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  1. Hi Matteo, please see my post in the Majestic forum. Regards Peter
  2. Hi Peter, did you install as administrator (the 'right mouse click way'....)? Peter
  3. Hi Jaap, the problem is that the frequency was changed a few yers ago. There is an updated bgl-file on Vatsim: http://nav.vatsim-germany.org/files/edgg/charts/edll/public/EDDK_ILS32R_AIRAC1311.zip This fixed the problem for me. I use Aerosoft's German Airports 2 but in the readme.txt it says that the update will also work with the FSX stock scenery. Peter
  4. Hi flagsfly, that sounds to me like your nose wheel might got stuck in a deflected position. I too use my rudder pedals to control the tiller. To make this work I created a little lua script to use with FSUIPC that allows me to use the rotary knob on the front of my CH Eclipse yoke to switch from "tiller moder" to "rudder mode" and vice versa. On first use I accidentally switched that knob to "tiller mode" very shortly after take off. When noticing my mistake I hastily switched back to "rudder mode" but I missed to center the pedals prior to that and as a consequence of this my nose wheel remained in a deflected position giving me a not so nice surprise on touchdown.... I am not familiar with the 737 and the 320 but as you use your rudder pedals in a similar way maybe your problem is somehow related to mine? You should be able to check this by choosing an external view and having a closer look to your aircraft's nosewheel prior to or shortly after take off. Maybe it is for some reason still in the position it was in at the time you lined up. Try turning the tiller using the mouse prior to take off. Regards Peter
  5. Hi, just to make sure: "Shift" does not refer to the Shift key on the keyboard but to the joystick button you defined as the Shift Button in Linda. You will therefore have to define a button of one of your input devices as the Shift Button first. Please note that there are two Shift Modes: Local (Shift is only applied to the joystick where the Shift Button is located) and Global (Shift is applied to the buttons of all joysticks being connected to your system). Peter
  6. Hi tonyc, I haven't flown the JS41 for a long time so maybe I'm mistaken but as far as I remember this happens as long as the JS41 is not powered up completely. Please try working down the checklists until the aircraft is ready for T/O and try again. I encountered the very same problem when using the addon for the first time and I am still not sure if this is a normal "real world" effect (maybe due to insufficient hydraulic pressure when engines are shut down) or just a bug. Peter
  7. Hi jetsmell, sounds like some of the default hotkey assignments of FSX are still active. As a consequence the systems tries to activate two different views at the same time. You should check FSX button and keyboard assignments and make sure that none of the assignments you use in EZCA is active there. Peter
  8. Bryan, I had the same problem. I successfully used FSRealWx lite for quite a long time and liked the "refresh AI"-button very much. In the new version of FSRealWx this button doesn't exist anymore so I tried to figure out a solution. I found it when having a closer look to to the commands FSUIPC adds to FSX. There is a command called "Re-Simconnect" (you will find it when you scroll down that very long drop down list you are presented with when assigning functions to buttons in FSUIPC; in case you want to assign it in FSUIPC.ini directly you will have to use the code "1092") which apparently does the exact same thing that "refresh AI"-button did. Hope this helps Peter
  9. Hi frostycab, I think the trims are not meant for steering the A/C but only to eliminate the need to constantly apply pressure / input to the the flight controls. Therefore the pilot should compensate the bank / yaw by using the rudder pedals (in some situations you have to be very quick so that using the trims would be much too slow anyway) in the first place and only after having established a coordinated flight situation use the rudder trim to slowly compensate the rudder input. So in this case there is no need to operate the P/Ls and the rudder trim control at the same time. Maybe this is the reason why the rudder pedals are still active in the DHD8 even after AP is engaged? But as I am not a real world pilot I am not sure if this is how it really works or if it is just a little bug in the simulation. Cheers Peter
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