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Everything posted by marsman2020

  1. It's very possible Microsoft is the problem here. Asobo only works on the things Microsoft tells them to work on. If they get told "ship it" when the sim needs another 6 months of polish, they ship it. If they get told to work on the XBox version instead of fixing CTDs in the PC version, that is what they do. If they get told work on VR instead of Garmins, that is what they do. It feels to me like Microsoft had a plan for what they wanted Asobo to do after release and they are sticking to that plan. All the voting on forum threads, Q&As, and whatever are just "community management" PR BS to try to placate (manage) us. The fact that Microsoft is "managing" the community means nothing as far as what the Asobo team would choose to work on if they had 100% control - they might be great people who think putting the sim on XBox right now is silly - it's all down to what Microsoft wants. When Seb and other Asobo people get to make in depth technical comments on the Q&As they seem like capable and smart individuals so it is very likely there is more going on then we know about.
  2. Looks like this update broke a bunch of things on the Carenado Arrow III. So now everyone who bought that aircraft earlier this week gets to wait several weeks for a patch to be approved by Microsoft.
  3. Won't be able to fly until later in the day.... In addition to the brightness: On the official MSFS forum someone said that OBS mode with GPS waypoints now works. That would be a nice addition (it worked on the FSX Garmins). Also offset localizers/LDAs *may* be better based on the patch notes, will have to test, the wording is kind of strange. The flight director might work with the A/P is turned off. They removed the keyboard-bindings-only A/P from the VL-3 😞 That's all I've seen people mention so far. It dosen't seem like there are any huge improvements, just small stuff that should have been done before release.
  4. Yes. Also, the patches are way bigger then they need to be. Using a standard binary diff tool with the decades old rsync algorithm I calculated a 1.6GB diff between the two versions, vs 8.7GB that I had to download. I'll try this again on the World Update to get another datapoint. There are some people who are on data transfer capped internet connections and constantly downloading GBs and GBs of stuff due to the unreliable update system and larger then required downloads just leaves them with less data remaining to actually play the sim. Not to mention increasing the server load for everyone else.
  5. So here is what I found out with today's update. I installed the update, fully updated my aircraft in Content Manager, and then used 'rdiffdir' which is part of the duplicity backup suite to generate a binary diff between the pre-update state 'A' and the current state 'B'. This diff file can then be transferred to another computer and used to turn 'A' -> 'B'. These are pretty standard algorithms for minimizing network use when updating files on remote servers, rsync has used them for decades. (Useage example here: http://incise.org/syncing-non-networked-computers-with-rdiffdir.html) Size of download vis MSFS: 7.97GB ('welcome' screen) + 0.8 GB (content manager) = 8.77 GB Size of 'rdiffdir' diff file: 1.6GB So using an rsync type algorithm to do this update would have saved ~81% of the download size.
  6. None of it matters dude, don't you know, as long as there is pretty eyecandy to take screenshots of that's all we need. No one needs things to be simulated in a simulator.
  7. Totally uncalled for. Don't you have anything better to do? Leaving out a feature that the $4 aircraft that come with the sim has and then making lame excuses about on a $45 aircraft is not acceptable.
  8. Asobo just has a different definition of "fixed" then the rest of the world when it comes to bugs. Rather then "repaired", they are using the "unchanging" definition of fixed. Or maybe the "spayed/neutered" definition when you look at some of the features other simulators have the MSFS doesn't, and probably never will.
  9. Yeah - no major improvements to the Garmins, but at least they fixed the bugs they added in the last patch. 🙄
  10. Don't forget to go to the Content Manager and update aircraft packages as well. 31 updates there, about 800MB for me.
  11. Yeah, this mostly seems to be random aircraft bug fixes, not big changes to important systems like the Garmins which are just not simulated correctly. Tons of New Content gets added for the people who like eye candy in the World Updates, but all we get is bug fixes for the Sim Update.....I can see what the development priority is here.
  12. Best thing to do here is to go to the Milviz site and buy Dino's Goshawk through them, and give a big old single finger salute to both this developer for stealing and Simmarket for not doing anything about it.
  13. Apparently whoever made this addon used IndiaFoxtEcho's MB-339 as a 'template' and left evidence in the files, so it's been pulled from SimMarket. It even had the MB-339 loading screen in it! More details in this thread on the MSFS forums: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/buyer-beware-mscenerys-theft-of-intellectual-property-on-f-18/375507
  14. This is still on my radar with the update coming on Thursday. Going to dump my simulation folder to an external drive tonight so I can diff the two. I also mentioned doing this diff on the official MSFS forums and that caught the attention of one of the forum mods, so if the results show that there might be a more efficient method to transfer the updates, maybe we can get some additional voices highlighting this.
  15. You can paste a latitude/longitude pair into the search box on the world map and it will create a custom point at that location
  16. True. Even for naturally aspirated aircraft the mixture behavior is somewhat wonky. I'm generally happy to hit the right point at cruise. It's not clear to me that Asobo will ever fix this. Someone could do their own engine model in WASM and bypass the MSFS engine modeling if they really wanted to, but I think given the amount of work required I'd expect a higher price there.
  17. The only thing strange is aircraft developers trying to sell $45 aircraft that are missing things the $4/each aircraft that come with the simulator have, and glossing it over in a YouTube comment with some lame excuse. Honestly I never even would have thought to ask the question if icing is visually represented on this aircraft. With each new aircraft release we find out about all the new "gotchas" of the things that different developers are cutting corners on.
  18. Whatever Robert did to create the Turbo Bonanza seems to work just fine in terms of the manifold pressure and power. The VL-3 915 mod also seems to fly close to the numbers for that version of the VL-3 with the turbocharged Rotax. Turboprop turbine based engine behavior is wrong (TBM950, C208, King Air), but I don't see a big problem with turbocharged piston engines at this point.
  19. Based on comments in the YouTube video, it might actually be that there are aerodynamic impacts of icing with no visual representation. This would be pretty confusing for users flying the sim with icing on, because you'll ice up and fall out of the sky with no visual indication. Maybe Just Flight can clarify what their plan is there.
  20. The big reason is likely the need to accommodate the X-Box platform where they need to ensure security. Bugs in games can be used to break the security of the entire console. There are likely rules about what games can do on X-Box and allowing random .dlls to run is probably in violation of those rules.
  21. Do you have the "modern" flight model selected in the options?
  22. I bought the Mooney and the Seminole and I think that's enough Carenado for me (at least until the next Christmas 40% off sale), so I'm going to wait to see what Milviz and A2A bring to the table and keep flying around the world in my RY Turbo Bonanza. No icing effects at this price point is a dealbreaker. They could put an option on the EFB to configure the icing to give everyone the options they want.
  23. The aircraft developer chooses where the ice texture map gets applied. At least Carenado tried.
  24. The icing model in MSFS is probably the best of any stock sim yet. They could tune down the rate at which ice accumulates when in freezing conditions w/precipitation. They also could tune down how it accumulates when it's freezing with no precipitation. If you use the Meteoblue website and look at freezing levels, OAT, etc you can plan around it. I'd hardly call it "broken at the core".
  25. You can set icing to visual only in the options menu and there is a key binding for 'deice windshield' that works even on aircraft with no icing equipment. So if people don't want to worry about it, great, they don't have to. The icing in the sim is overblown right now but avoiding being iced up or dealing with the consequences is also one of the more interesting aspects of flying GA aircraft right now. I've flown 1/3rd of the way around the world (from Los Angeles up and across Alaska to Japan and down to China) in the Bonanza with Live Weather. Dealing with icing is one of the things that made it really interesting through the winter. The flights with perfect weather have been boring. I'm not going to spend $45 on an aircraft where that isn't an option. I did the multiplayer cannonball run race across the US non-stop in the SW121 in December and again avoiding weather was one of the things that made it interesting.
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