification purposes, when requested to "SQUAWK Ident" set your transponder to "0000" until advised by the Radar Controller that you are "RADAR IDENTIFIED", you may then return your transponder to the unique code provide on or IFR clearance. CHARTS FOR CONTROLLED AIRPORTS: KRIC: http://skyvector.com/airport/RIC/Ric...tional-Airport KLFI: http://skyvector.com/airport/LFI/Langley-AFB-Airport ATC FREQUENCIES IN USE: KRIC Ground/Clearance Delivery: 118.75Mhz [DEFAULT] KRIC Tower: 121.9Mhz NORFOLK Radar: 125.7Mhz KLFI Tower and Ground: 125.0Mhz Airport Charts: http://skyvector.com/airport/RIC/Ric...tional-Airport Be There! Teamspeak 3 IP: skyconnection.no-ip.org FSX IP:
  4. DEFAULT AIRFIELD: Dallas Forth Worth (KDFW) BRIEFING: Anyone is welcome, pilots starting at airports within or flying into controlled airspace are required to have a working microphone and have their radio tuned to the appropriate air traffic control frequency. Aircraft wishing to remain in local control zone are not required to file flight plan, all other aircraft, file flight plan in chatbox using standard FSOpen !F syntax, and as always, at controlled airfields, contact GROUND prior to engine start and/or taxi to obtain airways. Additional ATC services may be provided at alternate airfields depending on traffic levels. Pilots are required to check the chatbox upon joining for active ATC frequencies and important session information. CHARTS: DALLAS-FORTH WORTH: http://skyvector.com/airport/DFW/Dallas-Fort-Worth-International-Airport ATC FREQUENCIES IN USE: KDFW Ground/Clearance Delivery at DEFAULT airfield: 118.75Mhz KDFW Tower: 124.15Mhz KDFW Terminal/Radar (including Arrival/Departure): 118.55Mhz We hope to see you there! FSX Server IP: Teamspeak IP: skyconnection.no-ip.org
  5. -=-=- Air Force One Escort -=-=- Friday 7, 2013 Air Force One Escort Jet Hop. With Interference at Unknown Time. AF1 Intercept/Escort flight on Friday June 7th at 7:00pm EST. Route: KPHL>KIAD: 46 MINS KIAD > KRDU: 41 MINS KRDU>KCLT: 32 MINS KCLT>KATL: 43 MINS KATL>KVAD: 54 MINS Scenario: When AF1 is 30 nm from Andrews AFB on first hop. Jets will be scrambled and intercept AF1 and escort for the rest of the flight. Every other Hop Escorts will check fuel and if needed refuel. At an undetermined time we will have interference from another set of planes. The standard way to shoot down an aircraft is Guns 1001 Guns 1002 Guns 1003. Targeted aircraft must be within .5nm and within your planes HUD/Target Finder. We hope to see you there! ^_^ FSX Server IP: Teamspeak 3 Server Address: skyconnection.no-ip.org
  6. We are an online group of Microsoft Flight Simulator X Aviation Enthusiasts of varying levels of experience or ability. For pilots, hobbyists or air traffic controllers, novice to expert... ​ ​Sky Connection is your world, connected.​ ​ Sky Connection is accepting members 13 years old or greater, interested in flying or air traffic control services. Sky Connection offers members the opportunity to advance within the group by training with our qualified members to obtain certifications in VFR or IFR flight, or Clearance Delivery, Ground Controller, Tower Controller or Radar Services (Arrival, Departure, or Centre Controllers) as a Sky Connection Air Traffic Controller. ​ Sky Connection hosts a 24/7 Microsoft Flight Simulator X server providing a minimum of 2 professional-level sessions a month providing members a friendly realistic flight experience. ​ Join the group to receive Sky Connection updates; including upcoming pro-sessions, promotions and important NOTAMS. ​ Don't wait any longer, get started today! http://sky-connection.wix.com/flightsim Email: sky_connection@hotmail.com If you have Teamspeak 3, you can connect via this address: skyconnection.no-ip.org
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