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Improvment and Release date

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A new improved cloud System on FLIGHT and 80% chance of release date to be announced around Christmas 2011

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Where did the 80% come from ? Guess or real info.

Mark   CYYZ      


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Where did the 80% come from ? Guess or real info.
80 percent is a rough estimate, the real, more accurate figure is nearer to an 81.0345 percent chance, depending on if there is a full moon too, naturally. Al

Alan Bradbury

Check out my youtube flight sim videos: Here

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80% is, of course a meaningless number. If Flight's released before Christmas 2011 the probability will be 100% - if it's not it will be 0%. Pick any number between 0 and 100.

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We've already seen those cloud screenshots on the official site and the 80% is just your wild guess.

Brandon Filer

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How many people do you think click on the news section to find the two pictures and yes it is a guess and according to a Germen website its scheduled to be Q1 2012
There's 4 pictures...they were talked about in this thread: http://forum.avsim.n...velopment-team/ And what german site would you be referring to?

Brandon Filer

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Everyone interested in MS Flight checks out the main MS Flight website !! No need to post useless info here.
Funny you said that.... after I read your post #26 http://forum.avsim.n...or/page__st__25 So here is something said about Flight from a MAJOR dev. in the industry (answer #5) what he said is in line with what I said from the beginning http://airdailyx.blo...ew-of.html#more .....assuming you've read it and since this is something a lot of us will take to the bank (not a useless post IMHO) I think it's a little strange that you have not posted something on it.....I'm sure you can post something usefull about it...He%20He.gif

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"Flight" will be released on or slightly before the 22nd of Neveruary.

Fr. Bill    

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The sooner they release it the better !! When people realize that it is only a toy they will get back to some serious simulation !! In case people are not aware of it !! MS sold their flight smulator to Lockeed Martin.Let's hope they can do better things with it.

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"Flight" will be released on or slightly before the 22nd of Neverary.
Cool!! That's the day after my birthday :)


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A new improved cloud System on FLIGHT and 80% chance of release date to be announced around Christmas 2011
There is NO serious company who would announce any product around Christmas. It is literally the worst time of year for something like that. In the closed thread my name was mentioned and I like to comment on that. Speaking for Aerosoft I can say that we are in continuous discussion with the guys at Microsoft but as always we are very careful where we put our resources. If MS Flight works for us and we see an opportunity to sell add-ons for it we'll do so for sure. We are not in this business for the glory or as a hobby. It's hard work and we got a large staff that needs to be paid every month. So basically we'll always go where the customers are. All our internal development and project management is not directly aimed at one specific platform. A 3d file is a 3d file and when we can sell it to Boeing or to you the only difference is the way it is exported and supported (and the price of course). Right now our focus is on FSX and on X-Plane 10, those are the commercial platforms we see as the biggest markets in 2012 (next to the professional market). If MS Flight is added that's fine for us, the more platforms the better for us. Of course we are no longer fully depended on Flight Sim, other sims are a far bigger part of what we do by now. So will we support MS Flight? Who knows? We don't know at this moment. The images look nice but we all remember the FSX beta images. Those were far better then what MS Flight no shows. If MS pulls it off to make a sim with those shaders, soft shadows, fluffy clouds and fixes the water (all those waves must be 20 meters high) and it still runs smooth they deserve out utter attention. Cause we got no idea how to do anything like that in DX11. We could make clouds that look a lot better then what they look like now, but you need at least 30% of your resources for a nice complex aircraft (30% for scenery, 20% for aircraft, 20% for weather, 30% for FSX itself and 20% for other add-ons like traffic etc, and yes I know that makes 120%, that why we all have a problem.) I could show you FSX images that would blow your mind. Virtual cockpits where even the ridges on knobs shade each other. Virtual cockpits that have 5 times the detail of anything on sale now. VC's with 600.000 polygons, we got some with 1.000.000 polygons. But you'll never see those as those things are nice in a lab but they run so slow that they will never be usable. FPS of 1, even in the middle of the ocean with all sliders to the left. FSX crashing every 20 seconds. The comments about MS Flight here are very amusing, I am sure the guys in Redmond have a ball reading them. I get worried though when I see people I respect reacting seriously on the rumors. Shows you how little I respect myself, lol.... Feeding the trolls.

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And POW....first Orbx pushed Prepar3D and now Aerosoft is pushing Xplane-10..who's pushing Flight.....He%20He.gif Well as you said Mathijs as a business you'll go where the money is, you are in continuous discussion with the guys at Microsoft but you don't know yet what you will do about Flight...where is the money? EDIT: I'll like to ask you something here Mathijs, since you know a LOT more than me about what is needed to make a good sim as explained here... The images look nice but we all remember the FSX beta images. Those were far better then what MS Flight no shows. If MS pulls it off to make a sim with those shaders, soft shadows, fluffy clouds and fixes the water (all those waves must be 20 meters high) and it still runs smooth they deserve out utter attention. Cause we got no idea how to do anything like that in DX11. We could make clouds that look a lot better then what they look like now, but you need at least 30% of your resources for a nice complex aircraft (30% for scenery, 20% for aircraft, 20% for weather, 30% for FSX itself and 20% for other add-ons like traffic etc, and yes I know that makes 120%, that why we all have a problem.) Will a new platform or engine (call it what ever you want) 64-bits using all available overclocked core on a CPU (6 or 8 core) and SLI (2 or 3 cards 3GB each) and 12 or 24GB of rams be able to meet the 120% + required to make it work?

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No, it was ANNOUNCED in August and will be RELEASED at christmas. And that makes total sense.
Indeed and we were very much involved with that announcement. Of course we would have liked the product to be in the shops for Christmas but that was just not possible. We now aim to have to 'shippable' from our warehouse before Christmas.
And POW....first Orbx pushed Prepar3D and now Aerosoft is pushing Xplane-10..who's pushing Flight.....He%20He.gif Well as you said Mathijs as a business you'll go where the money is, you are in continuous discussion with the guys at Microsoft but you don't know yet what you will do about Flight...where is the money?
Well yeah, that IS an issue at this moment. The second a new FS is announced all sales for add-ons drop as people will want to know more about the new version before they invest. It's been like that for decades. And right now the situation is more confused then ever. So the mart thing was to make sure the development pipeline is not aimed at just one target. So far that worked out for us. It's just a shame so much never makes it to the customers for one reason or another. Ideally you announce in April, show close to release beta's about now, produce in September and have products ready for the shops in October. That's what selling large volumes for Christmas means these days. Of course with the US boxed market for FS add-ons (or more or less serious simulations) almost gone things work a bot different, but keep in mind that in many parts of Europe you can drive to your local big supermarket and find FS add-ons for sale. I live in VERY rural France and in half an hours drive I could pick up at least 12 FS add-ons in box. Most of them from us, lol. Because of all the brouhaha about Prepar3d I spend a few hours in it this afternoon. Installing our latest products in it etc. Flying the F-16 and Airbus, landing on Corfu X. All worked more or less fine but I simply could not detect any reason it would work better then a clean FSX. If Orbx wants to invest in that platform that's fine, I'll be watching it from the sideline. We'll probably even release some of our add-ons with Prepar3d installers to see what's going on. So far (and that's after having Prepar3d on my disk for over 18 months) I'm not seeing it. For the professional market, sure, you are just not allowed to use FSX, but for our customers? No... X-Plane 10 however is a consumer product, sold hundreds of thousands of copies and version 10 really makes some giant steps. Hey but that is my comment, we are going to sell X-Plane 10, we are going to do a lot of add-ons for it, so take it for what it is worth.

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