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How is XP 10 ?

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Posts in the MS Flight suggest that Flight is bad so I am thinking of going to XP 10. Have not been flying since 5-6 months and as XP10 supports linux I would go for it. Just want to know how good is XP10 and does it cover sceneries ?

Ryzen 5 1600x - 16GB DDR4 - RTX 3050 8GB - MSI Gaming Plus

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You can download the demo from x-plane.com and try it yourself. It's free (for 10 minutes at a time).I'd say you'll be impressed with the natural terrain and landclass, but probably less impressed with the depictions of urban areas. AI traffic is very much a work in progress, and clouds whilst pretty, will demand a lot of horsepower to render.That said, it's being improved all the time.

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I suggest getting the demo. That should help you out. There are plenty of threads that are full of pro's and con's. Personally, I love it. Not much in the way of scenery but it's coming and coming fast.

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Yeah. Definitely try the Demo. Coming from FSX, however, it is important to not expect MSFS #2. Keep an open mindset and be mentally prepared for something different. A lot of things will not make sense at first, but once you've gotten accustomed to them you might find them a more sophisticated way of handling flight simulation. Also, XP10 is still not very polished. If XP 10 gives you serious grief, I would strongly suggest "demoing" XP v.9.xx, as it is a polished gem in its current state, while XP 10 is still a raw diamond.

Edited by J.P.

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^^ All of the above. ^^If you've read back to some of my previous posts, I've been more than a bit critical of XP10 since it's release in November. (Wow - coming up on 3 months soon!) Although I am still holding out for certain things, I am warming up to it a little bit.J.P. nailed it - I went in looking at XP10 as if it was going to be a dollar-for-dollar, feature-for-feature equivilant to MSFS - if not better - based on the marketing and hype. For my needs and expectations this was not the case, and I have been grumpy about several items ever since. I'm only now starting to warm up to the idea of giving it a further shakedown via a purchase.In some ways, XP10 is superior to FSX... in others, inferior to FSX... without doubt in nearly all cases, XP10 is different. The demo will give you a chance to see if what you like in flight simming is represented in the former or the latter category.Give it a shot. All you have to lose is the time spend downloading, installing, and setting up.-Greg

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Yes even in the latest X-Plane 10.04 Beta 2, the flight dynamics are still to buggy.Although they finally fixed most of the the 'rollercoaster' effects during flying in turbulence and stronger winds in this latest Beta version, the ground behaviour of the aircraft with winds is still not realisctic enough.Also the yaw effect of the propellor(s) that makes the plane turn is still exagerated.At this moment there are still no buildings on most airports, no seasonal textures, clouds are more processor demanding than FSX even with my GTX 570 card, there is not much AI Traffic unless you let drop your framerate, etc .....However his simulator has great potential and is frequently uipdated, So maybe in one of the later versions within a year or so or later, it will become more realistic, not only in flight dynamics but also in graphics at the level of good old FSX with addons like REX or FEX, GEX and UTX.Not to forget the iFlly or PMDG B737 NG superealistic big irons available in FSX now. Maybe third party developpers will be more interested in X-Plane IF MS 'Flight' should prove to be a beautifull 'game' only, rather than have the potential of FSX when it was launched, and in case it never becomes a MS Flight 'simulator' 11 like most 'serious' FSX fans are afraid off if you read the forums.I say: let's try it at the end of the month, then we'll see.

Edited by Bartbear

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X-Plane 10.04 Beta 2, the flight dynamics are still to buggy.
Just wondering, Are you a real pilot?

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Thnx guys I am ordering XP10 next month but before that as every1 here suggests to try out the demo.

Ryzen 5 1600x - 16GB DDR4 - RTX 3050 8GB - MSI Gaming Plus

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Just wondering, Are you a real pilot?
Hi Carlos,No i am not, but i fly from time to time as passenger with a friend of mine who pilot's a Cessna 182 RG.He is not a simulator fanatic, he says no simulator feels 'real' to him, but tried several times my FSX and the earlier versions of XP10 and has the same comments about the flight dynamics i mentioned. So he claims FSX is still the 'closest' in general, except for stalling where XPX should have an advantage.

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Hi Carlos,No i am not, but i fly from time to time as passenger with a friend of mine who pilot's a Cessna 182 RG.He is not a simulator fanatic, he says no simulator feels 'real' to him, but tried several times my FSX and the earlier versions of XP10 and has the same comments about the flight dynamics i mentioned. So he claims FSX is still the 'closest' in general, except for stalling where XPX should have an advantage.
Well there is a BIG difference between "Feels real" and "Real Flight Dynamics" and on the first subject I can comment because the first time I installed XP9/XP10 my flight experience felt weird, just too sensitive, I was used to the FSX feel, but then after working with the Joystick settings I finally found the sweet spot and now my flight experience feels just right, for me that is.A have seen many people complaining about Flight Dynamics, some may have the expertise to comment on the subject but many confuse this with joystick settings just being oversensitive. On the second subject (Flight Dynamics) I just can't comment as I am NOT an Aircraft Engineer.Have a nice day Bartbear

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Well there is a BIG difference between "Feels real" and "Real Flight Dynamics" and on the first subject I can comment because the first time I installed XP9/XP10 my flight experience felt weird, just too sensitive, I was used to the FSX feel, but then after working with the Joystick settings I finally found the sweet spot and now my flight experience feels just right, for me that is.
Carlos, do you have a yoke or joystick?I mean i already tried several settings in my Saitek configuration especially to change the sensitivities, but with no great effect.Perhaps you have tips for adjusting and finetuning?About groundhandling and flightdynamics, 'feel' and behaviour, i find it difficult to express exactly what i mean, as English is not my native language as you already guessed.So i can only say that in topics:like: 'Worth upgrading from maxed out FSX?' and 'X-Plane versus FSX' are a lot of remarks about the things i mean.Sorry not beiing able to be more precise.

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Carlos, do you have a yoke or joystick?
I have Thrustmaster T16000M (joystick) with a twist handle for rudder, works pretty well, I'm very happy with it.I'm not at my home pc right now, but I will be happy to post my setting tonight. I see you have a Yoke/Pedals and my settings may not be right for you setup, I will post them anyway. Maybe some one here with similar setup can post theirs.About "Ground handling", well I just cannot comment on this, as I'm not a real pilot or Aircraft Engineer, but I've seen posts on this matter.By the way, your English is very good and its also not may native language, so on this subject, we are on the same boat...LOL

Windows 11 | Asus Z690-P D4 | i7 12700KF 5.2GHz | 32GB G.Skill (XMP II) | EVGA 3060Ti FTW Ultra | TrackIr v5 | Honeycomb Alfa + Bravo


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I believe that someday X-plane will be better then FSX in almost every way, I hope this happens at some point during the X-plane 10 run.As it stands, this:

Isn't necessarily false advertising, but when I got the game, I sure felt like it was.Only the planes in the video that say "X-plane 10" are actually in X-plane 10, the rest are payware. Also if it doesn't show a 3d cockpit, it probably dosen't have a 3d cockpit (Like the B2 and b-52). ATC is a little bit of a mess. The scenery looks bad for everywhere else that isn't the demo area. The Lancair has been removed in one of the updates. And Mars is missing...So there are a lot of initial gripes with X-plane 10. Still, unlike FSX the developers are still working on it and in time it will be everything the said it would be, (I.E. A feature complete simulator that dose everything as good or better then FSX) but that is a ways down the road. Edited by Johnny Thunder

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I have Thrustmaster T16000M
IIRC, that model has Hall Effect sensors, same as the Thrustmaster Warthog. I use the Warthog and found that it needed a lot of taming before it felt right in XP10 - the sensitivity is much greater than with traditional potentiometers and that combined with XP10's high sensitivity at default made for quite a roller coaster ride until I was able to dial up the stability and smoothe things out.

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About groundhandling and flightdynamics, 'feel' and behaviour, i find it difficult to express exactly what i mean, as English is not my native language as you already guessed.
Well, I guess I know what you mean, but the problem is: There is in fact no real situation. Look at the turbulences, did they really fix it? In reality you fly a smaller plane with your butt, not with your eyes. You feel the different pressure on your body and react, long before your eyes detect anything. But you can't really say if this is right, or wrong, it is totally different. But in front of your computer you don't have these abilities. It is more a question of how much you dampen the effect, so that people think, that it looks realistically. The behavior on the ground is always wrong, Too many moving parts and every plane behaves in a different way.A simulator can't feel like the real plane. Both simulators have totally different foundations. A plane in FSX has nothing to do with a plane in XPX, so it is hardly a surprise that they behave differently, but if you ask which plane is more realistic, that's difficult.It is more difficult to design a plane in X-Plane. You really have to know a lot of things about the real plane, to get to the realistic flight behavior of the original. In a way it is much easier in FSX, where you simply tell the simulator how it should behave.The default airplanes of X-Plane 10 show this clearly. They are all more or less bad. But several payware planes are much better. They are so good that it is quite difficult to say which is more realistic. They will always fly differently. It can't be the target of X-Plane to simulate FSX. . Edited by Longranger

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