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  1. there is one possibility. I have tried to look into the p3dv2 files and there are a few of files that may give us an idea if those files are indeed the ones that have the cloud rotation changes. they are insde the shadersHLSL folder -cloud.fx -cloud2.fx inside the misc folder -cloud50.fx if we can get these files from prepar3d v1.4, replace them and rebuild our shaders we might be able to see if the clouds change the way they rotate. so... does anybody have 1.4 installed with these files?
  2. The only solution I see for now is to go into the appropriate shader file that contains the changed line of code and replace it with the line of code from fsx. rebuild the shaders on your computer and it should be fixed. I am not very well versed in the shader coding so i cant do this by myself but i am willing to help but we need someone like bojote or maybe timest from REX that are more shader experienced and can give us a hand on this issue. as far as i know this wouldn't be mission impossible to fix. So, does anyone else want to tackle this?
  3. I have a quad core i7 2600k with HT off, so i use affinitymask=14
  4. ROFL im on sandy bridge and it runs prepar3d like its nothing. my gpu however, thinks the apocalypse is coming. haha. For me this is what worked. i turned off HT on bios and add affinity mask to cfg. lock fps with inspector to 30 or 60 and set p3d fps to unlimited. also try tesselation off. and lastly go ahead and try latest graphic drivers it cant hurt. additionally try putting in the inspector vsync to "vsyncmode flipinterval 2" AKA 1/2 vsync. hope it helps.
  5. please delete post or close it down. Bug is not present. It was a problem with one of my add ons. Sorry about that. thank you.
  6. Hello fellow simmers, Does anybody have a normal working atc in prepar3dv2.1? I have tried making a flight in the flight planner as a vfr and when i start the flight and open the atc window, the "contact ground" response is there and when i click it it just tells me about options like departure to the north and all that but no vfr following. its like i didnt make any flight plan? anyone else? thanks in advance
  7. Hey guys. I was wondering if anyone is experiencing crash to the desktop in v2.1 when you right click anywhere? I crash every time i right click anywhere on the screen and its driving me nuts. Any ideas as to what is causing this? thanks
  8. SweetFX does work in p3dv2. I made a guide that uses "flightFX + Sweetfx" to make it work. you can go here for the guide. http://forum.avsim.net/topic/429301-a-guide-how-to-sweetfx-flightfx-for-prepar3d-v2-injection/
  9. Mike, You need to run task manager as an administrator. thats it . it shouldn't give you that message after that.
  10. oh i think its worth it. my settings are conservative. they dont add alot during mid day but at dawn and dusk you really see a difference. remember this are my settings but you can change them to your particular taste and they do improve the look of your sim. not to mention they add a much better AA than the sim itself. I believe an injector is a must for fsx and prepar3d.
  11. thanks im by no means expert in this shader thing. This doesnt make it look 100% like fsx in dx9 but i think its better than the default prepar3d shaders, there is one at really low altitutde that looks quite horrible and i dont see it after this fix. i hope someone with much more shader knowledge can help us deal with the water in prepar3dv2. I dont know if there is a way to tell it to use the "water 20s" shader effects since those are for dx9 and not dx10/11. Still have to do more tests on this but hopefully we can go from here.
  12. here is a guide i posted on the REX forums to get a little bit more beauty out of your prepar3dv2. My setting are very subtle but you guys can play with it. Now that prepar3d v2 is out, I thought it would be a good idea to put a guide for anybody that wants to enhance their prepar3d experience by adding a shader injection. In this case we will use sweet fx and flightfx GUI since regular enb doesnt work in dx11 and FXAA tool seems a bit buggy in prepar3d v2. This guide should also work for fsx dx9 and dx10 but will need setting adjustments. Right, so lets get to it. 1. download flightfx here : http://www.777studio...ightFX_V1.0.zip 2. donwload my settings if you choose to here : http://www.sendspace.com/file/ogxpi2 3. Install flightfx, I know this thing is supposed to be for ROF but it works just fine in prepar3dv2 and fsx. 4. Now before you launch anything, make sure flightfx and prepar3d are set to run in administrative mode. very important otherwise it will not copy the files that you need. 5. Launch flightfx (admin mode) 6.In the lower left corner of the program it says "register a new game" click it. 7. Find the prepar3d.exe file in the root folder here : C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2 8. Good, now the fields on the right should be already filled up. click on "Enable SweetFX" right below where it says "data folder". 8b. Check the root folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2) to see if flightfx copied the necessary files. ex. d3d9.dll d3d9.fx dxgi.dll dxgi.fx etc. 9.Ok, now go to the "FX settings " tab on the top. at the bottom click where it says "Load from" 10.find where you saved the downloaded file that has my settings (file: "prepard3dv4.txt"). you can also put the txt file inside : C:\Program Files (x86)\FlightFX\FX\SweetFX\Presets for greater convenience. This should put the settings that i have done for preapr3d, you can change them as you want. i did mine with a bit more punch on the colors and bit more "clarity". 11. Now go back to the "Profile manager" tab and check that you have the right file under "FX Preset". this is the file that prepar3d will use for the settings that are active on the "FX settings" tab. 12. Great now leave flightfx open and launch prepar3d v2 and pick any scene that you want to test and adjust. 13. Now to use this we have by default 3 keys: - printscreen button does exactly that. -screenlock button turns the shaders on/off. -pause button reloads the shaders for changes (unmap from p3d if you want). 14.you can leave prepar3d running and just go to flightfx and change some of the settings. anything that you want. as soon as you move a slider it saves it automatically. so move a slider then just go back to prepar3d and hit the pause button.this will reload the shaders with your changes and you will see it immediately. here is a before and after for comparison. The settings are very conservative but like i said you can changed them as you want. before http://i.imgur.com/DJvDrp6.jpg after http://i.imgur.com/1XkEeuK.jpg Also note, my prepar3d setting have HDR off since its a bit buggy currently, and has FXAA off as well as no MSAA. flightfx deals with it better and its more adjustable. Thats it keep playing with it and help build amazing settings for the community. The thing seems very stable, although you might see that clicking menus seem a bit slow, you can turn off the shaders and it will go back to normal. Also i did not see any hit on FPS if anything maybe 1fps lost. Happy flying.
  13. I have found a possible fix for this but requires more testing. I posted this same guide on the REX forums to help other people. It looks like the problem is cuased by the water shader effects. here is the guide: I've been messing around with prepar3d v2 and as some of you have already seen, it brings great improvements but also other glitches and things that may not be of your liking. One of those are the water textures and shaders. prepar3d v2 does bring improvements in water like the 3d water among other things but falls quite short in the water texture and shader department in my opinion. So, how can we have prepar3d v2 but with the awesome water that we find in fsx DX9 with any REX theme? By changing the shaders and waterconstant file. Here is how i did it after researching online. 1. First make a copy of all the files that you are replacing by going to : C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\ShadersHLSL\Terrain to make it easy just back up the whole "terrain" folder 2. back up the waterconstants.xml file found here : C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2 3.Now go to your FSX folder here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ShadersHLSL\Terrain and copy the following files: (I HAD FSX WITH REX sparkling theme, thats what im copying) water20.fx water20.fxh water40.fx water40.fxh water40consts.fxh water40macros.fxh 4. now paste these on your prepar3d shaders folder here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\ShadersHLSL\Terrain overwrite when prompted. 5. copy the waterconstants.xml file from fsx from here : C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X 6. paste the waterconstant.xml file into the prepar3d folder here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2 7. good, now we need to clear the shaders cache. Go to this location and delete the shaders folder (NOTE. if you so feel like it you can back up this folder too, just in case but it shouldn't be necessary since prepar3d will recompile the shaders and create a new shaders folder) : C:\Users\"USERNAME"\AppData\Local\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2 Great now you can start prepar3d v2 and it will automatically recompile the shaders and you should see a dramatic difference. Enjoy a new updated sim with the best water today. (if prepar3d starts and its black and has missing textures, wait a few seconds (15-30 sec) and it should finish recompiling and go back to normal. We are not copying all of the water files inside fsx terrain folder because Im not sure if prepar3d will read the other files too, so Im only replacing the files that are already inside the prepard 3d terrain folder. Also note, I am still testing this as i type this but i wanted people to know that there is an alternative right now that you can try while we wait for them to fix the water. I still have to test this in different weather and wind and what not so please let me know how it works out for you. In addition i believe that since we have the old 2.0 shaders for the water now all water themes in REX should work now. And also you can try using FSCW to fine tune even more the water to your liking, i think it should work. here is a quick pic of how it looks after this. again still testing and fine tuning. sorry dont have one before the fix That's it . I hope this helps get you a better prepar3d experience. Happy flying.
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