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What are you doing while wating for NGX

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Well for me it'll be soon reeding the chief package :) And while waiting I'm playing through Gray Matter an adventure game, just love this kind of game that makes you think and that is not about shooting and graphics but about story, and that is one written by Jane Jensen who was responsible for the Gabriel Knight series, should keep me busy quite some time, and I'm also reading the Myst books :)

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As soon as my manuals arrive, that will be the only thing that occupies my free time.

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Installing my GTX570 later today and checking out some games I haven't been able to try yet. (Metro 2033, Call of Prypiat etc) I got Cataclysm and resubbed to WoW too haha, so I'm sure that will get some of my small amount of free time too.
Aren't you supposed to be working on it??? Raised%20Eyebrow.gif I just have school, and talk to my friends. Evry once in a while, if I have time, I'll fly for a bit.

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Ehm... Flying one of those other pmdg planes... What else?

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I myself will be working on the F-15C/E, and T-38A/C over at Milviz. Doing everything associated with that. Once my Chief Pilot's Set hits the door step though I am taking a work stoppage for at least the weekend to review all of the material. As developers we play other games, and anticipate our own products coming out. I personally cannot wait for our own F-15 to be finished even though I play it every day. Messing around with the Alphas/Betas does not compare to when the product is finally finished and you don't have to worry about tweaking something after you are done flying. Is nice to just be able to fly it knowing it is done.

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Playing Civ5, flying on BVA, I have a couple really old games like Locomotion I like to play.

Eric Vander

Pilot and Controller Boston Virtual ATC

KATL - The plural form of cow.

KORD - Something you put in a power socket.

UNIT - Something of measure

My 747 Fuel Calculator

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Guest SMITI07

I've been flying round the southwest USA in a319/20 from phoenix. syncing my fs to real time in the location and flying multiple legs each day, annoyingly it's the middle of the night/afternoon there during day here. So nearly all flights have been at night.

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reinstalling fsx for fresh install, checking pmdg forums for news and screenshots.

Cenk Demir


Besiktas JK 1903

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Doing a world tour for each of the aircraft i have. They are:FlightSimLabs ConcordeFlight1 ATR72-500Wilco B737-300/400/500Feelthere ERJ-135/145PMDG Bae 4100Maddog MD-82Wilco EMB-170/190Citation MustangLevel-D 767PMDG 747PMDG MD11My god.... it gonna take forever Big%20Grin.gif

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Doing a world tour for each of the aircraft i have. They are:My god.... it gonna take forever Big%20Grin.gif
It is nice to see someone who has about as many add-on AC as I do. Now I don't feel so bad. :biggrin:PMDG still rises above the rest though. No one has both system simulation and graphics wrapped into one package. Speaking of add-on AC, does ANYONE fly default anymore?

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It is nice to see someone who has about as many add-on AC as I do. Now I don't feel so bad. :biggrin:PMDG still rises above the rest though. No one has both system simulation and graphics wrapped into one package. Speaking of add-on AC, does ANYONE fly default anymore?
Yeap, I agree, PMDG is the best of them. I am waiting for the NGX to add it to my world tour...Default aicraft?.... does FSX came with those???:(

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Yeah. There are almost to many good add-ons out there today, my add-on list goes like this:PMDG 744XPMDG MD-11X with full set of booksPMDG JS4100A2A B377 Accu-simA2A P-47D Accu-simA2A J-3 Cub Accu-simA2A B-17G Accu-simFS Labs Concorde XVRS F/A-18E for FSXOf course all of the released/upcoming Milviz productsAerosoft Hughes H-1BAerosoft PBY CatalinaNemeth CH-53EJust Flight P-38Sky Unlimited Go-229Sky Unlimited P-38 Vol 1Sky Unlimited Me-262Captain Sim 757 ProCaptain Sim C-130X Vol 1 & 2Razbam A-6 & EA-6B packagesI think that sums up all of them. Probably one or 2 of them I left out. Is pretty cool about doing the world tours though. I want to do world tours in all of my birds, but that would take forever. When I was on deployment in 2008 I did a world tour using my Just Flight P-38 in just under 300 hours of flight time. I really want to do it with the B-17G, but just have not been able to find all of the time to allocate to it as I fly in real time. I did fly the J-3 from Florida to New York and back once and that took FOREVER. Was a very rewarding VFR experience though that was for sure.

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Waiting for my new i7 PC (24 hours to go!) then gonna spend a week or so tweaking it and tweaking FSX and trying to get the DCS A-10c to run better (yea I know its still beta but still) Then theres Christmas coming up with all its associated familly gatherings (yes I mean parties). Space Shuttle Sim 2 is coming too but again probly not this year but its gonna have a high res earth and you will be able to go INSIDE! the ISS (Woooooot!).Lots to wait for not much to do right now but I might try Civ5

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I redid my HDDs to switch to SSD for main W7 drive and a separate FSX drive. Might redo the video card. New hobby: Sleeving the cables in my computer, just to look nice. My wife said its like knitting for nerds. When actually running, I've been proofing an add-on manual, flying the 744 and the J41 and have purchased but not yet installed the 727 from Captain Sim.

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Guest sijenks5

Hey Lads,I know this is off topic but will the GTX570 fit in my antec 300 case

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