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Everything posted by DutchAir

  1. Well I am very excited about it, but I had a busy day. Just managed to get that one test flight in in the afternoon. My wife is calling me for dinner now and I am off on holidays for a week tomorrow so don't expect any reports from me. LOL! Although I did get a developers license this time so I could install on my laptop and bring it with me but then I might not make it home alive to enjoy it on my Custom built Sim Rig. Ah decisions, decisions!
  2. I just took my first flight in V3 and got an OOM! Hahaha, just kidding :-0 First impression. I set every setting to max and loaded the default scenario. It loaded to 100% much quicker than V2. as usual there where black textures for a while until the shaders where built. I then restarted with my maxed out setting and it seemed to load quicker again and this time no shader building. There are speed trees at the default scenario location and they look cool. Took off and flew a circuit. I think there are flight dynamics improvement! It felt more like flying a real aircraft! TrackIR didn't work so I need to work on that first. VC frames where up to 35. down to about 27 on approuch. External view FPS 40 plus. That is with everything maxed out! My first impression is that we have a winner :-) i7 4770k Core 0 up at 100% other 3 cores up around 50 to 60% on average 2 x GTX 780 both up at 100%
  3. Download complete! it took 20 mins on my end :Big Grin: Unzipped and installing right now! Hehehehe!
  4. 5 mins to go to complete Download There is another thread started indicating the release so I was going to ask the mod to close this one. but then I read the very second post in that thread and it was someone asking if they had to pay for the upgrade from 2.5 to 3 Jezz
  5. Well as a real pilot and a sim pilot, I have an observation. based on my many conversations with real pilots and the V3 threads I suspect that many sim pilots (certainly not all) who got into one of those conversation may be spirited away after ominous looks exchanged by the real pilots as a result of them coming to the conclusion that said sim pilot was likely a terrorist!
  6. Honestly, many of the poster in this forum, I could liken to drug addict who are having a hard time getting the cash together for their next fix!
  7. I don't know! JV says its up to dev to make the addons with Speedtress, however the V3 Release notes say there are 18 additions to the scenery library for Speedtrees. We will know tomorrow or tonight if a beta tester elucidates.
  8. Ooh! edit:I see the post I Ooh'd about was deleted. Wipes sweet from brow! Auh!
  9. Classic that's the best thing I've read all day. Do I need to say it? It works on so many levels! Hahahaha LOL!
  10. Once again, and for the last time! buy it, try it. If you don't like it (and you have 60 whole days to make up your mind). Give it back and get your money back. End of story!
  11. I don't know what all the fuss is by the naysayers. This product has a 60 day money back satisfaction guarantee. Tomorrow you can buy it then you have 60 days to evaluate it. If you are not satisfied for any reason at all you can get a full refund. Under those conditions it seems to me to be highly irrational to be critical rather than open minded about something you have not even experienced yet! :smile:
  12. I agree we shouldn't have to pay for V3. Then in 3 months when the bean counters at LM close the Prepar3D division over night and send Adam and crew down to the unemployment office, we serious simmers can always rely on whatever video game DTG slings at us next year. Its amazing how flight simmers haven't got a clue about the real world. Get your heads out of the cockpit!
  13. Your not wrong. That is absolutely correct :-) Everyone also seems to be forgetting that LM has a 60 day money back satisfaction guarantee. So all the quibbling is pointless. You can buy it and try it with all your addons and if you are satisfied that it was worth the expense keep it. If not get your money back :-)
  14. Well, reading the release notes it sure looks good and I will buy it but have to agree that JV was right! Looks more like a 2.X release. Well business is business and I figure if they had to charge V2 owners for it, they had to charge V2 owners for it. Love that there are SLI fixes but I will what and see if the anomalies are gone. I am off on vacation too, so unlike V2 I will not be purchasing on day one. Looking forward to reading all your first impressions when I get back from holiday :-)
  15. You beat me! was just about to post it! LOL! What do you need to know before considering purchasing Prepar3D v3? Below are the minimum and recommended Prepar3D v3 system requirements. Prepar3D v3 features significant memory and performance optimizations, which enable greater volumes of detail and increased realism. Users will now be able to better utilize next generation hardware to achieve an immersive experience that was never possible before. Edit: Robs recently debated video's in fact are V3!
  16. I would normally agree that the events of this release would be similar to the V2 release, but there is a different person in charge now and I have a feeling that they are just going to drop it on us on Monday. Lets face it there have been little clues knocking around even on the Prepar3D website. I think they might be pandering to whimsical side of this community a bit with this release despite us not being the target market. :smile:
  17. The password protected "Introducing Prepar3D V3" page is also gone! http://www.prepar3d.com/uncategorized/2015/09/113061/ Probably out on Monday. I believe new version are usually released on Mondays. :-)
  18. The "Introducing Prepar3D V3" password protected page is gone. It was all a big joke. http://www.prepar3d.com/uncategorized/2015/09/113061/
  19. Looks to me like all the Moderators on the Prepar3D forum are sporting new Prepar3D V3 Golf shirts! LOL! Makes me think that it is likely the release that is imminent rather than an announcement! :-)
  20. It's not V3! Rob is actively responding to posts on YouTube below those video's to questions about how to achieve that performance. If it was version 3. I doubt if he would be misrepresenting those videos to his YouTube Followers. Having said that V3 will be announced before the end of this month if not released: http://www.prepar3d.com/2015/09/
  21. I am pretty sure that its this month! Not only is it "Introducing Prepar3D V3" page that is password protected. It is the "Monthly Archives: September 2015" too :-) http://www.prepar3d.com/2015/09/
  22. There is not a snowballs chance in hell that those video's are made with V3. It definitely V2.5, No question about it :-) Rob has a fantastic high end system and certainly has squeezed the very best out of V2.5 and that is what it is. No doubt about it. I'd bet my shirt on it! :-)
  23. It could be V3 based on the flying circuits in the NGX and T7 at the new FB KSFO surrounded by Global, taking off and landing at the same HD international airport with 2048 textures with those aircraft and that level of scenery would certainly cause an OOM on my system with V2.5 However I understand the new FB KFSO is highly optimized and any time I have tried this it was with Full blown ORBX regions with less optimized addon airports and higher settings and I always got an OOM on final. On the other hand I doubt it is V3 because I doubt they will us the exact same design for the GUI. My final thought on it is that it is V2.5 and Rob is playing with us showing of his superior system! LOL!
  24. Seems we need another thread rename here: How about EDGE vs Chrome vs FireFox. Better yet why doesn't someone start a new thread called: EDGE vs Chrome vs FireFox.
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