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About Paul_Yorks

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  • Birthday 04/06/1965

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    10 minutes from EGNM

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  1. Well that's a first, mate, and I've been here about 20 years 😄
  2. It's interesting to me that there is not a single thread on the front page of this forum (might depend on your thread/page I guess) about the 800. The "800 is out" thread is on page 2; but isn't hot. 12 pages. Bah, shorty. But not a single thread about how fab the new 800 is. This, after we saw a bunch of posts not long ago asking the Mods to put the Fenix threads into a separate sub-forum, since the front page was "overwhelmed" with Fenix stuff. I don't like the PMDG pricing strategy here. It was always, obviously, an attempt to say "buy the 7/600 now, and the 800 later". Is the lack of content here indicative of a failure of that model? Honestly, I don't know. I hope so. I haven't bought any of 'em, yet, and am hoping PMDG will eventually see sense and do a multi-model deal. But it does seem interesting, and certainly it is a different state of affairs compared to a lot of the other top-flight releases we've seen. Equally it might just be that all the comments have already been made about the 6/700s. But I do wonder.
  3. (33) PMDG 737 New Update: First Look/Preview 20.6.2022 - YouTube Mainly cosmetic.
  4. Currently using the PMS free version. Thinking I will pay $25 for a year's licence - to get plan saving/loading, terrain, procedures and so on - on the basis that who knows where we'll be in a year? If I was a US-only flyer, I suspect I'd go with the TDS, but the lack of charts for the rest of the world means the TDS doesn't do it for me, and I don't understand there to be a likely Navigraph way forward for the TDS given it uses the Garmin trainer. First world problems 😄
  5. Was definitely, definitely getting the 700 this week... then bought the 310R and have flown nothing else since. Whoops! :D
  6. After a longish break from MSFS, I've been tempted back by the recent spate of excellent addons. I decided to try the 310 first, though I'm not usually a twin prop flyer. It's a lovely bird, and a game-changer, imho, with the "rental" option which for the first time ever means that preflight checks actually matter. But what I really wanted to say was WHOA! about the VR implementation. It is absolutely first class. The clarity of e.g. the PMS750 is terrific. The sense of space and position in the 'pit is first class. If I lean forward, I am getting more or less the clarity I get in 2D. I'm sure that's not quite right, but it FEELS like it is, and that'll do, thanks very much. Really surprisingly good. And when I look out down that spectacular wing, I don't see the "judder" that I recognise in the defaults. It's like watching the 2D birds, again. I think the airflow sounds seem overdone - let's say loud - but I suspect they're true to life and we're just spoiled with quieter models! I've been messing around with the Cub, the TBM and the Extra - all stock, of course - and whilst they're good, I think the 310 is another level - despite all the system depth and excellent modelling. Anyway. Just wanted to share. Lots of good reports in the pancake fora, so I thought one here might be worthwhile. Very, very happy with this as a VR showcase. Edit: this with a 3900X, a 2080Ti and a G2. Not quite state of the art, by any means.
  7. That's what I do - but I've been thinking about Navigraph partly for convenience, but also because of the geolocation (I think it's called?) that lets me see my location on a chart on say the 750. I assume that's not possible with a manually downloaded chart?
  8. Many thanks for the replies. Good to see some different views. This has helped. I think I'll wait till they're all out, then take a view. I have zero interest in flying "real" flights so in the end the 600, as the cheapest, might well win out. Cheers.
  9. Loved my 737 in FSX and P3D, so will definitely buy for MSFS but am wondering: which one? That wasn't an issue before, since iirc we got 4 models for one price. I mainly flew the 800 and the 600, just to vary things. Now I need to decide which to plump for, since I don't fancy splashing out on 2, let alone 3 or more. Any advice from 737 experts, please? I am thinking the 320 (Neo or maybe Fenix, by the time the 800 is out) might fill my need for an 800 size jet. The 900 doesn't interest me. So - probably a 6 or 700. Would anyone recommend one over another? PMDG seem to say that any feature added to one will get added to all others, so am I going to miss out on much more than the size/weight/handling characteristics? Advice would be appreciated.
  10. Detailed review here: (199) The Most Expensive Addon in MSFS - but is it the Best? | Leonardo MD-82 "Maddog" Full Review - YouTube
  11. Just to add: very happy PMDG customer here. MD-11, NGX for FSX. Amazing birds, with top-notch support (to the point that one of their support guys offered to remote onto my PC to help me deal with some issues - solved, in the end, by a re-install). Never regretted a penny I put into the NGs and whilst I skipped the P3D version, I will be buying this for MSFS with no hesitation. These things just work. Anyway. Enough positivity for tonight ;)
  12. The WU video is unbelievable. Only one downside: it's so real, you can feel how embarrassing it is to be an England cricket fan from 5000'.
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