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    The Big 🍎

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  1. Here too. I logged out of xbox and ms store, logged back in, and viola….all good to go. Maybe it was coincidental with them fixing the network problem or dumb luck. I’m just happy i am back in the skies. Thanks to everyone for the help!
  2. Me as well. I always felt bad for the people who encountered this harrowing message…..and now i am one of them. Tried all the solutions posted in this forum and on MSFS’s site. Nothing worked. I’m guessing it’s a network issue on their end since others seem be experiencing the identical issue. Hopefully it gets sorted quickly. I’m on the east coast of the US if it counts for anything. Fingers crossed it’s resolved quickly.
  3. Mine arrived the other day and it’s amazing. I’ve been looking for a high quality reasonably priced tiller for quite a while, and the cat3design is it! It’s built with high quality materials and to exacting specifications. It’s sturdy, feels good in your hand, and has nice solid resistance thru the turn without feeling “springy.” It works flawlessly and looks the part too. And most importantly, it dramatically improves the immersion factor. Highly recommend for anyone looking for a tiller, regardless if you use it with the ‘Bus or a MD80, or 787, or ATR.....you get the point. This thing is awesome! Go buy it!
  4. This may be a really stupid question....but did you check to see if any controls/keys are conflicting with each other? Sometimes this can happens if you have multiple devices connected to the sim. Also.... check your button assignments in FSUIPC....it's possible a key/button is conflicting with an existing assignment in FSX. Just a thought..... Lastly.....don't forget to calibrate calibrate calibrate!
  5. Do you the Windows UAC turned off? Sometimes it runs havoc with FSX and the .exe file. By the way...it's been a while since I've used my MD11, but I think you can load the aircraft using the MCDU (same as the NGX). Just saying.....as a work around this may be a practical solution until you figure out the root of your load manager probs.
  6. I reinstalled UT2.....and it seems to have fixed my problem. Not sure what caused it...but I am happy to see it go!
  7. Maybe I missed it.....but did anyone confirm whether this tweak works with FSX? You p3d guys (and gals) are sooo lucky....
  8. It saddens me that people take advantage of those in our community who are so desperate...or shall I say passionate about flight sim.
  9. I have the same problem...which seems to have appeared out of no where. My sim "time" is operating at a slower speed than realtime....and strangely my FPS have skyrocketed into the stratosphere. Cant seem to figure out what is causing the problem. Have u had any luck in fixing it? Appreciate any insight u have for me.
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