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Not impressed with Vatsim!

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I think you may have misinterpreted the paragraph. Of course you can connect mid-flight as long as when you connect you are not paused. Once connected notify ATC that you are now online and continue as instructed.



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LOl I guess I'm not the only one!!!!! After Posting on the forums that I was not impressed with an event ended with the airspace full of trafficc, I got the world of hurting.God forbide for you to even think about expressing how you feel angainst anything on Vatsim.
Actually, you can express how you feel any time you want. The fact remains, you were upset that an event, where volunteers PAID to rent space to control, ended on time, as advertised. The fact that you didn't bother to plan your flight to happen within the event window, or cut folks who PAID GOOD MONEY to allow you to fly inside their airspace some slack when the rental ended (for another event in the same space) shows that you are either clueless or an unappreciative jerk.
Live events, where there are multiple (often over a dozen, and in xxx's case yesterday, about 50) controllers online together in the same room. Many times, those rooms are rented out for a set period of time (and when time's up, time's up, period), and the controllers have reservations go out for dinner and camaraderie at the end of the event. And when you've rented out a dinner venue, or made reservations for 20, 30, 40, etc., you don't have a ton of flexibility. For those reasons alone, most live events will/must really hold to their end time. And, for the most part, most or all of the active controllers on the ARTCC's roster are at the event, so there's not enough staffing left (people at home) to keep the event going (without providing inadequate service to whoever is left over in the airspace).May I suggest that instead of being disappointed, you should appreciate that fact that these controllers spent their own well-earned money to come together, control for you, and build the camaraderie that helps them become/stay a great team and keeps them motivated to keep participating on this wonderful network.
There were lots of posts that responded to your complaint. This one sums it up pretty well. And yet 2 days later you spew your garbage here? My opinion is that it's probably that you're an unappreciative jerk.

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Actually, you can express how you feel any time you want. The fact remains, you were upset that an event, where volunteers PAID to rent space to control, ended on time, as advertised. The fact that you didn't bother to plan your flight to happen within the event window, or cut folks who PAID GOOD MONEY to allow you to fly inside their airspace some slack when the rental ended (for another event in the same space) shows that you are either clueless or an unappreciative jerk.There were lots of posts that responded to your complaint. This one sums it up pretty well. And yet 2 days later you spew your garbage here? My opinion is that it's probably that you're an unappreciative jerk.
Moderator will interrupt this thread, wait for it.... :(


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OK, sorry, my first post here. I don't see a way to edit it. If that's offensive, mods, please feel free to mod it to "....you're unappreciative." Apologies to anyone offended.

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Yikes!With a response like that, you wonder why people don't like VATSIM. Fortunately, most people are more diplomatic in their responses. ;-)



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personally sometimes vatsim can take a hobby to seriously
I agree. While I do not yet fly with Vatsim, I nevertheless feel that people need to remember about some of the real bad things in life that happen and to get things in perspective. Sure, it's a hobby that many of us take very seriously and that's fine, but at the end of the day, no one has died. Lets' face it, we're all human and we all make mistakes. Let's just remember to keep our priorities in order. EDIT: BTW, I'm not condoning anyone disregarding the rules I just think there needs to be a little more understanding around these days. I always remember a wise old boy once saying to me..."be as tolerant of other's shortcomings as would be of your own." :(
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Lots of VATSIM negativity here.... For what its worth, I find it simply amazing. I'm fairly new to flying online, but it has been a real experience. Thanks to all the folks (like 99%) that make it so valuable.-george

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I've been flying online since 2002 and I doubt that I'd still be using MSFS hadn't I discovered VATSIM. I only wished the controllers in the US could do like many does in Europe, that is stating their intentions regarding when and for how long they will be online. Of course real life can always interfer with ones plans but at least I as a pilot would have a pretty good picture of between which airports I am likely to get good atc coverage. Now I can see an airport that is staffed but have no idea whether that is still controlled 15 minutes later when I am fully setup. Having done my fair share of "chasing controlled airports" I now mainly choose airports that I based on experience know that stay online for long periods.

Krister Lindén
EFMA, Finland

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I'm amazed at the negativity towards VATSIM. I have been a member since 2004, not once have I been suspended for 24 hrs or otherwise. I voice my opinion on the VATSIM forums both VATSIM.net and VATSIM UK. I might have had one or two posts moderated because they break T&C's but hey that's ok.When I became a member of VATSIM.net I agreed to the code of conduct and the CoR by the simple act of completing the membership routine and aquiring a CID and password. I felt it was my resposnibility to read the CoC and CoR, I believe I am a good VATSIM citizen, VATSIM is a learning environment and would be well to remember that. An organisation with 200,000 members needs policing, at onetime I was the DCRM UK (Divisional Conflict Resolution Manager) the two years I spent in that role I was constantly amazed and the stupidity of some of our members, some cases simply beggered belief.The OP had a rough deal in my personal view I have laways believed in flexibility as a controller on VATSIM, real world has a nasty habit of impacting on the virtual world and unless someone is heading towards another aircraft or slewing about the airfield making a nuisance of themselves it takes an awful lot for me to contact a supervisor.I'm sorry that you no longer feel impressed with VATSIM, but I'm sure if you carry on you will once again soon fall back in love with us. That said there are other networks that you can try as I have, but I will never leave VATSIM. Wycliffe Barrett VATUK3 Membership Manager

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well folks i have been flying offline for awhile and i signed up for vatsim just two months ago , what is strange about this argument is as if there are controllers all over the united states , if im flying on line and there is no atc in the area or you run into no atc for the entire trip what do you do.What do you do just keep going on and hope you run into a controller and guess your plane down , im a fanatic when it comes to flying my plane , i try to be as real as possible , and as you know real pilots cannot put there plane on pause.this is the reason i keep Radar contact running to assure me a safe flight , in case there is no atc in the area , because in real life there is someone you can contact .Vatsim in my opinion does a great job recreating real world flying but it is not perfect as there is not enough folks outhere to have atc everywhere you go.So the makers of vatsim might consider coming up with a way that when you loose a controller that some software will kick in and get you where you are going safely ( may be already outhere as i said im new ).I no this is a long shot but as i said im new to this , and my observation on my first flight i had no choice but to keep Radar contac running to assure a safe flight.Now for the ones that have been flying online for ever please tell me if im barking up the wrong tree.I now cannot fly with out being online Vatsim or whatever.My system is as such.three coms networked toghether using 7 monitors .2600k@4.3 , tripleh2go , FSX, gex, my traffic, radar contact, fsiupc , widefs, flightsim comander, squakbox, vatsim, fsinn , level-d, gboost, 2012 weather, simconnect, aerosoft flight computer , all is runnig while flying with a fps between 15 to 30 ., and when im up high 29 to 35 fps.im real happy with my set up and im starting to enjoy Vatsim even if it gets lonely out there , so when i run into a atc ctr , i get real excited.So im still learning the rules but i do have a question if we are going to argue that a controller can suspend for not being online or leaving your desktop can i suspend a controller for not being online at his post when he needs to be , and can he diconnect from me while i need him.just a question that is all , if im flying along with a great ctr and he or she diconnects for some reason other than im out of range where does that put me.Now im ready for the beating.Thanks.gentleman Robert

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All true but im a bit disappointed by the ancient software like FsInn, FsCopilot and Squawkbox with all those paper planes im running online. With my high speed 21st century rigg its a bit frustrating and it pushed me already to the other side of the networkforce.Cheers


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Supposedly they are working on a new client. The fact that the client has to be free discourages most developers capable of tackling such a complex project but hopefully whatever new thing they are working on changes things completely.

Noah Bryant

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The fact remains, you were upset that an event, where volunteers PAID to rent space to control, ended on time, as advertised. The fact that you didn't bother to plan your flight to happen within the event window, or cut folks who PAID GOOD MONEY to allow you to fly inside their airspace some slack when the rental ended

Since when did anyone pay real money to fly or control on VATSIM???


Best regards,


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