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Everything posted by CaptMatto

  1. The Cub's look awesome, can't wait to do some back country flying! What an adventure flying around the world would be if you didn't land at any airport! 🙂
  2. I too am hoping that no news is good news! I own the C172 for FSX and have loved flying it. I have spent many, many hours doing traffic patterns and cross country flights in the Southern UK Orbx scenery. Unistalled it all in readiness for MSFS in a months time. Although my laptop is going to seriously stuggle, it just about meets the min spec. I only have 8gb of ram so going to do an upgrade to my laptops max of 20gb.
  3. An interesting video about feeling co-ordinated flight. I've always been a sim flyer (my only real PPL flight experience was 30 odd years ago; and that for just a hour!) and there are aspects of small aircarft flight that I know I need to learn aboat, coordination is one of them. I'm hoping that MSFS will enable us to up our game with regard learning to fly. Do any of you have any great real flying tips that can relate to sim flying? After watching and re-watching the developer videos how close do you feel the aircraft modeling is?
  4. I'm hoping that it's not all fork lightning as here in the UK we quite often just get flashes of lighning rather than the dramatic stuff we're seeing so far. 🙂 Although it is very meanacing! It basically shouts 'Don't fly here!' he he
  5. I really hope you're right! The video was awesome! If MSFS is even 50% as close to what is shown in the video then our respective flights will be very interesting! I can't wait! 🙂 P.s. I do like the 'the non-alpha' 's 🙂
  6. I am going to do the SLOWEST MEANDERING round the world trip ever once this comes out! I truly cannot wait to explore all these places! Who's in?
  7. I, like the rest are a little dissapointed about the ATC, however I think this was a late addition to the road-map perhaps so probably an amount of work still to be done. Didn't they mention in an update about the TTS voices being a very new addition?
  8. Just in case anyone wants another few screenshots 🙂 A nice comparison between Lukla in MSFS and in FSX.
  9. Decided to keep these all in one post, so from now I will post the MSFS instagram pics here when there published. Hope it's useful
  10. Yep, got me too! It is hard not to get over hyped when you see it.
  11. Sadly just what is on the instagram page.
  12. A new shot on the MSFS Instagram page!!
  13. Perosnallly, I am sorry but I find this type of post fairly pointless. (although I am responding and posting so take that as you will) It really doesn't matter what type of purchase arrangements MS put in place, each of us will look at the different purchase models and decide whether we want to pay it. If it's £60 i'm in! If it's £60 and £10per month, I'm still in. £100 yes, £150 might need to work on some extra projects. A monthly subscription model isn't really that big of a deal anyway. A large proportion of us pay for things like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Spotify etc. I happily pay for those why not the same with MSFS? Game Pass has other benefits too with regard other titles so well worth the thought. I've seen enough of the development footage and screenshots to make my purchasing decision. What it comes down to now is getting the PC to run it at the level I am happy and saving where I need too to afford it.
  14. Thanks! I might see if I can get in touch to see what options there are for exporting data to the web
  15. Does anyone know if there is a way to sign-up as a developer?
  16. Fingers crossed!!! I've been toying with a logbook type of web-app and flight link-up site. I program in PHP & Java so hoping we can pull into those.
  17. Anyone have any thoughts on getting data out? I'd love to be able to pull out my aircraft data when on a flight and publish online on a blog etc.
  18. I am enjoying the technical discussions, thoughts, views etc in these forums and MS/Asobo have a great PR team IMO. I love the nod to the discussions going on in the various updates. It's been great to get a weekly snapshot of where they are as well. My only thought now, (and it links to tree size) is the wave height. It is of course hard to tell but I think the wave height is a little over exaggerated. Not sure if anyone else has been watching the FlightChops youtube float plane videos but it would be great to see wavelets on the downwind side of a lake with a lee under the trees at the upwind side of the lake. This could be massive overkill but would bring a huge amount of realism to float plane ops.
  19. At this rate I am not going to have anyone to talk to in these forums! 🙂 he he
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