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Everything posted by 2reds2whites

  1. What prompted you to land a cub on a lawn bowling green? Well I suppose there’s a first time for everything 😂
  2. I'm starting to think you might not like the sim. Perhaps you should go for some fresh air?
  3. No - performance is downhill from there for you. You are posting in a thread about performance where the vast majority of feedback on the performance is positive - which is especially pertinent given that people tend to complain when they are dissatisfied but don't say anything when they are pleased/content. There have already been a few third party induced issues (simconnect etc) that have already remedied a few people's problems.
  4. Forget 'us' - why do you keep telling other people what their performance is? You've done it several times - are you OK? The vast majority of opinion in this thread is that performance is really good - why do you keep rambling on?
  5. Except if you actually look at the benchmark data I'd suggest that the frames are pretty good with capable hardware. Also great feedback on these forums from many many people regarding the performance. But that wouldn't suit your narrative of absolute misery so no doubt that'll be ignored.
  6. I don't disagree that it would have been much better - but I think that this is being slightly over-egged. It is £7 - probably the cheapest OrbX addon of all time? In fact how many flight simulator products ever have been £7 at time of release? And the reality is that in flight it looks like this; Which I think gives a very different impression. Edit: Canary wharf at 03:00 City of London at 03:45 Shard at 04:55 St Paul's 05:45 Charing Cross, Millenium eye, Parliament at 06:50 Buckingham Palace at 07:30 And I've got to say.....for £7 it looks absolutely fine to me.
  7. But does it offer a mediocre improvement for £7? This is a flight simulator - in the act of flight at any reasonable altitude, how does it look? I don't have it so I can't answer the question. And it might look awful, but I suspect it'll look pretty good from a reasonable height, say 2000ft?
  8. I appreciate that some of the models very low rent - and the textures low resolution, but lots of his issues are presented from literally metres from the object itself, as in on the road next to the building. What do they look like from any reasonable flying altitude over London?
  9. In that case I could say that MSFS performs worse than Flight Simulator 95. If you can't compare visual fidelity, and have no idea how the settings work, you can't make any comparison.
  10. Set the visuals, clouds, autogen density to achieve the same fidelity as MSFS and you know that's not true.
  11. Tricking? How did they do that? Did they distract the reviewers with cakes and chocolates? Kidnap them and then write the reviews in their name?
  12. That's what flying through the tops of CU looks like
  13. He states outright that he’s often banned for advocating xplane in other forums as a guilty pleasure. I think it’s fair to assume he’s not doing it out of the goodness of his heart, unless you think the mods are wrong?
  14. "X-Plane advocate and expert (hardware, rendering settings, datarefs, tweaks, ect.). When I am not posting I am probably banned at the moment. Usually for advocating X-Plane in the P3D forum, my guilty little pleasure." From his own profile. He's a troll folks. Move on.
  15. To quote his profile; "X-Plane advocate and expert (hardware, rendering settings, datarefs, tweaks, ect.). When I am not posting I am probably banned at the moment. Usually for advocating X-Plane in the P3D forum, my guilty little pleasure." So yes, I think he should go back to Xplane.
  16. A day old sim with occasional stutters, in an airliner, in two major detailed cities is an absolute nightmare? Best you go back to XP11 I think......
  17. How are people complaining about file structure when the sim has been out for less than 24 hours? How could anyone possibly get to grips with any new release within less than a day?
  18. Your CPU barely meets the minimum requirements to run the sim. What are you surprised about? 2021 and beyond means another year + of CPU/GPU development. You absolutely want to struggle to run the sim at the highest settings on current hardware. That’s perfect.
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