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    Wayland, Michigan

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  1. I think most can agree 6 minutes is pretty excessive. Granted, my load times seem a little under that but not by much. I do as an other member pointed out, I start the sim, wait for the update screen and then change over to my web browser if no updates are available. I pull up simbrief and flight radar 24 to plan what flight i'm in the mood for and start creating the simbrief flight plan. Imagine if we could all commit to doing situps until it gets to the main screen, some would be pretty fit.
  2. this has been staying in my hangar because of the performance issue. if the fps was like the 737 and 777, i would use it for fed ex cargo ops.
  3. This is about the only time I use Microsoft Edge browser, I learned thew hard way when my first purchase of the DC-6.
  4. I live near Grand Rapids Michigan (150 nm north-east of Chicago). I want my summer, no november til its time. Thank goodness its not like we are waiting for MS2020 while still playing FSX. Im content for now but definitely eager to see the difference. My number one hope is that the main thread limitation is gone.
  5. no one wants to hear that when summer just began 😞
  6. I still am having a problem when I first select a gate, it starts me on the active runway. Is there a fix for this yet? I'm sick of starting on the runway just to have to quit to main menu and reselect the gate to finally start where I wanted.
  7. pmdg 738 top mach studios f-22 Indiafoxtecho f-35B (vtol)
  8. I didnt even buy the -900 because I agree with this statement. I really dont use the -700 anymore. I use the -600 for JANET flights from klas to area 51 base. -800 is my go to
  9. he needs to first figure out if its a problem with msfs or a problem with the computer. Have him run some graphics benchmarks and see if the results are close to what should be expected. cpu and gpu temps need to be verified. if he gets results that are expected, then the computer should be fine and now start looking at msfs intall/settings to be an issue.
  10. I leave it on ultra because Im on the grass more often then the track...
  11. I know its been discussed before. if you are lucky enough to find it, it will save you time. If you cant and have fast internet, by the time someone gives you the correct answer, you probably could redownload/install it by then.
  12. microsoft knows people might need a year to save up their hobby money thats budgeted by their wives. *not applicable to me, thankfully
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