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  1. This is exactly my problem as well. It's an interesting product but there just isn't enough coverage in the US for me to take it seriously. I've been watching for a little while now and they just don't seem to be making any progress on US coverage. If they were releasing steady updates then I might feel differently. But at the rate they're going I feel like it could be years before they have full coverage for the US. I was very patient while MSE rolled out new states because they were very consistent and reliable with new updates every few weeks. I would love to know what to expect from NE in terms of US coverage but since I don't I'm probably going to go ahead and buy the entire lot from Taburet. Neal
  2. Does NE even exist for the continental USA? That's really my whole problem with it. I think it's a promising product but it seems to only be available for a few states which makes it a non-starter for me. If they actually had full coverage for the USA I'd buy it despite the cost. But for just a few states, I'm not interested at all. Neal
  3. Thank you very much! I'm really looking forward to the night lighting in this product and if it's as good or better than the night lighting in your previous product then it will only encourage me to keep buying!
  4. I've also inquired about the night lighting for MSEv2 and gotten no response...they seem to be avoiding the question which is a little concerning for the future of this product. It's a real shame because the night lighting in their previous products was some of the best I've ever seen. Could someone post a picture of what UTX lighting looks like with MSEv2? So far the only pictures I've seen are with the previous MSE products which doesn't really reflect what it looks like with MSEv2.
  5. I just tried it with vsync off but it didn't make any difference. It's probably somehow related to the black screen bug in P3D but since nobody else reported it I thought there might be some kind of workaround. Is anybody else seeing this at all? It does it in both windowed and fullscreen mode regardless of whether HDR is on or off.
  6. I have EZCA setup and working in P3Dv2 but whenever I change views with a hotkey the screen flashes black very briefly. It works but it's very distracting. Has anybody else seen this?
  7. Yes, I can confirm that this will kill your framerates. Lol. I forgot I had this enabled and the first time I ran Prepar3D I thought I was running FS 1.0 from SubLogic. I was getting a very steady 8 FPS.
  8. I agree with the other posts on this topic. I would go on to say that with MSE, I feel much more like I'm traveling. The landclass based terrain all looks the same no matter where you go. It's jigsaw puzzled together differently but in the end, it's just using the same textures and models everywhere. Chicago looks the same as Kansas City which looks the same as Atlanta, etc. With MSE, every single location is completely unique and an accurate representation of the real place. It really adds something to picking your destination and route.
  9. Agreed. By far, the best scenario is that the GPU is the bottleneck. I need to spend more time with Prepar3D but I'm very encouraged. I think the team at Lockheed have done a great job redesigning the pipeline to offload much more to the GPU. At the very least it's a huge step forward and should give us much better scalability for the future.
  10. This is an oversimplification of multithreaded software behavior. It's much more complex than you describe. You seem to be obsessed with the utilization of your CPU and/or GPU but there's a lot more to a computer than just these two components. The bottleneck will always be somewhere...it's just a question of where. At any given moment the software is doing a variety of different tasks included reading data from your hard drive, accessing RAM, rendering and moving data to the GPU over the system bus, etc. Even this isn't a complete description but the point is that any of these things can and will cause variations in utilization of any one component at any given moment. If you really want to get to the bottom of it then you need to ask yourself some more questions. What is the transfer rate of your hard drive? What is your system bus speed? How fast is reading and writing to your RAM? What kind of processor are you using and how big is it's L1 and L2 cache? What is the transfer rate over the system bus from system RAM to GPU memory? This is only a start. While all of this is very interesting, I would say that instead of keeping my eyes glued to the processor utilization I'm going to take a look at my screen. Is it smoother, or not? On my screen...it is.
  11. nhall72


    I agree that this is very good news indeed...very exciting. I'm happily using FSX right now but I've been struggling with the fact that it has no future and I've been trying to decide where to go next. To be honest, I will go wherever PMDG goes. As a result, I've been only mildly curious about Prepar3d so far but with this announcement I feel like there's hope and I can take a closer look at it. When I got up this morning I wasn't going to buy it at all, but now I'll probably buy it this week. I'm looking forward to seeing how it goes! Neal
  12. I disagree. I have experience with this whole process and I could do this myself but it would take weeks to a month of downloading, processing, importing, etc. to produce even one state of average size. I think it's easier said than done (especially at this large scale). If I can spend $40 to save a month worth of work...I'll do it every time. I think it's a good deal and worth every penny. I spend more than that paying someone to mow my yard and that only takes a few hours a month! I don't have any issue at all with the cost of MSE. My biggest concern right now is the lack of night lighting. But if MSE continues to revise and improve their product I will probably be a loyal repeat customer for years to come.
  13. I think the team at MegaSceneryEarth deserves a lot of credit for producing the first photoscenery product with broad coverage. The coverage area is the only reason I'm a customer of this product at all. There have been many photoscenery products come and go over the years but they've all been based on a very limited area. I just can't get interested in great scenery but for just a small area. I've been pretty happy with the few states I've purchased so far. My biggest complaint is mediocre, or in some cases even poor color balancing at the borders of the states. My hope is that they'll continue to revise their color balancing and tonal balancing techniques and release updated versions that match better. I think in the long run photoscenery is going to put procedural scenery out of business...but it may take years. Photoscenery over such a large area is just now becoming practical and it will take some time for it to mature. The only question is who is going to own this market. I think MSE is off to a very good start. By the way, any word on the night lighting? It was stated that this would come some time after the entire US was available but I haven't heard a word on this lately. Neal
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