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  1. Hi Jojo, saw my answer? you can change the spoiler extension time in the aircraft.cfg under "airplane geometry", 3.5000 is a good realistic value. parasite_drag_scalar =0.800 induced_drag_scalar =1.1 under flight tuning help to get a realistic descend from cruise level and a realistic flare with a super smooth touchdown on autoland. wing_pos_apex_lon=16.00000 under airplane geometry helps to get the CG within the 28 to 34 % range and helps better take off attitude. spoiler_limit=60 under the same airplane geometry helps the effectiveness of the speedbrakes and you can get " AIRED"( freeware ) to change the next value; open the .air file with air ed and go to section "1101" primary aerodynamics, then go to drag coefficient_spoiler*2048=87, click on that line and change the value from 87 to 200, click "enter" and save it back to the .air ( check to see if it changed afterwards, it failes sometimes ), under "auto pilot" change the gs_integrator_boundary from value 0.70 to 0.20 to get a much more precise autoland, no more overshooting and coming back and then land next to the RWY. All of this should give you a very realistic A320 behaviour but look out never to click " activate approach" above 10000 feet 'cause that will slow down the plane to 200 knots before it starts descending slowly. hope this helps you to enjoy the Wilco airbuses as much as I do. best regards Herman
  2. you can change the extension time in the .cfg under "airplane geometry" - " spoiler_extension_time" if that is what you mean. Herman
  3. The program is free and called AES ( airport enhancement services ) but it disturbes GSX and is basically the same program so you can't use both at the same airport. GSX works for every airport in the world as where AES only works for Aerosoft and fly tampa airports and in my honest opinion it's a bit of a rip off from the aerosoft people, you pay a lot of money for an airport just to find out you still need to pay extra to get it working and that is why I only have Brussels X from them and replaced all the jetways with default ones, they look less good but at least they work with CTRL+J and only GSX vehicles instead of double vehicles. ( AES starts working from the moment the main engines stop and handbrake is applied, then the jetways start moving and all the utility vehicles pop up around the plane.) Herman
  4. If you have Aerosoft airports then you need to buy extra credits to unlock the jetways. If you have ADE and know really good how to work with it it is possible to replace the aerosoft jetways with the default ones but that is a heck of a work for big airports, Herman
  5. Hi Steve, thought to give DX10 a go but you changing to a US vendor blocked that completely, there is a policy with many European banks to block online purchases with credit cards from US sites since the US has about the highest fraud rate with credit cards worldwide and no policy to do something about it. If I wanted to buy it, I have to go to my bank and apply for a deblockking for 3 months and signe a document leaving me , myself and I responsible for any fraud committed to my card, so you can see I will not or ever do that. My question therefore is; please put it back on the Flight Sim Store for sale. Herman
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