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How to Increase Autogen?

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Guest Kosta
10, 20, 50, 100, and 500 all look the same to me, hence the request for screens shots to see if I am seeing/doing something wrong.
Alright Jim, you calm me down.

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Also if you have Ultimate Terrain - you should disable the night lighting in it as it takes away from autogen all on it's own anyways.
+1, difference is considerable.


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5-50. No difference.UT Night Lighting ON Autogen set to 5UTON5.jpgUT Night Lighting ON Autogen set to 50UTON50.jpgUT Night Lighting OFF Autogen set to 5utoff5.jpgUT Night Lighting OFF Autogen set to 50utoff50.jpg

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Here is what I got. Sorry about the quality. Was done in a hurry.Same settings tried as 'basic ils'.I did come across a software in the library section called 'TreeGen v1.0 (treegen.zip)'.Here is what the author (Feng Zhu) says about it : The default FS9 trees are over-sized and too sparse. As a result, they never create a believable tree-line, or give you the sense of mass and density. I've reduced the size of the trees down by 40%, and increased their numbers. There is no performance hit at all. In fact, you should get better performance because these files are at half the size compared to the original. I've reduced the quality down slightly, but you shouldn't notice any difference once airborn at 200 feet and above. All seasons are included. You can see additional screenshots at http://www.fengzhudesign.com/fsI'm going to give it a try and see if this works.

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Guest Kosta
Here is what I got. Sorry about the quality. Was done in a hurry.Same settings tried as 'basic ils'.I did come across a software in the library section called 'TreeGen v1.0 (treegen.zip)'.Here is what the author (Feng Zhu) says about it : The default FS9 trees are over-sized and too sparse. As a result, they never create a believable tree-line, or give you the sense of mass and density. I've reduced the size of the trees down by 40%, and increased their numbers. There is no performance hit at all. In fact, you should get better performance because these files are at half the size compared to the original. I've reduced the quality down slightly, but you shouldn't notice any difference once airborn at 200 feet and above. All seasons are included. You can see additional screenshots at http://www.fengzhudesign.com/fsI'm going to give it a try and see if this works.
There is no difference on any of these shots in NUMBERS of trees. They look different and they "appear" as two, due to reduction - but FS9 is NOT displaying more trees. It is not able, it won't be able... short of reprogramming it.

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Hi.Sad to say I saw no difference during my experimentation either, except when turning night lighting off in Ultimate Terrain. I think what's needed is an autogen tree set where each model contains several plants, rather than the existing single-tree-per-model, though I don't know if even they would overlap and increase the density. Has anyone made such a set?Regards,D

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Dave,I do believe some have actually tried going by the method you're talking about. Unfortunately, it still doesn't make any difference. A quick search in the AVSIM Library and you will come across such patches that have been designed by trying to add more trees,etc per image but it still doesn't work. I'm no expert so I can't give any technical reasons as to why that happens. ;)Just hope MS Flight brings about dense areas and more gmax models as eye-candy.Cheers,Karan

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The Feng Zhu file does indeed work, since in the autogen texture (normally for a single tree) he paints images of more than one tree. Thus instead of a single large tree sitting there you see two or more smaller trees.Hope this helps,

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Thanks for your feedback Tom. It indeed does work and the quality, as far as I can tell, is the same! Maybe a trained eye will be able to spot the difference but as far as it looks good to me then it is good! However, it still leaves patches of areas where there is absolutely no coverage. Very small patches though. At least it gives my simulator a bit more taste of realism and density. CheersKaran

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OK.... I know this is an old topic. But I found this thread looking to increase Autogen in FS2004... I have actually increased mine 30 fold. Cant do screen shots but this does work without having to change anything in the FS9 config or running a batch file. If someone has already thought of this then I apologoze as I havent been able to find this solution. If you do these steps, BACK UP EVERYTHING FIRST!!!!


1. If you have Ultimate Terrain, turn OFF ALL LIGHTS.

2. Download, extract and run the Silver Wings for fs2004 to a seperate location other than your FS2004 Directory.

3. Copy the Autogen.html file from Silver Wings to your FS2004 Autogen file.

4. Copy all of the .AGN files ONLY from the Silver Wings "scenery/world/texture" folder and paste them into your FS2004 "scenery/world/texture" folder.

5. Fire up FS2004 and see a dense tree and building filled world.


I resized my tree textures in Imagetool to 512 instead of 1024. Just extract the mips to 512 and then save. reopen and create mips again. You will also have more water towers, but in my opinion, the amount of trees and buildings more than makes up for it. If you dont like the results, you have backed everything up, just replace.

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4. Copy all of the .AGN files ONLY from the Silver Wings "scenery/world/texture" folder and paste them into your FS2004 "scenery/world/texture" folder.


If you do this your autogen will not be placed correctly as it is annotated to fit the Silver Wings ground textures.



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The Silver Wings autogen does not increase the amount of autogen, it just brings it in closer to the user plane.


The maximum amount of autogen is hard coded and no addon can change that.


That being said, it is the bee's knees for treetop flying.




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Ok.... Well, did some experimenting and found a solution that works well for me... It's not FSX by any means, but it adds a sufficent smount of autogen for me. I kept the Silver Wings.agn files installed and dropped my FSX Autogen.html file into FS2004 and I get a vast improvement over the default without having to adjust my FS9.cfg, with no impact on frames.... And my autogen seems to line up quite nicely with my Ground Environment ground textures. Neighborhoods have alot of houses, bussiness districts have alot of wharehouses and my forests and moutains are smothered in trees. Also another tip. My World Landclass for FSX and it works BEAUTIFULLY in FS2004. I no longer have emty space where part of a city should be. If you buy it or have it, just drop the landclass file into your FS9/scenery/BASE/scenery folder. It works well enough for me to give FS2004 more life.... Just thought I would share

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dropped my FSX Autogen.html file into FS2004

Can I assume you meant to say your default.xml file and not "Autogen.html"?


That file will not work in FS9 as it will call a bunch of FSX autogen objects by their GUID, objects that don't exist in FS9.


You might as well just delete default.xml altogether.


Can you post some pictures of this increased autogen?


Some comparison with/without shots would be nice.




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Yes Joe.. Sorry. I did mean Default.xml. Im not going to change it all back to default and then to how I have it now. Everyone says this wont work but can anyone explain why my houses and other buildings have increased by 60% and trees by 40%? Bottom line is, I have more autogen than I had with the default. I was just passing along my solution to anyone else that was tired of a near barren FS2004 world.


Apparently Im not allowed to post any file extensions here. I tried .jpg to .png.... Thats the message I get.. So sorry no screen shots as Im tired of trying to do this. So...... If anyone wants to try this, its an easy thing to do. Just back it up. If you dont like it, go back to your old way. It wont harm your system.

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