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Everything posted by Fi5kuS

  1. WOW, amazing! Are you using Real Terra Haze? I can never seem to get a setting like that...
  2. Hi again, sorry for going off topic, but I just checked again. It is not 4 numbers. I have to choose a number between 1 and 12. It does not state or define what this number actually is on the X-Aviation store, other than it is underneath card number.
  3. Hi again, this worked great on my last install. Now, on a new fresh install it doesnt work. I tried starting TrackIR before and after staring X-Plane but no change. Disabling and reactivating X-Camera from the plugin menu doesnt work either. Track IR box is ticked yes. Any suggestions? Works fine with P3D.
  4. Ok, because I have noticed that some areas of the photo scenery is for instance missing forests. For example, I looked through this web page... http://asn-xp.aerosoft.com/?page_id=10098 ...and tested whether I could achieve similar looks around Zurich airport (LSZH) by combining the zone photo tile for that area and W2XP Europe. It did a fairly good job replicating this image, but I'm still missing trees/forest just 100 meters south-west of the closest runway. Other than that, it seems fine. Is the lack of trees here because of W2XP Europe or other factors? Sorry for all the questions, just beginning to learn X-Plane :wink:
  5. Good to know, thanks. But I can apply detailed autogen on top of zone photos with W2XP, right?
  6. That's correct! :wink: Nice pictures! So you say you created your own photo scenery/textures using Ortho? I tried digging into that once but I guess I'll need to study more. Are there any major differences between the scenery from ZonePhoto and scenery made with Ortho? http://zonephoto.x-plane.fr
  7. I'm not much of an X-Plane guru but I think I managed to pull of some pretty impressive visuals combining HD Mesh, W2XP, zPhotos and RealTerraHaze :smile:
  8. Sorry for asking a complete noob question, but I'm trying to buy IXEG on X-Aviation store. When entering the card number for my AmEx, it needs a number underneath it (01 - 12). Can someone please tell me what this is? I've never seen this in Europe.
  9. As far as I'm concerned - night lightning disappears when using photoscenery from SimHeaven.
  10. W2XP only provides object, right? That won't do anything for ground textures. Looks like he is using photo scenery in his images... I wish someone could make a comprehensive guide as how to achieve such looks/graphics :smile:
  11. Strange, but again, I suspect REX has messed something up here. Here's a link to the thread I started at LM forums: http://www.prepar3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6312&t=118259&p=133679#p133679
  12. Just tested ORBX Arlanda. Same issue here.
  13. Not matter what I do, I cant get X-Plane to look like that so please share :wub:
  14. Ok, I figured it out. Quite simple really. Its the HDR that messes everything up. Tried with alot of different settings but nothing influenced PAPI light size except HDR OFF. This occurs on all of my addon airports (except flytampa) including default. Now, how to get LM to fix it...
  15. FlyTampa is using custom runway lightning that cannot be changed with REX 4 modifications. This issue with large PAPI lights only occur at Aerosoft and ORBX airports.
  16. No I definitely think there's a way around it. I could fix this issue in 3.0 by adding the lines to p3d.cfg. I suspect REX4 TD and REX Overdrive messing something up.
  17. After installing P3D 3.2, I am still struggling with this issue more than ever. For example, look at the approach for Aerosofts Sacramento underneath. At first, the PAPI lights are way too big and simply just weird. However, closer to the runway, PAPI lights all of a sudden change into smaller light bulbs with a more realistic appearance. This is not only with Aerosoft airports, but occur at ORBX airports as well. Its a real immersion killer to be honest. Anyone have ANY idea whats going on? PAPI light tweak doesnt work and cycling between runway lights in REX4 TD does absolutely nothing, or it changes the final runway lights but they are still severely over-dimensioned and gloomy before entering a certain radius.
  18. Great work! Can't wait to try out the software :Applause:
  19. I mean dynamic reflections. Apparently a FPS killer for me.
  20. Thanks. 1. Why do you get similar/one more FPS in single mode compared to SLI? Makes me rethink buying another GTX 970. With your settings I get roughly 30 FPS as well. Apparently I was running to high settings. However, only with a scattered overcast I was down at 26 FPS. I slowly started to add some more goodies and noticed that dynamic lightning for some reason costs me 4 FPS when enabled on ULTRA. Turning it down to medium gains FPS again. I also noticed that un-ticking OpenLC Canada/Alaska (or openLC_america2 in scenery library) saved me around 4 FPS, which is strange. This should not affect performance when flying in the US for instance.
  21. Hi. So I have been getting PFPX and Topcat to match perfectly now in terms of ZFW. It does not 100% match the value I obtain when I load the numbers in the NGX FMC, but it is only a matter of 0.2-0.4 difference. However, I want to get more serious using the takeoff-performance data from Topcat. Normally, I just enter flaps setting, thrust config etc and calculate performance data based on a certain runway. This gives you a set of assumed flex temperatures, usually de-rated. My understanding of these values are really poor and I don't know what values that are relevant and to be used in the takeoff-performance page in the FMC. Can someone elaborate on this topic, and moreover, explain how you obtain similar (or preferably equal) values in Topcat and the NGX FMC.
  22. Michael, I know we share quite a similar setup. May I ask you what FPS you achieve (in cockpit) sitting on 28R/L at FlightBeam KSFO HD in the NGX? Either with or without FTX NCA activated. I remember this scenario being very smooth for me in P3D v3.0 with almost steady 30 FPS. Now, in v3.2 with equal settings, I experience an overall 6-7 less FPS in same scenarios. Cycling between Nvidia drivers does not help.
  23. Tried it out. Did not gain a single FPS.
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