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Now that the NDA has been lifted !

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Guest Antlab

My guess is that they are very wary of us old crazy flight simmers and are running a CIA-INTERPOL-MI5 crosscheck just to be sure.



Probably. We are in the main blacklist, we could be dangerous for the millions of innocent and candid new Steam users, scaring them with ugly acronyms as ATIS or ATC, or suggesting them bad ideas, as choosing an airport in another continent Big%20Grin.gif



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OMG, seeing as it has now been three days since I registered for the Steam Forums and they still haven't got around to approving my verified account, I decided to put in a support ticket.


I had already created a Steam account to play games, years ago. I had made a Steam Forums account to post on their forums (which they can't seem to find the time to hit the "OK" button for and let me use it). Now they want me to create a Steam Support account so that I can ask how may days/weeks/months it's going to take to activate my Forum account.


This is insane. I wonder how long it will take them to activate my Support account so that I can put in a trouble ticket.

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This is insane. I wonder how long it will take them to activate my Support account so that I can put in a trouble ticket.


I just registered for the forums this morning. I have already had a Steam account for some time, as I have couple of games previously purchased through Steam. So at the end of registration it asked if I wanted to tie my forum id to my Steam account - I chose yes, and it let me sign in - so I thought cool since I already had a Steam account I will get forum priviledges.

Nope - while I can sign on and view the forums, can't make any posts, replies etc. Have to wait for " approval".

Sounds like I might be waiting a few days...

No biggie, my preference is right here at Avsim anyways.

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they have had train simulator fans there for a couple of years so flight sim dorks are nothing new ;P

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My guess is that they are very wary of us old crazy flight simmers and are running a CIA-INTERPOL-MI5 crosscheck just to be sure. :LMAO:



Probably. We are in the main blacklist, we could be dangerous for the millions of innocent and candid new Steam users, scaring them with ugly acronyms as ATIS or ATC, or suggesting them bad ideas, as choosing an airport in another continent Big%20Grin.gif



This is insane. I wonder how long it will take them to activate my Support account so that I can put in a trouble ticket.



And the winner is........... :LMAO:




If it’s any consolation: Every time I log in, Steam says it detected a new computer and/or browser so I have to wait for the confirmation code on my eMail and enter it again. And if I control-click on any link, the new window/frame shows me as not logged in.

(Yes, I know It’s a probably cookie issue)

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For anyone who is using more than 1 monitor !


.........with two or more monitors, when running Flight in Full Screen........the spare screens display a black screen and are not usable.


" We designed it to black out the other monitors because otherwise if you accidentally click off the main screen it would minimize the game and switch to the desktop. We figured if people wanted to use their other monitors they could just play the game in windowed mode. "




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We designed it to black out the other monitors because otherwise if you accidentally click off the main screen it would minimize the game and switch to the desktop. We figured if people wanted to use their other monitors they could just play the game in windowed mode.


:rolleyes: I sometimes wonder about their thought processes. This was simpler than just letting people use their other monitors for other programs?

Give people power to really test their personality.

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What would be fantastic is a "fullscreen windowed" mode. It appears to be full screen, but is actually rendered in a window that has no border and fits the screen exactly. This has worked very well for me in other games.


Thanks for posting these great bits of info Fred. This type of stuff needs to be communicated to a wider audience IMO.

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Now they want me to create a Steam Support account so that I can ask how may days/weeks/months it's going to take to activate my Forum account.


This is insane. I wonder how long it will take them to activate my Support account so that I can put in a trouble ticket.


Ultimate insanity! I had to create three accounts (although I did use the same username/password for each one!) myself. I did receive an automated acknowledgement of my Support request within a few moments after filing it, but since then...


...utter silence. One of the MSGS folks suggested that most of the Valve employees are on their annual vacation, so that might account for the lack of response.


In addition, the reason for the manual approval is the result of the proliferation of "spambot registration scripts" that routinely create up to 10,000 new accounts every day...


...those have to be sorted through by a human and given the heave-ho or okay... :Waiting:

Fr. Bill    

AOPA Member: 07141481 AARP Member: 3209010556

     Avsim Board of Directors | Avsim Forums Moderator

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:rolleyes: I sometimes wonder about their thought processes. This was simpler than just letting people use their other monitors for other programs?


They're targeting every day regular not so bright consumers.. You know, the type. Their systray looks like a bingo card, 6 toolbars in the browser and their desktop looks like they collect icons like they're baseball cards.

ASUS ROG STRIX Z390-E GAMING / i9-9900k @ 4.7 all cores w/ NOCTUA NH-D15S / 2080ti / 32GB G.Skill 3200 RIPJAWS / 1TB Evo SSD / 500GB Evo SSD /  2x 3TB HDD / CORSAIR CRYSTAL 570X / IPSG 850W 80+ PLATINUM / Dual 4k Monitors 

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Their systray looks like a bingo card, 6 toolbars in the browser and their desktop looks like they collect icons like they're baseball cards.


I once had to work on a fellow's computer who actually unzipped every file he'd ever downloaded onto his Desktop...\


...and never bothered to clean up afterwards. Gah! What a freaking mess that was! :LMAO:


It brought back ancient memories of DOS days when many folks simply put everything into their C:\ root folder. It never occured to any of them to create Directories and Sub-directories (now called Folders and Sub-folders).

Fr. Bill    

AOPA Member: 07141481 AARP Member: 3209010556

     Avsim Board of Directors | Avsim Forums Moderator

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My wife's file organization consists of a single folder named "files".



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My wife's file organization consists of a single folder named "files".



Not even Capitilized? Horrors!


Sometimes I think I may be just a bit over-organized. I checked the other day, and between all seven of my networked computers, I had a grand total of 7,285 ..\Folders and 27,942 ..\SubFolders!!! :Worried:

Fr. Bill    

AOPA Member: 07141481 AARP Member: 3209010556

     Avsim Board of Directors | Avsim Forums Moderator

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This might be interesting for folks with High End PC's !


" We have found Flight tends to be CPU bound on higher end systems, and GPU bound on lower end systems. On higher end systems this usually manifests as the primary core being at 100% while the other cores may not be. We did a lot of work to improve the threading in Flight, but the D3D api has a reliance on the primary core, so the rendering all has to occur on that core. D3D11 offers the ability to do some work on other cores, but there is still a core set of operations that must occur on the primary one. In D3D9 everything is on the primary core. "


........".As new features are added we will optimize existing code further to offset any extra overhead from new features. The current engine is much more efficient than the previous one, but that doesn't mean there isn't any more performance to sqeeze out of it. We will constantly be looking for areas to improve performance over time. "



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These explanations and rationale you've kindly reposted, Fred, are the most helpful insights into the future of Flight that I have found to date, including all the interviews I've read. These explanations have changed my visceral feeling for this sim-game's future to feelings of hope and anticipation rather than my previous regret and frustration. I don't know why Flight's developers haven't posted information like this more publicly and sooner. As I read in this thread that Steam Flight forum is where MS Flight devs will interact with their adoring fans, I'll frequent that forum also. (I got my Steam forum approval today after a 3 day wait.) Thank you so much, Fred. You've done many of us here at Avsim Flight forum a great service. I think I'll go buy an A6M2 now.

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