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Shouldn't beta be done on Flight add on by now?

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It was not a "contest" by any stretch of the imagination...
I totally agree !The luck of the draw more likely !!Fred.

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I am beginning to think we need a sub-sub forum for personal digs, vendettas, and drive by smears,869rr12_photo_074.jpgsort of like a professional world wide wrestling ring.Maybe Alain will volunteer to be the moderator referee!

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ok, now a question for who can answer: Flight support a headtracking device like freetrack/trackir??thank you

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ok, now a question for who can answer: Flight support a headtracking device like freetrack/trackir??thank you
The answer is no, unless and until the device manufacturers develop software for the application.Kind regards,

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The answer is no, unless and until the device manufacturers develop software for the application.Kind regards,
And they can't do that until they get information from MS

Eva Vlaardingerbroek, an inspiratiom.

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And they can't do that until they get information from MS
Quite right, and they likely can't give the final data parameters until all the underlying FLIGHT bits and pieces are finally decided upon, assembled and glued together for the original release a few months from now. I would expect that all the major gaming and simming hardware players are already in the appropriate NDA protected loops with working betas of their own.Kind regards,

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This is quite simple, no need to know anything else to use freetrack. If they can only add this to their code, it's done. Money%20Eyes.gif(from freetrack's SDK)you will have x,y,z,yaw,pitch and roll

/************************************************************************* freetrack_c_interface.c**  A simple command line application which reads the data from FreeTrack* using the FreeTrackClient.dll interface.** Assumes that a copy of the FreeTrackClient.dll is in the same folder,* thought this does not necessarily have to be the same folder as the* FreeTrack application itself.** Based on code from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic-link_library** Alastair Moore, December 2007*************************************************************************///#include <iostream>//#include <tchar.h>#include <windows.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <conio.h>typedef struct{float yaw;float pitch;float roll;float x;float y;float z;int dataID;}FreeTrackData;// DLL function signatures// These match those given in FTTypes.pas// WINAPI is macro for __stdcall defined somewhere in the depths of windows.htypedef bool (WINAPI *importGetData)(FreeTrackData * data);typedef char *(WINAPI *importGetDllVersion)(void);typedef void (WINAPI *importReportID)(int name);typedef char *(WINAPI *importProvider)(void);int main(int argc, char **argv){  //declare imported function pointers		importGetData getData;  importGetDllVersion getDllVersion;  importReportID reportID;  importProvider provider;  // create variables for exchanging data with the dll		FreeTrackData data;  FreeTrackData *pData;  pData = &data;  char *pDllVersion;  int name = 453;  char *pProvider;		// Load DLL file		HINSTANCE hinstLib = LoadLibrary("FreeTrackClient.dll");		if (hinstLib == NULL) {				printf("ERROR: unable to load DLLn");				return 1;		}  else  {   printf("dll loadedn");  }		// Get function pointers		getData = (importGetData)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "FTGetData");  getDllVersion = (importGetDllVersion)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "FTGetDllVersion");  reportID = (importReportID)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "FTReportID");  provider = (importProvider)GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "FTProvider");  // Check they are valid		if (getData == NULL) {				printf("ERROR: unable to find 'FTGetData' functionn");			   FreeLibrary(hinstLib);				return 1;		}  if (getDllVersion == NULL){	printf("ERROR: unable to find 'FTGetDllVersion' functionn");			   FreeLibrary(hinstLib);				return 1;  }  if (reportID == NULL){	printf("ERROR: unable to find 'FTReportID' functionn");			   FreeLibrary(hinstLib);				return 1;  }  if (reportID == NULL){	printf("ERROR: unable to find 'FTProvider' functionn");			   FreeLibrary(hinstLib);				return 1;  }  // Print the address of each function  printf("FTGetData is at address: 0x%xn",getData);  printf("FTGetDllVersion is at address: 0x%xn",getDllVersion);  printf("FTReportID is at address: 0x%xn",reportID);  printf("FTProvider is at address: 0x%xn",provider);  // Call each function and display result  pDllVersion = getDllVersion();  printf("Dll Version: %sn", pDllVersion);  pProvider = provider();  printf("Provider: %sn", pProvider);  reportID(name); //not sure what this does - I guess it tells the dll that I am using it.  system("pause"); //wait till keyboard is pressed before entering main loop  while( kbhit() != 1)  {   system("cls"); //clear screen   if (getData(pData))   {	printf("Record ID: %dn" , data.dataID);	printf("Yaw: %5.2fn" , data.yaw );	printf("Pitch: %5.2fn" , data.pitch );	printf("Roll: %5.2fn" , data.roll );	printf("X: %5.2fn" , data.x );	printf("Y: %5.2fn" , data.y );	printf("Z: %5.2fn" , data.z );   }   else   {	printf("Nothing returned from getDatan");	break;   }  }		// Unload DLL file		FreeLibrary(hinstLib);  return 0;}

Edited by albx

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Not going to point any fingers but maybe some Beta testers should go back and read your email from MS again and stop breaching your confidentiality agreement.MS beta testing is NDA protected.All feedback to Microsoft, and only Microsoft.Saying whether you like it or not would certainly be a breach.Saying whether you are taking part would certainly be a breach

Edited by ytzpilot

Matthew Kane


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I am beginning to think we need a sub-sub forum for personal digs, vendettas, and drive by smears,869rr12_photo_074.jpgsort of like a professional world wide wrestling ring.Maybe Alain will volunteer to be the moderator referee!
I'm in, it's been a long time since I've seen some action.....(you know sometimes the ref. gets involved in the fights, it's all a smoke screen...hahaha)

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Saying whether you are taking part would certainly be a breach
That is most assuredly incorrect. There is no such restriction at all.

Fr. Bill    

AOPA Member: 07141481 AARP Member: 3209010556

     Avsim Board of Directors | Avsim Forums Moderator

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Thank you, because I know he would not have believed me if I had said that.

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ALL content related to this beta, including beta announcements and other e-mails, screenshots taken by yourself or other beta participants, Microsoft surveys related to Microsoft Flight, forum posts, bugs, the game itself, and any other content or communications related to the beta are confidential and not to be shared with any other person or venue outside of this beta.NUFF SAID

Matthew Kane


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ALL content related to this beta, including beta announcements and other e-mails, screenshots taken by yourself or other beta participants, Microsoft surveys related to Microsoft Flight, forum posts, bugs, the game itself, and any other content or communications related to the beta are confidential and not to be shared with any other person or venue outside of this beta.NUFF SAID
How then does posting quotes from the email sent out to beta testers work into your logic? :(

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ALL content related to this beta, including beta announcements and other e-mails, screenshots taken by yourself or other beta participants, Microsoft surveys related to Microsoft Flight, forum posts, bugs, the game itself, and any other content or communications related to the beta are confidential and not to be shared with any other person or venue outside of this beta.NUFF SAID
I know what it says. And I'll tell you when MS shows up at my doorstep with a lawsuit or something. :hi:Like it wasn't going to be leaked all over the internet anyway, right? :mellow:EDIT: You wouldn't believe some of the emocons this forum has. :( :(


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How then does posting quotes from the email sent out to beta testers work into your logic? :(
It wasn't from an email
I know what it says. And I'll tell you when MS shows up at my doorstep with a lawsuit or something. :hi:Like it wasn't going to be leaked all over the internet anyway, right? :mellow:EDIT: You wouldn't believe some of the emocons this forum has. :( :(
I've read the threads too and had a laugh as well. If others want to comment about a certain 'Beta' on the forums so be it. Edited by ytzpilot

Matthew Kane


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