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About era66

  • Birthday 05/04/1954

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    Virginia, USA

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  1. I'm watching Smithsonian Air Disaster episode about the Quantas A380 flight 32 that blew its #2 engine at FL080 outbound from Singapore. The problem was communicated to the flight deck crew via ECAM indicators along, of course, with the obvious sound of the explosion. The captain sent his 2nd officer to the passenger cabin to look out the window for a visual check of the left wing, which had a 2 foot hole puncture and leaking fuel. By this time, the flight deck crew had already extinguished the fire from engine 2, although no one really visualized the fire spewing from the engine. My question is, why aren't these large airliners equipped with multiple modern, small video cameras positioned to monitor and focus on the critical parts of the plane (e.g. engines, wings, tail, cargo areas, gears etc.) with zoom and angle controls so the flight deck crew can visualize problems involving critical areas? If the manufacturers can install cameras that show passengers a forward view of the plane from the top of the tail during flight, why can't they do the same for something more useful? Would appreciate any comments, specially from real life pilots and engineers era66
  2. Anyone know of husband and wife team in the flight deck? . . . And who the pilot in command is? era
  3. Just curious . . . Any real life commercial pilots out there who are rated in both Boeing and Airbus (for example, interchangeaby flying B737 NGX or A320 routinely)? Are there regulations or specific conditions by the airline industry or FAA (or other government bureaus of other countries) regarding this? era
  4. I recently bought the A2A Piper Cherokee and am still getting use to how realistic it feels to fly. No doubt I'll need practice. One thing I can't seem to understand, which someone hopefully can explain, is that on take off and initial climb, the plane always want to roll left regardless of the wind direction, even in calm winds. I find myself wrestling with the yoke to keep it level. Is this realistic for this plane? What's the proper procedure then? era
  5. Here's the scenario: I'm coming to the approach phase of my flight (commercial airline flight) and, low and behold, ATC assigns a different landing runway than what I originally entered in the FMC along with the STAR I entered. My question is: Are there freeware or payware apps that I can instantaneously access that will show me just the specific STARs available for the specific assigned runway. Most apps out there gives you a long list of STARs and it takes time to sort them to see which will take you to the assigned runway. Unless I "pause" the sim, I would already be within final before I figure out what STAR to use. Would appreciate suggestions please. By the way, the same scenario happens on departure and SIDs. Thank you. era66
  6. Thanks, guys . . . Will take a look at vroute. Also makes sense not putting any SID or STAR too early. I wonder how often these changes before and during flight in real life? Era
  7. Anyone know of any apps (freeware or payware) or web source that I can QUICKLY use to find the appropriate SID during departure, or STAR during arrival, depending on which runway I was directed to use by control? Sometimes, I find myself ready to taxi only to be told by ground control to takeoff on a different runway than the one I've already programmed in the FMC, or I'm coming in on an approach via a STAR already programmed into my flight plan, and approach will instruct me a different landing runway. I use PFPX as my flight planner, but it's annoying to have to "pause" the sim, reopen PFPX and go through all the steps to see which SID or STAR to use based on which direction (i.e. north, south, east, west, etc) I was originally heading to or coming from before the change was issued. Thanks in advance for any info you can share. Era
  8. I noticed that there is a "push" operation in the speed dial in the MCP. Does it have another function other than displaying the speed when it is not displayed while on VNAV? era
  9. I'm trying to assign a key command to disengage autothrottle with the joystick in the PMDG 737 NGX. I open the FMC, click on Setup, Key Command, Options, Autoflight, and A/T Disengage. I then enter the key command: Ctrl + Shift + R , but soon after I press Shift, the command changes to Shift + Ctrl + R. I tried this several times and Ctrll+Shift always flips to Shift+Ctrl. I tried this with the PMDG 777 just once and it kept the correct order of Ctrl+Shift+R. Anyone else experienced this problem with the NGX? Anyone know of a fix? Thanks, era
  10. Why some airline companies won't allow the first officer to taxi the plane to the terminal, doesn't make sense at all. If the first officer is allowed to fly the plane at 35,000 feet in the air, and take control at the critical phases of flight (take offs and landing), what is the big deal in allowing them to taxi the plane on solid ground? Would be nice to get comments from commercial pilots out there. EA
  11. Didn't know this . . . Makes sense. Thanks Mark EA
  12. I've noticed in real life flight deck videos that when the first officer lands a plane, and at the end of the roll-out, the captain takes control and does the taxi to terminal. I'm curious why this is? EA
  13. Haven't bought the A320/321 update version yet, but do I need to uninstall the older A320 Extended version first before installing the update? Elmo
  14. Thank you for your comments. These are helpful! All I need to do now is find room for a 42" or 50" LED HDTV Regards!
  15. Just curious . . . Anybody know what size of high-def flat screen TV would show actual size panel gauges in a forward view of the windscreen using a 0.7-0.8 zoom?
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