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How serious do you take the NGX?

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Guest FSMP
Geoff I also see that you are into muliplayer games in FS...well that explain everything...Haven´t understand why MS would include such **** into FSX. / Leffe
Well, as a private pilot, I am amazed that you do not apprecaite the added realism of flying and controlling in a multi human aviation environment, where it is not all just about you.There again, nothing should cease to amaze me, when trying to communicate with those who do not have a clue who they are talking to.

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Well, as a private pilot, I am amazed that you do not apprecaite the added realism of flying and controlling in a multi human aviation environment, where it is not all just about you.There again, nothing should cease to amaze me, when trying to communicate with those who do not have a clue who they are talking to.
Vatsim and IVAO I can understand (reflecting real life)....but MSFS Multiplayer function included in Accelerator......GOSH!... / Leffe

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@FSMP FSX is not a game.You cant score pionts. COD4, WAW5, WoW, black ops, need for speed...those are GAMES because you score pionts and level up. FS9/FSX...''FS'' im sure you're aware stands for Flight Simulation...a simulation - of flyin an aircraft.As in for example COD4 - u get shot, your screen goes red and you have to hide to recover your health, and off you go again. If you crash in the sim, its game over.Just like in real life.Its a simulation of the real thing.If you make a good landing, you make a good landing - you dont get points for it! Please, tell me, if FSX is a game....how do you win???...where do you fly to take on the ''big boss''???........ Thats right - you dont, because it not a game! Now if you excuse me, i have work to do in my 35G a year job, i have to drive my £30,000 car to a customer site, seal the deal of a £50,000 sale ( of whitch i get 10% at the end of the year,on top of salery..), and thats my workin day done. Maybe then, and only then, will i contemplate gettin a ''life''.......(i wonder how great your life is...coming into a flight sim forum and telling people they need to get a life, because they take a simulator seriosly...) Take your own advise, and go get a life...your on this forum 24/7....the sun wont hurt you, trust me.
Great Post! I agree. FSX is not a game. Is it real life? Of course not. But I will say FSX has taught me A LOT before I started flying real airplanes. FSX is a great hobby, learning tool, or simulation that can be FUN. Not everything that is fun or enjoyed is a game. When I take my truck to some dirt roads and mud its fun but it surely is not a game. If FSX was a game I woould probably have some time to sneak it in between my law school work. Which there answers the question. I take it pretty serious. I like to do pre-flight planning, start at the gate etc.. Nothing crazy though. I think I took it more serious when I was younger but then again also knew a lot less. Shorter trips like a MIA-ATL type thing I will stay at the computer enjoy the flight. If I am doing MIA-LAX forget about it though :) I do have other things to do or maybe sleep! Long hauls on the 744 I will almost always plan them for over nights. But one part of the realism for me is no time acceleration. So with that until I have my nice one month winter break in December I wont even buy the NGX since it might be a distraction LOL.gif I have already started planning the routes I fly though, and I know I want to take my first day of "line" flying on the NGX very seriously. I will tell people before hand that day I am busy! As for multiplayer simming, Vatsim type thing yes. That is realistic. But going online and flying around an airport with some other random simmers doing rolls in a default 747 not so much.

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Guest FSMP
Vatsim and IVAO I can understand (reflecting real life)....but MSFS Multiplayer function included in Accelerator......GOSH!... / Leffe
I think you have proved my point -- you have limited understanding and limited expereince of what is available in the FSX Multiplayer world.

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FSX is only a GAME. !! Sorry, but if you think otherwise, you really do need to get a life.
As a real world air traffic controller and pilot I feel this simulation has its merits. For instance, I use it to practice approaches, flying them as published, making myself proficient with the inbound courses, radials, altitudes, missed approach points/procedures so I'm up to snuff when working on the scope. From the pilot side I've used FS to help with flows, for emergency/abnormal checklists, familiarization of a route, pre-flying a route to see the scenery/roads/terrain ahead and around me. I was going to make another comment but since I see you actually have some rw experience, I'll simply say you should give FSX more credit. Geoff - why don't you try out Pilot Edge - perhaps it could change your mind...http://pilotedge.net/page/home

| Windows 11 | MSI Z690 Tomahawk | 12700K 4.7GHz | MSI RTX 4080 | 32GB 5600 MHz DDR5 | 500GB Samsung 860 Evo SSD | 2x 2TB Samsung 970 Evo M.2 | EVGA 850W Gold | Corsair 5000X | HP G2 (VR) / LG 27" 1440p |



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Guest Lawyer+Pilot

FSX is a game for people who don't know how to fly--like my 6 year old son. He likes to hop into a plane (whichever one has a "pointy nose") and hurl the A/C into the ground with one wicked maneuver after another. For someone who is an experienced pilot, FSX is much more than that. A hobby and a way to practice maneuvers and familiarize yourself with aircraft systems. If you find yourself flying the FSX default missions, you might fall into the former category--along with my 6 year old son. Trevor

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Haha, well said! My 9mo old daughter just bashes my keyboard... We haven't gotten to the point of holding the joystick Love.gif

| Windows 11 | MSI Z690 Tomahawk | 12700K 4.7GHz | MSI RTX 4080 | 32GB 5600 MHz DDR5 | 500GB Samsung 860 Evo SSD | 2x 2TB Samsung 970 Evo M.2 | EVGA 850W Gold | Corsair 5000X | HP G2 (VR) / LG 27" 1440p |



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Used to love having a beer while simming till I had an incident, see signature LOL

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FSX is oficially registerred as entertainment, therefore its a game and not a sim. A real sim will set you back alot of money. Just fly a mission or do a race in FSX to see how gamey it really is. As for the comment about multiplayer....FSMP server kills vatsim. It is obvious the swede has no idea what he is talking about. Furthermore the refreshrates are much higher on a gamespy based server. Vatsim was also mentioned which is full of arrogant A-holes and you in fact have to be one of those to fly on vatsim so if you enjoy vatsim, then you fit into that category.BTW my four year old son flies on FSX alot. He flies helicopters better than most adult pilots. Even more evidense of how gamey it really is.

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FSX is oficially registerred as entertainment, therefore its a game and not a sim. A real sim will set you back alot of money. Just fly a mission or do a race in FSX to see how gamey it really is. As for the comment about multiplayer....FSMP server kills vatsim. It is obvious the swede has no idea what he is talking about. Furthermore the refreshrates are much higher on a gamespy based server. Vatsim was also mentioned which is full of arrogant A-holes and you in fact have to be one of those to fly on vatsim so if you enjoy vatsim, then you fit into that category. BTW my four year old son flies on FSX alot. He flies helicopters better than most adult pilots. Even more evidense of how gamey it really is.
If I where you...I would calm down the attitude you seems to have. Btw I have a name, but it looks you are hidingbehind your Sign though./ Leffe

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FSX is oficially registerred as entertainment, therefore its a game and not a sim. A real sim will set you back alot of money. Just fly a mission or do a race in FSX to see how gamey it really is. As for the comment about multiplayer....FSMP server kills vatsim. It is obvious the swede has no idea what he is talking about. Furthermore the refreshrates are much higher on a gamespy based server. Vatsim was also mentioned which is full of arrogant A-holes and you in fact have to be one of those to fly on vatsim so if you enjoy vatsim, then you fit into that category.
Ahhh, so now you're getting personal.... According to you anyone who flies on vatsim is an **. LMAO! Sorry you had a bad experience, perhaps try it again. You can ask anyone I work with, anyone on these forums, and no one will call me arrogant... I'm far from that.

| Windows 11 | MSI Z690 Tomahawk | 12700K 4.7GHz | MSI RTX 4080 | 32GB 5600 MHz DDR5 | 500GB Samsung 860 Evo SSD | 2x 2TB Samsung 970 Evo M.2 | EVGA 850W Gold | Corsair 5000X | HP G2 (VR) / LG 27" 1440p |



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FSX is oficially registerred as entertainment, therefore its a game and not a sim. A real sim will set you back alot of money. Just fly a mission or do a race in FSX to see how gamey it really is. As for the comment about multiplayer....FSMP server kills vatsim. It is obvious the swede has no idea what he is talking about. Furthermore the refreshrates are much higher on a gamespy based server. Vatsim was also mentioned which is full of arrogant A-holes and you in fact have to be one of those to fly on vatsim so if you enjoy vatsim, then you fit into that category. BTW my four year old son flies on FSX alot. He flies helicopters better than most adult pilots. Even more evidense of how gamey it really is.
You're using the wrong attitude, the wrong addons, and the wrong hardware. But that's your problem if you haven't figured it out yet. My friend is a helicopter CFI, and he loves the Dodosim 206 with his cyclic/collective/antitorque setup. The real problem is head movement and depth of field, but he remedied that with TrackIR. Even still, I used FSX extensively when I was working on my instrument rating 3 years ago shooting instrument approaches to minimums over and over at airports I knew would be in the vicinity on my checkride.... And VATSIM doesn't need extreme refresh rates; It's used for realistic IFR procedures. Basically your entire post is a fail, no offense, but of course we are entitled to an opinion.


Zachary Waddell -- Caravan Driver --

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Guest FSMP
As a real world air traffic controller and pilot I feel this simulation has its merits. For instance, I use it to practice approaches, flying them as published, making myself proficient with the inbound courses, radials, altitudes, missed approach points/procedures so I'm up to snuff when working on the scope. From the pilot side I've used FS to help with flows, for emergency/abnormal checklists, familiarization of a route, pre-flying a route to see the scenery/roads/terrain ahead and around me. I was going to make another comment but since I see you actually have some rw experience, I'll simply say you should give FSX more credit. Geoff - why don't you try out Pilot Edge - perhaps it could change your mind...http://pilotedge.net/page/home
I don't think my mind needs changing -- but, thanks for pointing out Pilotedge. Looks promissing, if it gets the support to make it workable. Will keep an eye out to see how it progresses past "beta". If you are part of this organization, I wish you every success. It looks like a LOT of initial work and planning has gone onto this, so I hope it is a success for you. Not sure about the drones !!! How that works out will be interesting in a MP environment. DAFSIM ?

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Is FS a game or simulation? IMHO it depends on how you play/use it and particularly what aircraft add-ons you use. The game stuff is there for the people who want to game. For the simulation crowd, there are add-ons that satisfy that notion. Look at EagleDynamics DCS A-10C - a simulation in the strictest sense, and they in turn get the occasional bashing for it (even though they included a "game" mode, which apparently is not "gamey" enough).

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