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About WayneG

  • Birthday 01/26/1991

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  • Location
    St.Louis, Missouri
  • Interests
    Flying, Emergency Services, ETC.

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  • Virtual Airlines
  1. I can confirm there is something definitely up with the latest patch for ASN. my frames are really dumping like some other people are saying.... sometimes i am going as low as 15fps....there is definitely something going on here. Thanks Wayne George
  2. I just did a flight in the 777 from Heathrow to Nassau MYNN the new aerosoft scenery. I have a i4790K with a Z97 Pro 4 Motherboard, now at the time i had HT on and while i was on approach i OOM. Now my settings are not really high. So i think what i will do is do a flight from Miami with HT off and go to MYNN and see what happens and i will report back on my findings. Wayne George
  3. Hello Everyone, Happy New Year! I just got a 4790K for Christmas with a Z97 Pro 4 Motherboard, My Question is for P3D V3, Do you recommend Hyperthreading to be ON or OFF? Thanks Wayne George
  4. Are you using Orbx England & Orbx Vector? If so those are whats causing the OOMS. If i don't have those two running, i am absolutely fine
  5. I just had my very first OOM using the IFLY 747 V2 in v3. No Orbx England Or Vector. I was at Aerosoft Heathrow, about to start my engines then i got an OOM. So it's definitely the IFLY for me. Any other aircraft on high settings, im fine. Wayne George
  6. I have to agree with you all, Lockheed Martin have done such a great job with v3. I have not had a single OOM since v3 and thats with everything pretty much maxed out. Im very impressed.
  7. Yeah vas has definitely been improved with v3. I'm personally just happy with Global and maybe Open LC depending on your results so let me know how it goes:)
  8. I personally will not be re using ftx vector due to the fact it adds something like 700+ mb of vas and will most likely cause issues with Out Of Memory Errors unless they have optimized it for v3.
  9. Hi Guys, Basic question for you. Im not getting out of memory errors with P3D v3 and im very happy with it, however just a question, does the Tesselaton setting in the settings affect VAS? Thanks Wayne George
  10. Oh okay I wasnt aware that P3D has it's own automatically. Thanks for letting me know, I wasnt aware of this.
  11. Hi Guys, I need some help. I have an AMD Six Core & since i am really not that good with computing/math i was wondering if someone knows or can check for me what the Affinity Mask Setting Should Be for an AMD Six Core because i truthfully don't know. I know some users set theirs to 14 or 86 but beyond that i have no idea. Btw i don't have hyperthreading. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Wayne George
  12. you need to unlock all of your Cores. All you have to do is click on start, search msconfig.exe and hit enter, then go to the Boot Tab and click on the button below that says Advanced Options, then you should see a checkbox that says Number of Processors, check that box then click the drop down and select 6 and hit apply and save and reboot:) Works really well. No Frame Rate issues thats for sure.
  13. Same specs as me except Memory & Motherboard. I have a GTX 650TI OC 2GB DDR5
  14. I highly recommend that you update your AIRAC Cycle to 1507. That may fix the issue(s)
  15. So i was just wondering what is everyone's review on FSX Steam Edition & what you like about it and most importantly noticed about it. My Review Better VAS Usage Less Crashes More Stable.
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