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  1. Have you tried loading a flight with all AI disabled? A bad AI texture could also cause problems. regards, Joe
  2. Another option would be to edit the addon Dobbins airport file with Airport Design Editor (ADE) and simply change the ATIS frequency. regards, Joe
  3. If you are receiving ATIS from Dobbins then you have an addon file for Dobbins and that is where the ATIS is coming from. Some AI programs include AFD files for airports to add parking, military especially. regards, Joe
  4. It's right here... http://www.avsim.com/topic/494958-networking-with-p3d/#entry3481524 BTW, if you look at your profile you can see all of your posts. regards, Joe
  5. Most likely caused by a missing spec texture. Look in the default texture folder for files missing in your port over textures. You can either copy these textures over or use a texture.cfg to point to a folder that has them in it. regards, Joe
  6. It's not the model file. The .mdl file has no impact on how a plane flies. I suspect a gauge issue as all affected birds are from the same author. Did you start from scratch when installing these planes or did you copy them from an old install (in which case you may have missed some gauges}? regards, Joe
  7. You might try backing off on the texture resolution slider to lessen that effect. regards, Joe
  8. If you Un-VOZ you will have default textures, or whatever you had before you installed VOZ. IIRC the VOZ installer does not add the entries to the Scenery Library, you have to do that manually. If you add the scenery entries to that Scenery Library and never set a VOZ region you should get what you want. Add them as instructed in the manual or you will have problems, the order matters. regards, Joe
  9. Mine looks like that too. regards, Joe
  10. According to current charts the LOC is offset 1.6 degrees- Looking at the files it is only offset 1.2 degrees, so it should be offset more than it is. If you look at the airport in Google Earth you will see the localizer located next to the runway instead of a more common location at the end of the runway. The more common location would put it out in the bay, which is why it is where it is. regards, Joe
  11. A default FSX with Acceleration install will have 120 scenery entries, not 117. regards, Joe
  12. Let's start with the basics. Look in ...\FSX\Gauges for Bendix_King_Radio.dll It should be 453kb and dated September 26, 2007 regards, Joe
  13. FYI... No, Johnman it will only take you right there. You can't post links to search results there, they only work for the person making the search. Thanks for posting the file info. regards, Joe
  14. Luminous is tinted by the panel.cfg value. The values are Red,Green,Blue and the acceptable range is 0-255. 140,140, 140 would be a medium gray, try something like 225,60,60 for a red tint. Bright is displayed without any night shading, so the gauge looks the same at night as it does during the day, even though the panel will be darker. It might be a case where the bitmap is being made "luminous" yet doesn't appear to be due to the gray panel.cfg value. Try the red tint and see if it is any different. regards, Joe
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