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  1. You nailed it. I had already discovered this finally last night. Thank goodness I have the FS approaches by Pefect flight. That allowed me to fly the 777 and be close to ils setup without having to do full flights for each teast. Just as you said, when I made sure and took the select button off heading select, the pfd said loc only on it and she locked right on to the localizer perfectly. What a relief. Today I went in to the posky plane and changed the 42 bit textures down to 16 bit and it flys much better with a high fps on my laptop. So now I just love that posky 777 with the jbpannel. Just perfect for a uncomplicated plane like I love. I also checked on the QW 757, same thing, it locked on fine when I made sure and turned that heading select knob off. Thanks for the interest guys, hopefully anyone else trying to figure this out will find this post.
  2. Thanks for the try Andy, but I am no closer to the answer. The heading select knob has to be on heading select for me to directly control the heading of the plane with the heading knob, the plane turns when I change the value. With it off heading select mode it will not turn. Yes, on the PFD it shows when heading select is on. My two min questions are, why do both the Posky and the QW 757 have a nav button and a loc button? On the 757, it has an Lnav, Nav, AND loc button. What in the world is the nav button for if the loc is the one that is supposed to lock on to the localizer? When I was vectored to the localizer intercept heading, I turned and got the "Fly straight in" instruction, I then hit the loc button but the plane flew right past the intercept without locking on. I did have the heading selector set to heading select, not auto, so I am wondering if I have to put the heading select back to auto for the loc to grab the localizer. But I also noticed that I could turn the nav button on as well,the loc button stayed lit whether the Nav button was on or not (nav, not Lnav) So this has me wondering what the nav button is for since we now have a loc button. Why would the 757 have an Lnav, Nav, and loc button? Next I guess I will try putting the heading knob back to auto and off heading select mode before I hit the loc button. That may make sense because locking in is an auto feature I guess, and it would make sense in that using the heading select button is for directly controlling the heading as you turn the knob. I just wish I could find a simple explanation of these functions somewhere.
  3. Man I could pull my hair out. I am trying to learn the ils landings with the newer Boeing AP panels, the ones with the flch buttons. Specifically the Posky 777, the Quality wings 757, and any others that use these. I have tried several times and I just have questions I can't figure out. How do I lock on to the localizer? Why is there a Nav button and also a localizer button? They can both be on or not. I am not talking about the Lnav button, I don't use the fmc in these. In the posky 777, the lnav IS the nav button, when I put my mouse over it, it says Nav, which leads me to think it is the same as the Nav button on the simple 737 posky planes. On these new ones, I can control the AP heading without the heading hold on, so I know that the hold is just for holding that altitude. I realize that the heading select button has to be on heading select for me to directly control the heading with the knob and that the auto is for FMC use, is this correct? To use the localizer button, do I have to put the heading select knob back on auto from heading select mode? What about the heading hold button, can it stay off and still lock on to the localizer? I am hoping someone can give me a simple step by step. I am at 1600 feet, the atc has just set me in my final for the localizer. My heading is on heading select and I have just used the knob to turn to the heading the atc has given me before sending me to the tower for landing. My AT is on and my speed is 170 knts. Can someone give me a step by step from here., like Turn heading knob off heading select back to auto for localizer to work? Leave the nav button alone, you only need the localizer button? leave heading hold button off, localizer will lock on without that? Nav button is for this now, it does not control the localizer lock anymore like in the 737, you have a dedicated loc button now? I know how to use the appr button and get the glide slope if I can just figure out how to lock on to the localizer with these more complicated ap panels Which is my last question, why in the world would Boeing make these systems more complicated than the ones in the 737-800? Those AP systems seem so simple, straight forward and easy to use, why would they change all that? I mean, look how the pilots got confused in the 777 SanFran accident with the flight level change button and the AT stuff? In all the flights I have done with the 737 planes there has never been a single instance where the AP failed to be understood and to operate perfectly and to handle landing after landing. Sorry for such a long ramble, but I just got done with my third flight trying to figure out this AP ststem and have not been able to even lock on to the localizer. Most every instructional site or youtube clip only deals with the flight level button and they never get in to the details of the localizer and nav buttons, the heading select thing and such. Thanks for any help
  4. lol, yeah, I play a little bass too when I record on my Boss Br-800 recorder. I just put new strings on it and was messing with it last night, I love that fat, bright tone new bass strings make. For me, I love being able to load FSX plans. I don't even mess with FMC stuff besides the light versions. On my Wilco airbus stuff the only thing I do with the FMC is set my ils freq and crs. I'm 53 years old with bad eye sight. The point for me is, I will never, ever fly a real plane in my life, period. I could absolutely see learning all the systems, spending hours reading manuals if I were 25 years old and even with a slight chance that the experience might make me decide to go get a pilot's license or something some day. I just can't see why anyone would want to spend hours and hours reaing manuals to learn something that probably most real pilots wish they didn't have to mess with but have to because they make a living doing it. I want to get in the plane with an Airhauler load or one of my many missions and hit crtl E and fire the darn engine up, gt my atc instructions and get to the actual flying. I love the payware planes because of the flight dynamics, you can actually feel the weight of the plane, I want nice night lighting and shiekd wipers that work. The eye candy, the cabins, the feel, the lights, that's why I love the payware planes. I want the real looking auto pilot panels too. I was so mad when I bought the CLS airbus 318 because I found out that they use the same darn panel that the default fsx 321 uses, the one that doesn't have the three buttons in the middle, the two AP and AT button. The Long Haul airbus by CLS does have the proper ap panel, so I thought the 320 series would too, but nope. The Wilco models do have it, so I love that. Same with the 777 models, but I don't like the Wilco model of that because the text tag over buttons don't work for me and also the seat is too far forward for some reason and when I move back to make that right my head is behind the darn head rest of the seat. But then I discovered that the project Opensky model has everything I like, full AP panel with flight level change button and everything, working wipers, nice lighting, it's a very nice plane for me that rivals the Wilco look and has no bugs in the cockpit. Right now, my fav list is Wilco for my Airbus panes, P Opensky/Skyteam for my 737, 747-8, 777 (Tried the Wilco 737 Pic, way too complicated and couldn't even get off the ground) But all those opensky planes have nice graphics, working wipers and simplified FMC's, nice flight dynamics.... For me they are one step beyond the defaults and that's just right for what I like to do. Then the Avro/146 because I love those Bae planes for some reason. QW 757, CLS 767. Then in small planes Aerosoft Twin Otter, Maam sim DC3 from the free Buffalo airways site, really nice graphics with their C-47 models and Lockeed 188. A few Carenado like the 208 and senica. Really, I don't have enough time to fly the planes I have as much as I would like to. So I definitely don't have the time for hours of manual reading. I wonder if there is an element of the MANHOOD thing with this? With guitar players on the net, we have many guys who think it's manly to use thick strings, until you see guys like, "YEAH, I USE BARBED WIRE as strings on my guitar, my hands are a bloody mess when I play, I'm rough and I'm tough". I sense there may be a bit of that in this, "Yeah, I read a thousand page manual of the most complicated aircraft systems ever made and could probably fly the space shuttle", lol. I don't get it. I did try to read the 737 PIC manual, I waited for the interest to grab me, I tried, I started reading, I made it a few pages in and the desire and interest never hit me. It felt like it would take hours and hours to learn something that I would never do in real life, it's a hobby on my computer. When I set up for a gig I have to connect complicated PA wires and midi stuff, running many cables in and out of a mixer. I can't imagine someone actually WANTING to do that if they were wanting to sim some guitar playing. The setup SUCKS, IT'S NOT FUN.
  5. I love the easy to use Wilco planes and I hope they do a lite version of the panel like in the Bae-146 models. You can switch the panel from standard to lite. I like to fly and play Airhauler and such, I don't have time to read a huge user manual. For me, I have zero interest in hydraulic pumps and bleed air stuff. I bet there are many a real pilot who wishes the real planes could have a lite version like some sim models. They have to sit in gloomy cockpits switching a hundred switches because they get paid to do it, it's how they make their living. I find it hard to believe there would be a lot of them who actually enjoy it and think it's fun and I bet many would prefer to just be able to get to the flying part. I am a guitar player, but I hate having to change my guitar strings, it sucks. I would sit and read a huge manual and learn detailed systems and flip dozens of switches IF I had a real career as a pilot and was making a living at it. I heard that PMDG is even doing one of their new planes with a lite mode. Seems to me a lot of companies may be missing out on a lot of customers by refusing to include those who just want the basics as an option. The QW 146 and Avro models can use the standard and get all detailed but yet still allow a lite mode where all the details get done for you so those who want the big basics like to simply hit the nav button and lock on to the localizer, hit the app button, lower the gear, lower some flaps and land can enjoy their products too.
  6. I know this is an old thread, but this last poster desires the very thing I would love to be able to do. When I watch shows like Ice Pilots and Era Alaska show, when I see vids taken from the planes on approach, the planes appear to close on the runway a bit slower and look more controllable and easier, and I have seen real pilots in the past say that landing in real life is easier than sims for various reasons. I have been using FSX for years now and still to this day have a tough time holding steady approaching the runway and the movement to the runway just seems a tad bit faster than what I am seeing in vids of real flights on approach. Yes, I know this could be because of camera zoom slowing down the look of the approach, but still, after years of FSX why is it still so hard to get a stable and controllable approach to a runway when in real life it seems there would be crash after crash, dozens every day if it were like fsx? Just look at a bunch of vids from youtube on approaches and look at how slowly the runway approaches and how much easier the approaches look. In FSX it feels like the movement is slightly faster and less controllable. So I would love to be able to just have a sim rate at like, 90 percent of the FSX rate, but it only allows half. But seeing this thread gives me hope that FSuipc could possible allow a slight slowing of the sim rate, is this possible? For me this would be a HUGE jump in my enjoyment of FSX. Even if it were cheating it would only be slight and allow me to get closer results to real pilots. But I feel like I wouldn't be cheating anyway because to me FSX feels slightly faster than how time and movement passes in real life for some reason.
  7. The missions I am flying are add on puchased missions, not the default ones with fsx, I agree, those are terrible. I enjoy the Just flight and perfect flight addons, the ngx 737 missions and such. I have purchased a couple addon aircaft but I like the F-lite planes from Justflight. The ones that are too real are more than I will ever want, like PDMG and such, I'm just not interested in getting that real. I am 53 years old and don't see well, so I will never be flying in real life, so I don't much feel like going through all the deep stuff in learning the planes. I bought the Ifly and I forget which 777, and the pdf's were huge, in paper they would have been massive books, and that level is just beyond the fun factor for me. It might be different if I were still a young man with dreams of someday flying in real life and going to flight school, but when I went through that pdf manual I was thinking, "wow, no way, that's beyond what I want to invest in this hobby" I am a musician and semi pro photographer as well and have more than enough hours devoted to my hobbies. I love to record music here on my computer and do photos as well. I don't have the hours I would like to spend as it is getting to fly a bit in fsx. I do have the CLS airbus long haul planes, they are about my speed, more than the default stuff, but I can still get the hang of them easy enough. I have legends of flight DC3, Jumbo X, Fly the heavies and such. I actually struggle with fsx on a laptop. I am considering building a desktop, but I am way behind the times on those and will have to start component by component.
  8. The one thing I worry about with these type programs is some planes use panels from others. I have used Panel=Off on some, and this can cause the problems, but I also saw issues with simstarter and it disables the texture line in the config. The point it, I have had many troubles in the past with missions and free flight too because of having some liveries disabled and such. I recall even downloaded addons planes actually using default panels of the default planes and when they were disabled the addon craft were missing panels and such. I am simply suggesting being very careful because many planes aren't completely contained to themselves it seems.
  9. Wow, thanks much for those involved and thoughtful answers, I appreciate the help. Yeah, the ifr flight plans are from missions, so they are automatically entered in the gps and I can choose to involve the atc or not. I have not tried to just fly the missions all gps and just get the active runway and use my gps for that appraoch, I think that could be a fun thing. The missions are considered a success as long as I land at the airport, but then again, the mission always says to get ifr clearence, so that may have to be done. Anyway, you gave me a lot to check in to, thanks again.
  10. Man FSX makes me mad sometimes. I was flying my Lufthansa mission in an A321, and it seems lately they want to throw me a curve ball by making me do a visual landing instead of letting me use the ils system. So I am coming in to Frankfurt and figure I will try the visual, but by the time I get the instructions to enter right base, I am already close to being on top of the runways, no time to turn and land. Anyway, I wish I could do gps appraoches and I would always have my own options to bring me in to the runways. Here is my GPS question: When I load a gps approach, it asks me whether I want to load the approach or activate it. If I load it, does this mean that the gps will continue to fly the route all the way to the airport and then automatically activate it? When does it activate it automatically, all the way to the vor at the airport, end of the route? Should I ever activate it early myself, if so, how far out? Thanks.
  11. Amazingly I am flying the Pole to pole tour and last night just happened to do my firt flight out of the US, from Arizona down to Hermosillo, Mexico. What a coincidence, the storm is just south and I will be heading to Mexico city on my next flight. I have been just using the saved games they give you fr each flight, but if I want to I can load the flight and then turn on my Opus weather update, I wonder what kind of winds Opus would give me and if I should give it a try. Just cool that I would be there in my flight to the south pole right about now. If I were to leave tonight sometime I should run directly in to the hell, I think I will.
  12. I have simply searched the web over for a problem like mine and have seen nothing just like it. I once had EZdok installed, had trouble, uninstalled it. Now I have SE fsx and original installed, so I don't think EZdok was the oproblem, but can't be sure. But I have had problems with VC showing up, especially on 777 models, free ware and most paid 777's. But now, this has really gotten strange. I got the addon "Fly the heavies" with the big birds in it because I wanted to fly the nice 747's and 777 and 380's. But as before, the VC in the 777 paints, there's two, show only the back protion of the plane if I turn around, and half a wall in front of me, and no VC. I tried moving the camera upfront but it just eventually goes to empty outside look, like hitting W in the 2d view. But now here's a real strange one. I went to fly one of the missions using the 747 Malasia plane, a short landing, and again no VC, so just trying everything, I chose to try the other 747 after pausing, the other paint, same addon, same plane, just a different paint, and THE VC IS THERE, justbeutiful and detailed as ever. Swithed back to the malasia paint, NO VC.THESE ARE THE SAME MODELS, SAME ADDON, just different paints, how can one VC show up and the other I get nothing in the same 747 just a different paint? And the same happens in the fresh SE version as well, and I have not had ezdok installed when I put that on the PC. Now, I will mention that I did figure out why some textures and 2d panels were mising at times, and that because i was using the "PANEL=OFF" trick in the aircraft config to get rid of paints in my air craft choice window so I wouldn't have so many to look through. What I didn't realize is that when there are a few different paints of the same plane, some may reference some of the other panles, or use their code or something and if you have the "Panel OFF" thing on a needed paint model you can get missing textures when you load a plane, so maybe i can help others by mentioning that situation, be careful using that Panel=Off thing, it's fine on some aircraft and can mess up others if the paints are interconnected by referenceing other panels. But I am at a loss on the Fly the heavies thing. I have seen others have close to the same problems, like missing VC AFTER switching to other views, but my situation is missing VC al together. If i have one, it is always working, or if I don't I cannot get one to show. But the same model in the same addon, just a different paint, one VC works and not the other, really? What could cause such a thing? Sorry for ranting, I don't expect anyone will know what is causing this because i have never seen anyone in my web searches that has had this problem. I know that the W key turns off the 2d panel, is there another key that turns the VC on and off as the W key does? Could that be it? Thanks for listening.
  13. It's just strange to me because my laptop does FAR better in fps and in the looks department when using DX10. I am lucky to get 12 fps, and 15 fps is just fine to me, easily enough for me to enjoy the game. In DX10 I can get close, hovering around 14-15. Yet, when I search the library here and other places, I find literally only 3 or 4 aircraft that have been tested and working with DX 10 preview. I download posky and others stuff, but most simply show up gray and some won't show upon the runway, or only parts of them, yet the original fsx aircraft all work fine. Anyone know where I might find more aircraft that will work in DX10, or a free DX10 fix? I see Steve's fix used to be free, but now requires pay, and I don't see anything anywhere else that addresses DX10 problems.
  14. Thanks much. Before we do that, I am now wondering if maybe I simply have too much addon scenery loaded. I just downloaded a new Posky 777/300, and at first, it crashed fsx when I just tried to get it to the preview font screen. Loaded FSX back up, this time it loaded to the preview screen, but when I trie to load it in to an airport it froze at 6% as usual and fasx crashed. I have been loading an aweful lot of my older addon scenery not being sure I wasn't loading things I didn't need, and when I go in to scenery files there are an aweful lot of adons loading. It makes sense that the original planes can load but some of the addons with many more graphics and such can't. I think I will uncheck some of that scenery and see if the 777 will then load. I'll report back.
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