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Your age?


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Hi all,after the very nice thread about peoples "Real life" I got curious. It seems like we're an old bunch, but I was wandering: What if it just seems that way cause the older you are, the more you want to tell about. Just a thought ...Here's my suggestion. Let's in this thread write nothing but our age, and when the thread calms down, I can calculate the average age.Rule: WRITE NOTHING BUT YOUR AGE (see next post)brEagle

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** 40 **aopa.gif" border="0" alt="Grab My FREEWARE Voice recognition Profiles here:[a href=http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?CatID=fs2004misc&DLID=58334]Cessna 172 Voice Profile[/a][a href=http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?CatID=fs2004misc&DLID=60740]FSD Avanti Voice Profile[/a].You will need the main FREEWARE Flight Assistant program to use it, get it here:[a href=http://library.avsim.net/esearch.php?CatID=genutils&DLID=39661]Flight Assistant 2.2[/a]

CryptoSonar on Twitch & YouTube. 

Guest Rockcliffe

42(Too old to be pretending to be a pilot in the basement, lol)BlairCYOW


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