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About zorro747

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  1. Could you be so kind and tell me what exactly should I adjust there?
  2. Guys, can you tell me, whith the Beta how is the issue with sudden weather changes? Has that been improved? I bought the AS, but after several flights switched back to native MFS weather... Because sudden weather changes in AS completely ruined my experience...
  3. is it possible to set the sound to my headphones? Now the sound goes to the speakers. But did not find any option to change that... Any advice?
  4. Hello, Guys Are there any simmers who switched from Quest3 to Pimax Crystal? Or at least Quest3 owner who tried Crystal? Please, share your experience. I would like to know how the picture is different. Is there any difference in performance? The comfort, sizes, straps doesn't matter. Would be grateful for your impressions!
  5. Was always interested in hearing the experience of somebody uses different types of headsets. I am usung Quest3. That was my first headset ever. So, I don;t have any clue on how other headsets are capable of. What I can say that I am happy with the Quest 3. The clear edge to edge picture. Crisp (with a very little blur) picture in the cockpit. Affordable price. But the only thing what I don;t like is how the picture looks in a distance. It seems that the resolution is kinda low, but in the cockpit everything looks great. So, could you share your vision on how everything looks in Pimax? Especially on the ground when airborn.
  6. If you sold the headset, how do you fly then? Back to 2D? For me it is already impossible to get beck to 2D after VR.... 🙂
  7. Hi, guys! I bet it has been discussed already, but will dare to ask again. How can I smooth out the weather change? Yesterday I bought the ASFS. So far so good, but on the apprach the clouds were covering the entire space with no gaps at a certain altitude, then everything suddenly changed and huge gaps appeared between the clouds. What should I change in the setting?
  8. First think you must do is to change the strap. There are many options available on ebay or amazon. The most advertised is BoboVR or so. Like in the post above. But It might be pricy. What I did, i just ordered the similar strap from Aliexpress which cost much less and I am happy about it now. You don;t need the strap with batteries for sure. At least for myself. What I do, I fire up the sim, fly for a certain amount of time and when I am at cruising level, I just put the headset and plug into the socket to charge (in the headset settings must set the sleeping option for 2 or 4h). Or you can buy a longer type C cable and just plug it into the socket and the headset. Thus it will be charging while you flying. Very simple 🙂 Regarding cleaning the lenses, I just use the silk cloth from my sunglasses But I don;t clean often....
  9. you definitely need to buy Virtual Desktop. Download OpenXR toolkit as well. Watch about the settings on You Tube. There are plenty of vids.
  10. Hello, Fellows Maybe you can help me with the headset audio? Initially, I was using cable with the Quest3. The headset was present in the sound devices. But when I installed the Virtual Desktop, the headset dissapeared from the sound devices.... How can I get it back? When I fire up the VD, I hear the music in the earphones. But I want to set up my vpilot audio to go to the headset but there is no Oculus option to choose from in the vpilot sound devices list...
  11. Agree, but VR in MFS is a separate story with its own nuances 🙂
  12. Turn the GPU scheduling OFF. This might help.
  13. I understand what you mean. But when you are 2000 ft high and see the trees are popping up 20 miles (maybe less than 20) away it doesn't look nice... In 2D I did not have such issues at all... My GPU is RTX4090.
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